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Everything posted by EvilMonkee

  1. The two holes dont normally align, the trigger basically pushes the smaller one up to align with the bigger hole. The striker is an arrow head shape that sits in the bigger hole and is held back by this non alignment. Pull the trigger, aligns, bang. The issue arises when the two pieces break or one of them does. Then you have a dead, hard to fix gun unless you get something made. The issue even with the replacement steel piece is that the hole is too big for a gas striker, so I had a plug made for the hole with another hole bored into it of the correct size. Probably the most solid Mosin out there, wish I hadn't sold it now... The interesting thing with this rifle is that I *think* it should be possible to mate the Wingun CO2 version lower receiver with the PPS hop unit which would solve the flaws inherent in both
  2. Yep thats the piece. It is only for the spring version, it wont fit the gas version. I bought it for the gas version I had and had to have the workshop at work fashion a plug for the hole as it was too big. It holds the striker back, 100% NOT a spring guide, the trigger basically lifts the smaller piece allowing the striker to fall forward through both holes. Weird design
  3. Gunfire have them for a lot cheaper
  4. PPS K98k is excellent but pricey. The Snow Wolf K98k I have but haven't ran it yet, seems decent enough. Snow Wolf/S&T are doing a Mosin at some point soon. The PPS Mosin comes in both gas and spring and are ok-ish. The trigger sears are made of cheese though and its 50/50 if they break or not. Best option I would say is the Snow Wolf K98k. Or........the S&T MP18 if you can find one.
  5. I have zero clue who the big custom HPA shops are in the UK...can you elaborate? Thanks
  6. So Wolverine Hydra the only solution?
  7. I think the best course of action is to take it to HP Airsoft and see what they can do with it, its not a long way from me
  8. I have been considering replacing the internals of my RPD with an HPA system as quite simply I cannot get it to shoot how I like, and whilst I dislike HPA it kind of makes sense for a support weapon that is only used in themed games. So, with that in mind, who stocks said items in the UK and what would I need to be looking at to get it working? Any recommendation of a particular engine? Bear in mind that the RPD gearbox is not a standard gearbox.
  9. EvilMonkee


    I just got into DCS, flying on the Engima Cold War server, callsign Evil 1-1 if anyone is around. Brilliant server
  10. He is the same scalper who posted this beauty from a few pages back..... I guess - 'Put together from random parts, I am now asking a very reasonable £450'
  11. Agreed, never volunteer any information when speaking to the Police.
  12. £225 with no furniture AND its broken? Where do I sign?
  13. Why did you have to butcher it and shorten it? If it was stock I would have bought it.....
  14. Firstly, I really doubt they would do that. Secondly, its not an offence to possess a RIF nor do you need to prove you are an airsofter. The offence is to buy one without a defence, which as we all know doesn't necessarily automatically mean UKARA, its just the most used method. Thirdly, (and being an ex cop myself) I can assure you that the Police have a lot better things to do than respond to a call like that.
  15. I wouldn't bother. You have your toys, they can fuck off frankly. Same if they ask for extra money. Sorry chum you had your chance. Further evidence of UPS inability to organise a work event in their own back garden....
  16. What UPS service option was it from Gunfire? It would be interesting to see if it is the exception or the rule now as there are some bits I would fancy on there.
  17. Taiwangun listing them at £243 not incl tax and shipping. Still will work out cheaper than DCA. Minor problem is they STILL aren't shipping to the UK
  18. 1 word. Cashflow. They get to make it look to the bank that there is money coming into the business. Personally, I would start looking for another job if I worked there, the signs aren't good.
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