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  • Guns
    M4 parts gun
  • Loadouts
    Crye OD/RG
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  • Interests
    Guns, porn, gun-porn, Audi A8s, climbing trees/rocks, amateur mycology, foraging, electrical/mechanical/electro mechanical tinkering, beer (not the fizzy p! $s our colonial cousins drink!).

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  1. Sorry bro I’ve just got home 

  2. Hey man, wanna try replying to my messages considering you just took my payment? Thanks...

  3. The 'overalls' appear to be Arcteryx Leaf if I'm not mistaken. I hope you've got deep pockets?
  4. How was Tech Brigade? I've been meaning to get down there for a year or so but buying houses, marriage, surgery, babies and having to get a stupid job have got in the way so far. Is it the land of milk and honey? I'm near Ampthill btw.
  5. RetroArms V2 gearbox Seigtek Gears BTC SPECTRE mosfet 14AWG wiring Lonex A1 motor Guarder stainless cylinder SHS cylinder head SHS blue piston SnowWolf nylon piston head Xhigh hop unit Laylax Prometheus 6.2 inner barrel (the shit!) I dont know of any decent bushing/baring manufacturers still trading but the above will get you started, the rest of the bits can be transfered from whatever stock M4 you buy xx
  6. Crye JPC in RG(plates not included) Bought my own one for civilian contractor training when I worked for MoD. Lightweight and comfortable compared to the bulky issue kit they tried to fob us off with. G3 combat 'pants' are well worth the money too.
  7. Sounds ideal, where are you thinking of playing? Ive still not got to a game yet, I have had some technical issues with my rifle not compressing correctly so I am rebuilding again this weekend. I'm happy to lift share but at 17mpg my car is extremely comfortable but a bit thirsty for fuel! Next weekend would be ideal for me, what's happening at the pit? Urban Assualt? Etc?
  8. So I'm ready to go airsofting! My rifle is finished, my kit is good to go but I no longer have anyone to go with as my brother is moving to Denmark! Is there anyone reasonably local who would be interested in holding my hand and showing me the ropes? I have transport, I'm happy to travel and offer lifts. Does anyone play at TechBrigade or Urban Assault? Both seem interesting. Also, any techy/tweakers locally who might like to swap parts/ideas most welcome. I look forward to your insights
  9. Light silicone oil of course. I had noticed that the Dytac midcaps can hold 150 BBs but they are sold as 120's and yes I stripped and oiled them when I got them.
  10. "My milkshake brings all the boys to yard!!!" Cleaning rod, alcohol wipes and silicone spray in the loadout? What about sandwiches? I was considering making a gillie hood to stuff in pocket for woodland games?
  11. Yes, sorry #Airsoftwarrior147 rear pouches are just attached to my 2" rigid belt, I've just hooked the MOLLE straps round and back under the loops on the back of each pouch. Hopefully they won't get in the way, as they're at the back.
  12. Yes its a JPC, still waiting for the G3 combats to arrive from 'Merica, but I only ordered them in February so I should really learn to be patient!! I'll probly wear my Lowa German military mountain boots. Just ordered a Turnigy and 2 Gens Ace 1300mAh 7.4 lipos, got charger. Cleaning rod!!! Cigarette filters aren't ideal I spose. Got some squirty squirty too, from Maplin. Thanks chaps, very informative.
  13. Always come prepared!!! I had always assumed that these items were essentials, perhaps not the iPhone but I can imagine humming 'Ride of the Valkyries' and having to concentrate on fighting a battle at the same time could get exhausting!!!
  14. Here I am at last, nearly ready for my first game. What am I missing? Apart from a pistol? I've got ammo, rifle, eye protection, hydration, med kit, iPhone playing 'Ride of the Valkyries' on repeat through low-profile ear peice, monocular, spare gloves and shemagh.
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