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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Thinking of getting one/two of those lipo's but have read you need to be a bit more careful as they are a tighter fit - but well worth the reviews say But for time being, managed to knock up an old connector plug - mini tamiya so I can use my usual smart-charger on the cyma charger block thingy (techy term btw) so hopefully I won't run such a risk of cooking the standard battery - well hopefully
  2. you are kind of diagnosing your own problem like has been said seems it is mainly down to a dodgy batch - like my fireball .25's they feed $hit the mag could be a little more fussy as the bb's are loaded/forced into it than poured in hi-cap and finally some guns - lets be fair no two things are the exact same, could be a little bit more picky than others - a slightly tighter bore is gonna be more prone to jamming with $hit bb's than a much looser bore so to speak.... 90% of ya problems do seem to point to crap bb's I reckon so alas get some others maybe you might find a gun like a CO2 pistol that might be ok with them or see if you can return them but like those cheapo free bb's you sometimes get with low-end guns your current batch of bb's sound like they are $HIT
  3. copy paste any airsofter on ya fone there ya go coppa - that's me there in the pic yeah but he has got a mask on.... Well yeah course I have - it is feckin dangerous ya know not to wear eye protection
  4. I have 8,000 poxy bastid Fireball 0.25's the exact same.... 1 out of 3 shots you get a "Jimmy" or raspberry bb dribble out or fall 20ft short Go back to another brand - lovely consistent again. Ain't just one gun but all I have tried them in - so got a batch of duff lemon reject bb's not jammed - yet but maybe only use these in say a co2 pistol or perhaps sniper if barrel not too tight weird though you getting less.25's in mag than .20's but thinking about it if they are not true and quite irregular then I suppose unless you are Black Death & built like brick $hit house - you ain't pushing many more down there if they start to snag a lot more than the more true 0.20's - yup I'm going with that theory
  5. Not being funny but if you spent say £150 if on a FA bare bones budget or If you went complete nutz on a 1,000 budget you still will be wondering.... To be absolutely honest get the hell out there and start skirmishing a few times you could buy all this and with a few skirmishes think you may wanna sniper you could even decide it ain't for you - either hate it, not like being hit, sprain you ankle - loads of things but decide maybe it isn't what you thought it was And human nature being what it is you will never be happy & content with what you got - the grass is green or his gun looks better than yours......................... The crap me and I'm sure many many many others went out with when we started but that didn't mean we had a real brilliant time either...... Even me with B500A1 getting owned most of time but still stopped some other guy gallop with his £350+ gun using a £50 one - how pi$$ed does he feel (not much really coz $hit happens like this all the time) get out there n get shooting - hire gun £150 gun £350 gun - whatever yes if you are gonna buy something try n buy something decent etc..... but maybe try not to run before you have learned to walk so to speak
  6. it is possible I guess, there are health warnings with all flashing lights and them laser sights also need checking with site before use but if ya buddy has his Iphone with him you could also start you own airsoft rave maybe
  7. Agreed - GG or CO2 has certainly got more oomphhhh over AEP..... But they all got problems like leaky valves, not working in real cold too well As he is from Scotland - well lets face it anything over 10c is a friggin heatwave and locals have to put on sunblock so maybe AEP is perhaps not such a bad idea any backup weapon will do as long as it works when you really need it Soz to Scots, no real harm meant but does like you often get $hit end of stick sometimes with the weather up there
  8. Even better - mount a DOZEN on a lump of 4 x 2 inch wood - switch on then watch those 2 or 3 campers $hit themselves thinking...... FVCK - The whole lot of 'em are here retreat retreat FFS !!!! They won't know it's just you with a pole full of lights coz they won't be able to see and whilst you and your torch army get them startled - you team flank & own them Capture the Flag - piece of pi$$ seriously though - any good value ones out there? cot I bought some and they don't work with switch remote so now gotta source some CREE 502B torches or something
  9. there is a law going through that may demad all airsoft guns in state of California or Los Angles to be COMPLETELY feckin ORANGE by January to avoid any fatal shootings of airsofters ffs orange tip may no longer be enough: http://www.ammoland.com/2014/04/a-modern-primer-to-california-law-regarding-airsoft-guns/#axzz3BvNpRPx3 uuuhhhmmmm isn't real problem too many real firearms available too easily coz of some constitutionial right bollox - dunno how close but heard it had passed quite a few stages and nearing its final hearing/signing to become law jeeeeez sucks to live in CA/LA in new year
  10. their is a review on the Cyma Glock on here which makes good reading or ASG - same gun from £55 if UKARA'd in black http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-pistols/asg-glock-18c-electric-airsoft-pistol.htm#.U_cLsKNOgzw most AEP's will hit about 200fps but at least they are right Green Gas don't like cold weather Co2 is a bit better in cold than GG but usually to powerful - over 350fps so yeah perhaps AEP & maybe Glock is not an unwise choice read up on that review - do a searchy for it and then make up your mind or some people use a short shotgun for backup - but may not fit in holster of course tri-shot ones seem popular - firing 3 bb's at once
  11. Avoid CYMA 123 - fvcking monster of a 1911, they take standard Glock CM030 mags where as the 125 "might" have its own unique mag the 121 deffo seems to take different mags but Glock 122 & 123 use the usual cm030 mags if not a glock then maybe 122 looks like a proper 1911 type and proper safety - the 123 has a safety built into grip at back if you are gripping it - then it will fire so to speak - me no likey deffo wrong purchase on that one - again Glock is most people's favourite, just works and not a fecking deagle wannabe like my cm123 monster
  12. Not really funny but guy is tracking enemy, just as opens fire on auto, into his line of fire comes the head marshal who proceeds to rip the bollox of the poor guy - he was not happy to say the least....... Secretly though inside I was pi$$ing myself but didn't want marshal to notice But then when your mag is empty, you are fully pumped up as enemies are closing in on you, you duck behind cover, slam in another full mag into your M4 jump out coz you are gonna take as many of the bastids with you as possible do: CHECK YOU HAVE THE M4 MAG INSERTED THE RIGHT WAY UP !!!! yup I did wonder wtf I was dry firing with a feckin fresh mag in there - upside down ffs yeah I was calling $HIT $HIT $HIT that time - wot a complete bell-end
  13. wasn't that the Thatcher - the milk snatcher edition ??? soz - feel free to tidy thread as this has gone way way off course let alone off topic and politics and gaming - nah gamers don't care much about politics & boring stuff like that too busy playing and watching pron
  14. What's that then - just like original version - but with less wards & staff due to cutbacks ???
  15. I think to be fair it is part of a secret initiation thing or something..... You can't say you have say you have experience in buying airsoft stuff until you have been shafted by JBBG..... It is a thing called Wisdom - learning by your mistakes/fvck ups hence the term "wise after the event" Wisdom can ONLY be aquired from fvcking up - or watching others fvcking up so don't feel too bad about it - we all have had to learn some Airsoft Wisdom (yeah that is what I'm now calling being scammed by chubby the liar at JBBG)
  16. I've notice they seem to be in blue or green boxes rather than plain cardboard box also on their list, it says gearbox's having bearings n stuff in lower end guns too (unless you get old stock but can't see that happening on sell-out Raider's) For this reason and just getting a few more G&G's - FH Raider CM18 etc..... I think they are the dogz nutz and deffo don't feel cheap & nasty at all SRC could learn from this rather than use plastic gearbox shell with no bushings let alone bearings in there - few shots and the ar$e falls out of alignment ffs if you get a SRC Dragon or BullDog M4A1 - DON'T !!!!!! yet another bad choice from JBBG as for paint removal - most people at site won't give a stuff - is how you conduct yourself when you got have a gun in your hand - how serious you take the safety aspect etc..... not just your little ar$e safety - but more so the safety of all players/marshals at the site I'm sure there are few UKARA bell ends out there so just coz they have defense doesn't ALWAYS mean they conduct themselves properly I guess the same in all areas of life Please don't all light me up ffs - I do try to be serious when required/matters but if you got any airsoft gun in your hand - always use common fvckin sense & safety
  17. buy some gaffa tape from me - bargain £500 for this special airsoft mag tape tape the mags and they won't fall out ya pocket - just like in COD but works (provided the 2nd mag's catch don't open and you lose all bb's on floor - FAIL) so make sure the door shuts with a little click and not open easily or your cool dual mags perk will be you looking like a right berk instead or if you think 2 x 300 or 2 x 450 mags may not last then sir may I suggest: 5,000 rounds no more mags - available in windup or in posey auto wind model please note your motor/gearbox may blow before you finish the mag but if you REALLY want to lay down covering fire for team - the this will do the job indeed you u18 and some of them pig ugly full face masks might be worth considering if 2 piece googles n lower face guard has any big gaps showing marshals may say nope not good enough if too much skin on display. Also I was glad at a cqb site recently, some guy sprinted up all die hard got to side cover/corner and fired at me - great shot but fvck me right at side of my jaw crack it went - could feel the bb at about 7ft through the mask.... fvck me wot is this $hit about aiming for body first ffs - no $hit - on my kids life yeah that ugly mask saved my handsome mush from a pounding that day right on corner of mask/jaw line - can still hear the crack it made - mad fvcker
  18. Not bothered with any real loadout just yet but I never look good in anything really might buy a really really expensive all black ninja mofo loadout then go play midnight skirmishes so nobody can see my expsensive loadout (that would be black jeans & black sweater/hoodie btw but you'd never know) should get some rig n sling perhaps but I will always have that scruffy messed up "just dragged through a hedge backwards" style whatever I wear I guess
  19. Don't take life too seriously, yes at work I gotta do my job properly but we can still have a laugh unless we are under it so to speak - then we have to do what it takes but mostly we still can't cut corners I take work serious - really do my best there coz I'm being paid to be be so good like all of us there BUT I am an old fart, had my fair share of $hit hitting the fan n stuff - lost loved ones and heard some even wose $hit happening to other friends - that kind of puts it all into context when things ain't always going your way or how you would like it to. Myself included often forget how fortunate we are but moan anyway..... Don't be afraid to have a dig at yourself from time to time - you alone are your best critic and know that you have your own faults & imperfections - I don't need a shrink to analyze me back to my childhood - very very longtime ago, and blame my upbringing/parents/family enviroment wasn't loved as a child n crap I know I got problems (apart from babbling way too much), I got problems ffs - that is why they are called: MY PROBLEMS so I just get on with it like we all have to do in the end.... Humour or me always going off-topic - well often you may as well try to have a laugh whilst we ride through the world - getting stressed just don't work, but there is a balance like I explained and a time to mess about If you wanna pi$$ your boss/teachers off a lot after they just had a go at you - SMILE - jeez that really pi$$es them off - but be careful you don't get slapped in process. Hopefully we remember the moments that make us laugh a bit more than ones that make us cry Sorry for derailing thread - once again, but too many people take life way way way too seriously yup I am a grumpy bastid too at times, but I come on forums to chill, and maybe learn/share some stuff I don't come on here to have goes at people or have to defend myself - can't be ar$ed with rowing and online ego crap - but I do bite back if caught on wrong day like us all I suppose soz once again - fanx to all members on here who put up with me & my lame ar$e stupid ways if I annoy anyone - soz but pm me & I reduce the crap I post peace
  20. I'd like to own a Polarstar for a short while to see what the fuss is all about.... Then knock up some crude DIY system of my own fitted to JBBG for a laugh Yup I reckon it should take too much to knock up and rip piston/spring out keep most of old gearbox - tappet plate etc for loading bb's - delay added Already spoke to a guy who makes pcb's n stuff I buy from, what is required is a basic adjustable pattern controller to controller the burst and rate of fire all in milliseconds - probably could knock a crude one up using a picaxe chip and use npn mosfets like I've done in past to activate solenoid valves.... Mac Solenoid valves like used in some paintball gun upgrades heck even rip a paintball gun apart and convert - not rocket science But - to me it isn't real airsoft with the marvelous bit of engineering like in the regular gearbox's n stuff creating the force to propel the bb, All those gears/springs that just miss each other - an amazing invention ok not nuclear fusion but clever stuff all the same Polarstar on reg skirmish - nah be like going out on a football pitch for a little kick about and finding out German World Cup team is your opponents ffs I like it the way it is - I struggle to stay alive atm let alone get raped by other team running with bling'd out Polarstar's - avoid Edgware Road Skirmishing then
  21. wot - whole ris or ris covers ??? bummer to strip off - ahem dodgy ground painting but if I was paying for 2 tone I want to know exactly what is sprayed or I will go to somebody else where I might be told/discuss what gets painted etc..... eg: ooh sir that is only 49.5% orange/green/blue - yeah well paint the friggin flash hider you leave the receivers alone, paint the sights as well if ya want well I don't know about that sir you having a laugh what you charging me £10, £15, £20 to blow over just a bit of plastic - ok no worries I will maybe go elsewhere or buy another gun from somwhere else instead well it is a lot of messing about.... well move over m8 I'll bloomin' remove them if you can't, you plonk on table, spish spish n refit when dry - not advance nasa rocket science is it ??? all down to if they really want money/business really - yes easier all round to get UKARA but then the retailer has to decide if they want to go extra mile for customer service or allow somebody else to gain that sale - and perhaps repeat business from new player no biggie but like I said different places will paint different areas to get near 51% some peoples 51% is different to others but even if whole ris is sprayed you could just remove and ahem customise it - buyers risk btw
  22. not gonna bother getting into a row about this but could find lots of guns with 2 tone ris covers but black black ris my src is one example - remove ris covers = black front end orange pistol grip and crane stock etc... truth is we will never know unless somebody allready bought a CM18 in 2-tone unless you ask and to be fair not all places will paint same stuff it is down to their peception and decision in the end but I did say enquire/ring/txt/message/email etc.....
  23. think the orange tip makes it look more masculine - lol
  24. well think about this: and this is one I have btw: http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=9133 CM18 - they paint all brown stuff green eg: on mine they could paint brown ris covers, crane stock, pistol grip and mag if they like now remove ris covers, you not gonna really use or worry about mag as it is 120rnd so hi-cap replace painted crane with stubby fixed so no messing with nunchuck/stick batteries pistol grip - well you can replace if you wish but you won't see that much green on it anyway pure speculation that they 2-tone this way but could email them about it different looking gun - easy to change when UKARA'd without painting drop down dust cover to adjust hop-up and the sights - hmmm not sure they might paint them and you could strip back - but nice gun for £150ish - bit different to Raider/Carbine but then up to buyer what they get in the end. Mine is going on her first outing tommorow but don't care what others might think about it I like it and bought it elsewhere cheaper than zero one if owner likes it then forget what others may think is what I always say
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