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Happy last won the day on April 17 2015

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    E&L AK104B. TM MK23. Well MB02. ASG CZ75. ASG Trishot Shotgun.
  • Loadouts
    Russian VDV 45th Recon. S.T.A.L.K.E.R./Metro 2033/Post apocalyptic.
  • Sites
    MAW, Melton Mowbray. The Gaol, Oakham.
  • Gender
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  1. Recent purchases: Kombat UK Spartan Plate Carrier (Black) Quick mag open top m4 pouch (Black) Shotgun 12 shell pouch (Black) Double Eagle Shotgun shells (6 pack) Bottle of ASG Blasters 0.2g Building a new CQB plate carrier for my shotgun loadout. Should really be saving up for a new car but I'm really tempted to buy one of the ASG CZ 75 SP-01 Shadows after shooting one at my mate's house the other day. Very accurate little thing.
  2. Czech helmet cover - £4.90 off eBay Fobus dual magazine paddle holster for CZ 75 ~£19 off eBay
  3. 350 fps... So basically it's a regular AEG with a scope?
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Most of my guns don't stay stock for long so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle (for me) to get it shooting beautifully.
  5. ASG SVD-S (Spring) - £118 from Gunfire.pl Bought using the money I saved on my car insurance. Added bonus I don't have to justify buying it like I did with my ex last year haha
  6. MFH Boonie Hat in Czech vz95 - £8.99 Czech flag patch - £3.99 "My favourite time is quiet time" patch - £3.99 proffrink's vsr stock - £20 Czech hat and patch is for my Czech special forces loadout. Cannot wait till ASG release their CZ Bren 805 at some point - especially with it being compatible with M4 mags with the changable mag well. Quiet time patch because I love my mk23 so the patch seemed appropriate. VSR stock because I broke mine haha
  7. AGM MP003 and three extra mags from Gunfire. About £30 all told with postage. Just needed another shotgun in my arsenal that doesn't have the heavy pump of a trishot yet is just as reliable. By all accounts this is a surprisingly good gun for the price so thought it was worth a go - especially at just £15 for the gun.
  8. As a local player (Loughborough) I can whole heartedly recommend The Gaol in Oakham and MAW in Melton Mowbray. Cracking sites and on completely different ends of the game site spectrum with The Gaol being CQB and MAW being woodland. I tend to play more at The Gaol - mostly their Wednesday night games due to work - but hit me up with a message if you're heading down.
  9. Yours truly representing the Bolsheviks at The Gaol, Oakham (27/03/16):
  10. One of my favourite sites. Well ran and the regulars are a friendly bunch. Just make sure you take a torch and full face protection with you - some very dark areas and very close engagement distances
  11. Love those SL8 paint jobs - particularly the Mass Effect one (huge fan of the series).
  12. This. I snipe a lot, but the ghillie only comes out for milsims or similar games where I'm playing that role. Most of the time regular camo combined with a well made ghillie hood is enough to break up your head/shoulder outline yet provide adequate cover. So long as you use a camo that somewhat matches your environment - anyone who uses "urban camo" at a woodland site deserves everything that happens to them
  13. Yes for CQB, no for woodland. Purely down to engagement distances for me. I prefer the comfort of a hat/bandana for woodland where I'll usually be shot from further away.
  14. Rebel Tactical Custom MK23 retention holster. 3D printed scope/torch mount for my MK23. 2 x double AK mag pouches for my Smersh rig. Russian paratroopers/VDV jump helmet. The MK23 stuff is to round off my pistol night/sniper secondary kit that I have on my molle belt. The AK pouches and jump helmet are to update my VDV 45th Recon loadout impression.
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