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Everything posted by GiantKiwi

  1. Hyperinflated prices for 'eu warehouse' are simply because Gunfire B2B still has the same rule for UK orders regardless of whether its B2B or B2C - £135 or over before shipping. So the thing I was looking for with shipping and adding random shit i need for other things to the cart to meet the threshold, is still going to work out significantly cheaper than bending over for DCA.
  2. In a bid to make moving stuff around for games and such less hassle, bought this in the Easter 25% off sale at UKT - Warrior X300 - so got everything apart from the guns packed in that
  3. 6 of each is only slightly over 4kg total 👀
  4. Cerakote £200, gun £500 / 2 = £450 max - because they are a pile of shit dressed up pretty. Also 340 might be on duster gas, but I had one on preorder and sold mine on because out of the box they do 460-480 on GG and when you drop in a flute modified flute valve to make them site legal, they chug like buggery. Even on HRC they have pages of woes related to how much work is required to make them serviceable for play.
  5. I mean, I keep going up there for social reasons, despite it being decidedly backwater-ish 👀
  6. Decided to recreate something I built up a while ago - to then find quite how fucked up buying aftermarket bits has become since last time I bothered trying. Finally sourced both a Madbull Troy TRX Extreme 9" (I think? retailer hasn't actually acknowledged the order yet) and a Madbull SI Cookie Cutter (it'll be coming snail mail from HK), so hopefully they'll arrive sometime in the near future/before the summer. Rest of the desired doohickeys may have to wait until magpul RS bits are in stock in the appropriate places in the right colours, as clones costing near enough the real thing, i'll just cough up the little bit more at this point.
  7. Because by having the CCTV on your person you are in effect operating it, rather than having it controlled by a third party with the appropriate license. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/check-if-you-need-an-sia-licence-to-use-a-bodycam
  8. That still puts them in shaky grounds for it, especially if they've not got a very clear and defined (and bulletproof) data retention policy on them - CCTV has very specific rules to it, and bodycams are not going to be in scope. Edit: Been and checked. If an airsoft site is doing any of these: Using the body cams as CCTV to monitor members of the public or to identify individuals. Using the body cams as CCTV to guard against disorder or to protect individuals from assault, including the use of to try to prevent crime from happening or to provide information about them later. Anyone wearing one would need to hold an SIA Public Space Surveillance license. I'll take a stab in the dark, that nobody on their team has that.
  9. No they're sent through like ye olde challenge kits, somewhat assembly required. However, given the cost, i'd probably just fill the form out regardless, as Border Force weenies are being dicks about a lot of things recently.
  10. Where the fuck is the rest of the outer barrel gone?
  11. One thing to note immediately - those lenses can't even be used. The OEM is a dubious copy of an already dubious chinese OEM, but they're pumping out stuff that isn't impact rated. The original by Wosport(?) was only able to withstand about 0.8J at 1metre back when they were first introduced in 2017.
  12. GDPR requirements are going to shit all over any ability to run this without significant money involved - UKARA are already pushing their luck at the best of times.
  13. Now that they're finally stocking them in the UK again, so don't have to pay the obscene international hazardous items shipping cost - Bought 4x of the venerable Turnigy Nanotech 1.2A 11.1v LiPo's from Hobbyking - my existing ones were starting to be a little bit taking the piss on age, at slightly over 10 years old - so was hoping and praying they wouldn't go titsup before I could replace them and be forced to get a nuprol PoS.
  14. £130 new for similar almost 15 years ago, WAS are good, they're not THAT good. So a £50 markup and you've got to pay extra for P&P.
  15. Oh hello, now that's a name I recognise from when I was back in the muff 10ish years ago.
  16. If we didn't play every time there was a bit of rain, you wouldn't play for about 90% of the year up here.
  17. I keep seeing negative airsoft referenced, but his reviews seem to be spouting a colossal amount of shit at the best of times. Get one, try it to see if it works for your use case - don't take a person spouting crap on the internet at face value.
  18. Swear everybody of a certain era is RGJ in airsoft circles 👀
  19. Not exactly a steal - £500 in total new if you used the most expensive retailers in UK & Ireland, these things are being sold off left, right and centre ffs. At best £250, £330 is a few steps into lalaland if not doing posting and fees included (which is not)
  20. It is a fake, look at the R, it has rounded corners, legit have hard, square corners. Probably why the other side isn't shown at all, as all the repro's and fakes mess up the 5 and make it look like an S.
  21. It's essentially a stock WE with a Bodykit attached - If you're lucky you might get someone to pay 55% of cost, so you'd be looking at about £430 for the lot on that basis. But it may also sit for months. I would sell it with 4 mags that are all leak free and sell the other mags independently, as 4 is enough to potentially skirmish with, but also not artificially inflate the price.
  22. Slowly getting to how I want it, got the FTC mount on order, probably going to cheapskate on a repro chinese G43 for the moment, and get the Vortex Micro3X down the line when I can justify dropping £300 on a magnifier, to match with the Vortex Crossfire.
  23. OK - Exfog is a doddle to set up. The XT's come with the little magnet hose things, push the adapter through a hole in the seal vents (desert locust for me), point at the lens and you're golden - don't need to make any destructive holes or anything. If you have active headsets, you are going to hear every little bit of it functioning, but its easy enough to switch off when you don't need it. The vent is on the bottom of the unit and the hose adapter actually creates an intake space, so unless you're using a really restricting pouch it will have plenty of space. I got the XT without the headband for ~£50 from Specs4sports, which I think makes it about £10 cheaper than the Novshit. I could feel the air even on the lowest setting, and the full power burst mode is mental.
  24. Novshit one has a crappy plastic box that can be shattered with a direct hit from a 1.7J BB though, which was what turned me off it, rather than having to punch the hole. Yup XT is what i have arriving today, from reading the promotional guff again, it looks like it also has magnetic attachments now as well, except it doesn't look like it needs to butcher the recipient goggles in the process.
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