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Everything posted by Happy

  1. Hmm a possibility, they retail for what £90? May have to invest in one
  2. I prefer black revolvers to be pure black. Just looks more badass
  3. Here's my Tokyo Marui High Cycle AUG in all it's tacticool glory: Eventually intend to make it better at longer range engagements since it dominates in CQB. Stock internals at the moment, though I intend to run a slightly longer tight bore through it as the end of the inner barrel sits a good inch or so back from the tip of the flash hider. Maybe I'll go the whole hog and run a bigger barrel through a mock suppressor. Hop up is already really good on this so will be unlikely to change that.
  4. Or better yet buy two and scope both of then haha
  5. Wolf Armouries stock a fair few: http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/category.asp?page=category&id=126
  6. Ah I forgot the Tanaka, thanks frizzle for reminding us all. If you have the chance, get one. Seriously.
  7. Considering how big you are mate, I'm not surprised you get lit up quite badly - you've got the "intimidation" look going BEFORE you pick up a weapon
  8. Welcome to the site mate!
  9. Only had issues with drop leg platforms when they are not properly fitted. My own was a cheap £6 one off eBay that seems to fit everything except my mk23.
  10. For reloads with the ASG you could get this: http://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/ASG-Dan-Wesson-Magazine-Speed-Loader-And-Shells-6mm_AUSOL.aspx If you're interested in a TM I have one for sale here: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/21245-tokyo-marui-m19-6-revolver-black/#entry148061
  11. Multicam trousers and a condor chest rig off eBay. Actually worked out cheaper buying them in America for some reason (£40 incl. shipping). Edit: Oh and a Kryptek "Highlander" pattern helmet cover. Still to buy: parts to fix my car, food and some new work boots. I have my priorities right you see
  12. Just don't post it on a proper Vietnam airsoft forum as you'll get lynched Other than that it looks good, you just need another bandolier of fake bullets across the other shoulder to look truly badass haha
  13. Pretty much they are. But really revolvers are more of a novelty weapon due to their lower capacities - 24 shots with no reload option unless you're patient/quick enough to do it in the middle of a firefight. Most revolvers (the TM being an exception) will need modding to downgrade their FPS anyway. But don let that deter you - they're a lot of fun to use
  14. Doesn't appeal to me on paper, but I haven't been to one so will judge it if I ever go to a couple. Like Black Death said, I can see why some like it and others don't. But saluting and ranks? That's very sad.
  15. Would have but my cars in the garage at the minute and I hate using public transport to get to skirmishes. Sitting on a bus in camo usually gets you dodgy looks haha Why I'm sad the embassy closed - my mate lived round the corner so I could park at his and walk there.
  16. Ris mounted bipod and laser off a bloke on eBay for £20 next day delivery so I can finish making my AUG look even more tacticool haha
  17. Will be easier to shift/price if we could get the barest details about them - make, model and condition being the key three really
  18. I'll admit I'm guilty of this, but only when no one seems willing to push forward - even if they're on unlimited respawn.
  19. Marshals at The Embassy usually end the day with a Rorkes Drift style game. 8 brave idiots defending the kill house whilst everyone else (close to 40 people) assault them across open ground with scant cover. Is a lot of fun as the defenders have instant medic and keep playing till they don't want to anymore/time runs out.
  20. Would love to play a game in an airplane graveyard - especially with access to the planes themselves. Intense CQB with some areas of mid range combat - would be a beast of a map to play.
  21. Depends how confident you are. There are a ton of guides online like I said. First gun I'd get a pro to do it so you don't accidentally break it. Then when you get your first shiny black gun you can use the g36c as a practice area. I've never taken a g36c apart personally so can't say how easy they are for beginners.
  22. Unless it's along the lines of "just stand in front of me a moment" haha
  23. And the let down... I was expecting something more dramatic like they were being investigated for fraud or some such.
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