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  • Guns
    CYMA 039U - Tactical AK47
    CYMA 030 - Glock 18c
    ASG Sten Mk2
    ASG Dan Wesson 4"
    TM M870
  • Loadouts
    WW2 British Airborne
  • Sites
    Players Of War - Bonnybridge
    The Fort - Fife
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  1. i bought a dan wesson 4 inch as there wasnt a webley! Must buy!
  2. They are prescription glasses.
  3. I bought these: http://www.bolle-safety.com/plastic-spectacles/twister-twister Well worth the cost.
  4. I have used this pistol for over a year and its never let me down. If you setup the hop just right it does get a good distance.
  5. i have changed the one on my Cyma 039u with a random non cyma one and it worked fine. I cant remember what brand it was now though.
  6. All the AK fire selectors are pretty much the same, so I wouldnt see a reason why it wouldnt fit.
  7. Anyone knows how reliable any M93R is? Looking for something different

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. evilfree


      Yeah want a gas one.


    3. Lozart


      The KWA one is nice. Had a go with a mates one. Brilliant fun!

    4. Caliber


      Tried ordering a gas one from Wolf Armouries a while back (can't remember the manufacturer, however), though it was broken out of the box when they went to two-tone it. So be a bit careful incase you run into the same problem. I wish I remembered the manufacturer, I have a feeling it was WE,but don't take my word for it.

  8. Rooivalk Shirt, Rooivalk Trousers Roovialk MP5 Vest (Begadi) TM M870 (This weekend)
  9. Tax man decided to give me money back, looks like I am getting a TM M870 this weekend \o/

    1. DX115FALCON


      Take it along to the Fortress! everyone WILL hate you if you do :D

    2. evilfree


      Once the weather gets a bit more sh*t I will be going to the fortress. Will be using it at POW this weekend!

  10. I can get 100 shots from my Dan Wesson before changing. I leave them at the safe zone as you can switch them between games if required.
  11. Ive been using springs from RSOV for my sten/mp40 mags. Works well!
  12. Airsoft World Ltd. 4 Main Street, Crossgates Cowdenbeath, Fife KY4 8AJ
  13. Contact details for Beth are 07767 203979. If your going to Airsoft World they know Beth and Ernie so they may give them a call to verify who you are.
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