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team flex

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Everything posted by team flex

  1. right to update: done the hard drive, connected pretty much everything into the psu, so now all the mini circuit boards on the case have power. I think everything else has power as well, there should be a number of connectors that don't have anything in it? i think e.g sys fan 1 and 2 etc won't be in use as the case has a mini circuit board which is plugged in, although I have one connector which I have no idea about. will edit it in,
  2. so some time back, maybe last week or two weeks back 1 or 2 newer members listed their guns and then promptly posted a status update saying they had etc. that is what I have noticed, correct me if I am wrong
  3. I don't think so, that's not what the status update place is for, and so people shouldn't be allowed to advertise there. Just my take
  4. right time for bed, just done some cable management. I have to do - tomorrow will add the hard drive, connect everything then check everything, and do some research making sure everything is right, and then hopefully thursday the ram will come and I can fire her up and get the os installed, and then do some gaming
  5. tbh they will mainly be hpa, much cheaper to run and means that you can be more trigger happy, although I don't know the exact price I was going to get a P* so did some research into them. The main reason to get this over a P* or whatever would mainly be the feedback, it has a bolt carrier etc so you will get the kick of a gbbr but not limited to 30 round magazines, it seems like a very good idea but I have no idea as to how well it works in practise, although time will tell
  6. thats the one xD, just realised the connector has been sitting in the msi mobo box. FUUUUUUUU that makes life a bit easier. So i am just connecting the gpu up, then will do molex connector, and then off to bed. I have spent a good 4 hours on this lol, too tired now
  7. have done, nothing in there really, apart from the fact it is 100 pages thick XD. right so its like folex or whatever, connects the NZXT mini circuits, will do it tomorrow. Added the psu and now doing GPU, will finish tomorrow but have to wait till thursday/friday for the ram to arrive
  8. I have everything everywhere as well, cba to take a picture but will do tomorrow, , literally leaning on my psu cables whilst typing, got my psu sitting next to me with the box of the hyper 212, and then the gpu box on the floor, cpu box god knows where, cable ties and screws and everything. Oh yeah and the thermal paste sitting there as well lol really quite messy lol
  9. Yep, still sitting here scratching my head. So, I have done cpu, cpu cooler, added to case, then connected all of the case things except for 2 things that I cannot workout where they go. Still, will take a picture tomorrow. I know one of them is a direct audio power thing but idk where the F*ck it goes lol. Will just add the gpu tonight I think, or maybe psu or both, idk we will see
  10. everything has come bar the ram ffs, that might come on thursday or friday so having to wait until then to actually use the PC. shame, just because 1 person lied about 1 day dispatch
  11. all my parts have arrived bar the ram and hard drive, will update and build it all later :D looking forward

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. padraigthesniper


      don't forget to download 64gb of ram

    3. team flex

      team flex

      i have seen those kinds of videos xD


    4. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      I used downloadmoreram.com to upgrade my computer for free too! Just remember to rename the C:\Windows\System32 folder if you want to download more than 32GB (I changed mine to "System128" and can now fit 128gb of free RAM!!!

  12. so the case and the cpu have arrived, also expecting more today, will add when i get them. WARNING YOU NOW, THERE ARE A LOT OF PICTURES BELOW! Will add my thoughts on them so far later ] sorry for shaky photo sorry for the blurred picture, camera was playing up/ I can't take photos xD
  13. for sure what lozart said, some shops might do custom guns but you will be paying a lot. I guess a route could be the G&G SR25, although you would be looking at upgrades internally to get it shooting at DMR spec fps, and a scope and a bipod and then maybe upgrade the barrel. it's not an easy thing to make, however if you can do some modding you should be fine. It will be quite expensive and maybe more than £350 depending on how much you can buy the base gun for...
  14. thought I would show off my mate's vsr, as I took some ok photos but never bothered to upload them so here they are. He spent a lot on the vsr upgrading the internals to aspuk etc, you know the deal
  15. yeah just wait a bit, also please note that it's only worth what people will pay for it. I thought my gun as well as a load of accessories was worth much more than i sold it for, but it took 2 weeks and i bumped the price down a bit, clearly not what other people believed it was worth.
  16. haha no problems, I now know more on my mouse than i did before so useful for me xD, can do some research, but if the deathstalker is the keyboard then I would suggest not getting it, due to the cheap switches they use
  17. i think the best bet would be to get what I have. Just done some research and it turns out that razer was probably making mice better back years ago than they do now. http://www.overclock.net/t/1128321/the-deathadder-megathread best to read this thread about the 3.5g also note this thread https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=56240.0 no acceleration or prediction blah blah, you will notice it, hop inot cod advanced warfare (auto acceleration) and you will be sick lol so the sensor is: Avago ADNS S3888 googling that shows that it is flawless, meaning no jittering so a good sensor in other words. I believe that pretty much razer's old mice are better quality, last longer as well and are really cheap now. https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=razer+deathadder+3500dpi&tbm=shop you just have to be careful, i think if you get really cheap OEM's then synapse cannot be used meaning like no software to configure your mouse, although synapse is sometimes annoying it is quite useful for changing settings. EDIT: oh yeah, basically the new razer deathadders have updated sensors for more DPI but they haven't really changed anything else so the older versions have nice sensors, my mouse is really on point and feels great. 3500 dpi is perfect for me as well, I cba to pay like double the price for more colour changes than just blue (RGB) and 10,000dpi when 3500 is adequate for me
  18. hmmm, looks like this one? http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/accessories/r-i-s-r-a-s/army-force-10inch-meu-handguard-1.html#.VOEf9PmsVgg
  19. something like this? I know it's quite expensive but i didn't look for long, could probably find one just give me a minute and will look http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LaRue-Airsoft-M4-Freefloat-RIS-Rail-7-180mm-Full-Metal-Handguard-UK-Seller-/261732453896?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3cf0784e08
  20. yeah, well whenever I get £300 to spend on a monitor i guess I will be able to play at 144hz then, but I will be waiting a few months. Can't wait to build my pc, it should all come by thursday and then I will either build on wednesday or thursday depending on when it comes
  21. now I have to regretfully inform you that, spending so much on a PC has meant that I have to use a sony bravia 40 inch tv as a monitor for the time being. The problem being it has a refresh rate of 50hz LOL. So I basically spent £1k on a pc and could get the same result from a £400 pc, but I will save up to get a 144hz monitor, hopefully at the end of the year. How will I notice 50 fps cap? (do I even english xD)
  22. yeah, well I guess our sky package was never upgraded, lol we are probably paying near the price of a fibre optic package, just sky are crap around our area. Well, that means no streaming for me then lol. Ok, thanks for the info. I thought wireless was worse in many ways, although I haven't seen much difference when using wired
  23. I'm 15 here as well. I think the thing is to practise. I know it sounds stupid, but just get a few mates over and try and play some proper rush gameplay (not CoD rush) and have fun. You will start to get the hang of knowing what to do, and above all else you will be having great fun. I find some of the older guys who spend thousands on their kit but are still sh*t at the sport, just take it. Just get a gun, then start tuning. Above all, shoot them a few extra times when you hit them (joking of course) seriously though, I find the most fun is where you are up at the front, shooting as many as possible.
  24. yeah, worries me slightly when i see most streamers have like 100mbps download and 10mbps upload, still takes me like 6 hours to download tf2 using wireless, that might be where I am going wrong though lol
  25. right got the wired internet working, quite marvellous considering its 3 floors up from the router, I am getting 39 ping and 9.29mbps download and 0.86 upload. how do these fare?
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