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team flex

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Everything posted by team flex

  1. i heard it was just after i bought it however IMO it looks nicer and does the job so I am happy
  2. yep that one should work. not to hijack thread just a super quick question. is it true the turnigy accucel digital 6 (the £40 one) is a clone of the imax b6?
  3. how much money do you have to spend? what charger are you going to buy. Basically, I bought a turnigy accucel digital 6 without powersupply and used my laptop charger however my laptop charger is one that has all these different connectors. Will find it for you and edit it in EDIT: http://www.trust.com/en/all-products/17566-90w-laptop-charger--black thats it, for my power supply all I needed was the standard connector that you could use to connect the other connectors on to. Its good because it doesn't get very hot and you can adjust the voltage.
  4. if you charge it up again does it happen again? also, when you plug the battery in after how much charge has left the battery?
  5. ok, now I feel lazy . I thought it stood for something XD thanks
  6. i may be missing something but what is RSOV?
  7. well if i see that scar pop up on the sales forum, won't be buying it surely you shouldn't have told us
  8. here, this was the video i was talking about.
  9. yeah what I meant was the weight of the bbs stopping the midcap from pushing them up. bingo works airsoft did a comparison with .20 and i think .30 and the .3 didn't come out nearly as fast. Also heard misfeeding to be a big problem with high rof but it wouldn't for me because I would be using burst a lot.
  10. haha my phone is crap, if I rely on autocorrect it will change the sentence. when you say it was wired for lipos, do you mean connection as in mini tamiya? or front/back wired?
  11. damn it forgot to ask the other question. I now look like a bit of a twat, but I was wondering for .28-.30 what midcaps can take the strain and feed well with these? and which are the best mid caps in general to use for high rof and for feeding? thanks and sorry again
  12. sorry for all the questions, but noobs got questions that need answering. in say a 350 fps gun what weight be best, .28 or .30 . and how do .28s compare to .3? thanks
  13. so say for a TM 5-7, how much damage will the slide go through on 144a gas, and how easily will it break?
  14. 350 fps for most sites. 328 for cqb (indoors). thats for aegs with full auto btw. The guns i said in the above are all in that bracket...
  15. 260 for gun. 50 for clothing. 60 for eye protection and extra accesories. Get a G&P gun/ G&G t4-18 gen 2 (without mosfet) buy standard mtp clothing or multicam at your local surplus store for cheap along with boots that fit. Perhaps get a cheap webbing as well that can hold a few mags. Buy good Bolles etc for say £20 if over 16 and don't need full face. Then buy some cheap mags maybe 3 mids and 1 hi cap and you are ready to skirmish.
  16. finius, that would be a really good idea IMO if you pinned the quick questions and re-lit that thread. It would be helpful to everyone I reckon. Also, does anyone know the answer to my question in terms of high ROF midcaps and midcaps that can feed .30 gram bbs. Also what is the difference in accuracy between .28 and .30 and is it worth it?
  17. exactly what I said i was going to do. If there was someone at my site who wasn't happy about it and told me I wouldn't do it but as they are all fine with it It is what I plan to do. It is not dangering anyone as I am in a safe environment and so I can't realistically see how it is breaking the law
  18. stretch your budget/ save up a bit more imo
  19. well it is perfectly legal so yes, if your dad had a UKARA that should be allowed. People would probably ask you about it.
  20. yes it would, hes technically selling you the RIF which is illegal, but no one would know, and plenty of people do it but some people might feel unhappy about it. Its your choice and your call.
  21. yeah, I made the mistake of buying two tone. I was hoping my dad would get a ukara defence. well that fell through the roof you could say.
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