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Everything posted by armysurplusandtoys

  1. welcome I know everyone has their own taste. The m4 is a good way to start as these are so easy to modify. as parts are easily available
  2. welcome. The 95s are a good and getting cheaper way to start. but i think the most important is boots. if you have any foot problems i recommend magnum or bates as these do me best for running around in.
  3. madbull stainless steel tight bore barrels has anyone had one

    1. jcheeseright


      got one in my M4 at the moment, haven't had a chance to shoot it yet (RIS and outer barrel are being machined to better fit a battery), will let you know if I see any improvements over the standard Marui inner.


    2. armysurplusandtoys


      yes i would be interested cheers, i think they do need a review


  4. like the grip on the g5 what is that one?
  5. https://www.facebook.com/army.surplus.airsoft
  6. been running aor2 for a while what do you think of the kryptek?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Esoterick


      Yeah it is just boring though, however I guess it becomes a bit like the M4/AR platform where replacement parts/upgrades become common place and people are wondering why everyone uses them...

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Greenzone and A-TACS FG! Those are the two I'd go for too.

    4. armysurplusandtoys


      i must admit quite like the green zone too :), i just like to modern and different

  7. been running aor2 for a while what do you think of the kryptek?

  8. hi guys, just wanted to see if any one would add us on facebook by hitting the like button
  9. just reconfigured my rig for the asylum on sunday :)

  10. has anyone seen lone survivor?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Suzuki Yamamoto

      Suzuki Yamamoto

      I have. Was a great film and all the bits at the end was a fantastic touch.

    3. Teo


      Great film. Saw it yesterday. Amazing

    4. armysurplusandtoys


      cheers guys looking to see it asap :)


  11. any good airsoft shows coming up soon?

    1. Airsoft-Ed


      The Airsoft Arms Fair posted on their Facebook page the other day that they've managed to secure a much larger venue than they usually use (The Grange's site) - no more details on where or when yet, but they usually hold their fair biannually in May and October.

    2. armysurplusandtoys
  12. sounds good nicona just an update we are currently expanding the airsoft part to our store....let us know what you think
  13. just got a kriss vector what s your thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. jay83


      Please update with a review if you get time mate

    3. jay83


      Please update with a review if you get time mate

    4. armysurplusandtoys


      jay83 ok will post a review, i used this at the asylum at the start of the month and it worked well got some real good long range shots at 50+ yards too :). as to the mag changing actually not too bad its just a technique but in the learning i did drop and break the lips off but i have already replaced those so not too bad.

  14. ok had a look what i do have to hand at the moment is the cross over straps? the rest is hard if you are wanting the ww2 as its all going up in price at the moment. Also if you're allergic to the wool the clothing may be an issue but how close do you want to look?
  15. wow just bought a kriss vector happy days :)

  16. i will let you if i do tho are you looking for anything else?
  17. really been trying and i can not get any sorry nicona
  18. do many people use trustpilot or other such review sites?

    1. Esoterick


      I use them as a backup after referring to the regular sites I use for reviews. I always suspect it would be a lot easier to rinse out a load of fake reviews than pay a big name reviewer to say how great you/your product is.

    2. Russe11


      Interesting, never knew about trustpilot. Hmm JBBguns are getting slated, but interestingly onlybbguns who I have used and think are pretty good aren't. This kinda backs up what I thought, that not all the 2 tone merchants are the same, as people seem to think.


    3. armysurplusandtoys


      cheers, just wanted to see if they have real power lol. yes the two tone is a little hit and miss as what i have noticed is most are the cheaper gund simply painted and paying that bit more, when really it may be better to buy the more expensive gun and get the two tone as a custom paint job??

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