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team flex

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Everything posted by team flex

  1. saw this earlier this month, but now i have watched it. AMerica seems to have some people that really need to sort their anger management, like wtf!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EvilMonkee


      What is more relevant is hte prat whose son was attacked shows zero concern for his injured son (who was to blame for the whole thing) and runs around like a cock trying to fight everyone.

    3. team flex

      team flex

      yes, I know, pretty ridiculous

    4. Lord_Metile


      This video was made so that the government have a reason to initiate martial law, then they're going to kill all non Obama supporters. TL:DR Vote UKIP for a free mug.

  2. anyone want to play tf2 tonight?

  3. did you buy the rail from LWA or import from america? Very nice gun, impressive as always
  4. yes, when I was selling virtual gold, I had someone charge back for £2... no joke. Sorry for you man, try and message one of the mods, maybe they will lock his threads and you can talk before he scams anyone else
  5. I just filled in the form, no lying and then printed it off and sent it off. Arrived with the owner in very good condition, I am very happy with parcelforce
  6. yes they are, and importing would cost too haha, but if you have the money, sure looks worth it
  7. http://tnkguns.com/daytona-fal/ I have no idea, maybe email them and ask them
  8. I have seen pranks and things like this get gradually worse and worse. There are ones with chainsaws in loos, and they aren't funny. One of the worst I saw was someone "pretending to steal a car" and then uploading. He got in a strangers car and drove off, which is also known as stealing, but it was a prank so it was OK. And now this. WTF? this isn't funny, why would you do it?
  9. gym music tbh, but I believe anything with a good regular beat is what you need
  10. my cm16 feed flawlessly with any magazines from cyma to ICS
  11. welcome to the forums mate, hope you have fun with airsoft and keep it as a hobby
  12. yes, as others said. have you given it some force? I always thought that as well but recently when building my PC some of the screws weren't very good quality and would only really move with a lot of force, as well as they felt like they were cross threading but it was just the cheap screws that were actually fine. If it is stripped, how will you get it out?
  13. generally, widebores are used w/ hpa and gas guns from what I know. Promy barrels are very good as well AFAIK
  14. I would recommend .25s, I was using .20s and the increase in range was quite noticeable, and the BB speed will not slow down much, so for me .25s are a no brainer. Devil blasters have always treated me well, and you can find a bottle of 3000 for 8 quid on ebay, don't know about the prices now though. Generally, most should be ok but bulldogs aren't, and devil blasters are some of the best.
  15. just what we needed just joining if that is ok
  16. right guys, lets make this happen... is anyone available for tf2 tomorrow, I have been playing quite a lot recently
  17. yes, the americans favour the JG's and i think we favour the G&G, it is more mainstream here, however it is a very upgradeable platform. As samurai said, check the fuse, if you have another battery use that.
  18. I am not creating it . they are paying tens of thousands for a website to be professionally designed and wanted some feedback so I came here. Tell you what, if I was creating it I would have a big collection of airsoft guns atm thanks for the help yes of course, they are deciding on a colour scheme and I take your point, thanks a lot. A good layout should also be there. As for paypal, they aren't actually, but for stripe https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=stripe&rlz=1C1MSIM_enGB628GB628&oq=stripe&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.1697j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 I think you will find many people who buy equistrian put it all an a card, and also I am told paypal takes a very big slice of the money, and is a very expensive option. Thanks for your support!
  19. yes that and a lot of advertising i imagine gets them to the point they are at :/
  20. Hi there guys, I was wondering on some feedback, because My mum owns an equestrian shop which is quite big, however they are looking forward and believe (I think so to) that at the end of the day the internet is a huge opportunity which they are currently missing out on. So my question is, what do you look for in a website? Anything could be possible, because they are heavily investing, and I thought no harm would be done in getting some feedback on the forums, after all it doesn't matter what the topic is about, a professional website is a professional website, so if you could please help me out and list some things e.g. Easy layout Multiple payment options FAQ'S easy contact etc etc thanks for the help guys, means a lot P.S I am not doing the website so don't worry, anything is possible
  21. do you have a youtube channel? would love to see some of the footage from that contour roam 2
  22. never heard of it sorry I am on tf2 now if people want to play, will be on CS later
  23. i may be able to as well, currently on TF2
  24. ok nice, you around about lunchtime, so maybe just after 1pm or so
  25. this seems to have died out quite quickly, anyone up for some CS GO today? E.G tomorrow but its 1:45 am, you know what I mean. I have to warn you that I have played about 6 games, but i'm getting better so i generally play casual, quite good fun
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