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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. Agreed, the rebel force in the milsim could do with four such freedom fighters to take on the dictator and his fascist army !
  2. Not dealt with them, but I see it like this. I work hard for my money - spending it is supposed to be a pleasure. If I don't enjoy the transaction because the supplier is rude or makes me do all the work, I wont buy from them again. Doesn't matter how good they are or how wonderful their products are.
  3. Welcome from another AWA player
  4. You can pitch your tent and leave it in there. The players personal tents are kept out of the game.
  5. Theres a few more toys coming like laser designators. Working on doing something with mortars. You should come and play.
  6. One that will go boom with the assistance of pyro when the shells land and it has a much better range than the grenade launcher on my HK416.
  7. Firstly, I don't care what people think about me wearing cam cream. Secondly, they're entitled to their opinion, but Im not interested in it. If I wanted to CAM up, then I would. It definitely has a benefit. In woodland, the first things I spot through optics are movement and white shiny faces amongst the greenery. The question is whether its worth the trouble for a skirmish. If I were doing a longer game like a milsim, then I might well do it to gain a tactical edge, but applying it and removing it is time consuming. Stripes can be effective to disrupt the recognisable facial contours - easy than using the full colour cream.
  8. The MPF have been equipped with 20mm weapons armed with HE shells by an unknown overseas benefactor. The Special Forces and Moldistan Army are going to have their work cut out for them. I will post a pic when i can.. ETA and taken straight from the page INTEL - We have heard that the MPF have received a consignment of 20mm assault HE launchers that fire 20mm HE and AP shells, from an overseas benefactor. Plenty boom boom for the SOF and Moldistan Defence Force soldiers..The launchers are believed to be South African in origin and an updated version of the Denel PAW-20 Grenade Launcher. The new type fires 6 x 20x42mm High Explosive rounds.
  9. Good to hear. Yes Ive also heard good things about them and they are within driving distance of me. PAS are good but driving there and parking is not so easy. I was saying only yesterday how I could do with popping down there for some bits.
  10. Taken from the Okto Eight Milsim Facebook page tonight: The Peoples Front of Moldistan need your help to fight tyranny in our homeland. We are well supported in terms of equipment and we have been given plentiful supplies of Morphine and battlefield medicines to help us in our struggle. If you join our MPF army between now and the booking close date and fight all weekend for us, we will give you a free reusable Morphine autojet for your personal use. This will prolong your ability to fight for the cause... Colonel Lukashenka - Moldistan Peoples Front
  11. Thanks to that seller, Im all set to be a Chinese pilot with MIG pressurised flying suit, wielding an AK and wearing green PLA pumps.
  12. The Boar knives that you've found are nice. Good choice of handles. I was interested to see that the law allows you to carry a knife if you do reenactments ? Could that be read as you could wear a real knife as a prop at Airsoft milsims ? Cant see that it would be necessary and I have my Cold Steel trainers, but just curious.
  13. Theres a Chinese seller on Ebay called WW2 and they do some brilliant Chinese PLA kit including the webbing.
  14. Oh yes, sorry, just googled it quickly. Try this site http://www.uk-legal-knives.com/folding-work-knives-77-c.asp Otherwise have you looked at rescue knives as they normally have a serrated cutting edge and a blunt end. When sailors used to join sailing ships in the bad old days, the captain used to have the ships carpenter break the tips of their knives off, so they couldn't stab each other.
  15. I agree with your interpretation of the law https://www.gov.uk/find-out-if-i-can-buy-or-carry-a-knife As to a knife, I carry a small rescue knife when I work with boats - you should always have a knife when you work with ropes. Otherwise its personal choice http://www.outdoorgb.com/p/the_gerber_bear_grylls_scout_knife/
  16. This is what we are using as an example for the Okto Eight Milsim
  17. Its always a difficult balancing act to walk the tightrope of trying to be realistic and at the same time, not appearing to belittle or be insensitive to current and very real conflicts. Some of the suffering that is shown on Facebook of the fighting in Syria and the Ukraine in the name of entertainment is quite sickening. However, I think the role of "rebel" or "freedom fighter" is quite an interesting one in milsims. Its interesting that a lot of players want to be multicammed up to the nines, with fewer being interested in a more asymmetric role. Partisans, resistance etc have always been the core of many wars and their bravery and self sacrifice legendary. We are currently due to run a milsim just off the M25 in September which is currently following a fictional eastern bloc government vs rebels storyline. To answer your question, its very cheap to achieve the rebels loadout and I think its fun as you don't have to conform in the stereotypes of regular soldiers. Limited only by imagination. There are lots of opportunities in that game for the rebels to plan assassinations and generally hassle the government side with booby traps, ambushes and explosions, Personally, seems like a much more fun role to me.
  18. Last day to book at the low early booker price. Going up by £5 per day as of midnight.
  19. To counter the tacticool, back to basics. This is my Chinese Type 56 complete with pigsticker bayonet.
  20. WE PX4 Compact for small hands ? Gas = Ultra and Lubes = Abbey Silicone Spray
  21. President Gretsky has announced plans to attend the mine opening in person. A headache for the security forces and a golden opportunity for rebel snipers ? Click on thumbnail to open
  22. Welcome http://www.airsoftmap.net/Skirmish/
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