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Posts posted by bornleverpuller

  1. I think another reason why I'm more willing to ask for advice on here is because I've never received good customer service in airsoft shop. Either the people working there are too busy talking to their mates, lack basic customer service skills or don't actually have much knowledge. I once went in the small airsoft shop in derby asked if they sold BFG' s the reply was 'what's one if them?'

  2. Problem is airsofting is a niche market. There aren't enough good quality shops around the country for us and you get much better ideas on here than from a website.


    As for the comments about kids it reminds me of that Socrates/ Plato quote about the youth of today being disrespectful and lazy, it's been the same for 3000 years every one thinks the new generation has it better than the old. I've been a teacher for almost a decade. Kids today are the same as when I started teaching same as when I was at school and listening to my dad and his mates same as they were forty years ago.

  3. did you maybe think he never knew that? It's easy to miss stuff in the briefing and at other sites you would be the one in the wrong for emptying a mag into him and that just makes you the arsehole. It's only a game no point being a bitch about it.

    at every site he'd be in the wrong with the reaction. Last Sunday even though it had been said in the briefing that a grenade clears a room a player continued to shoot at me and I explained the rule again and he trooped off to the regen.
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