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Zak Da Mack

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Everything posted by Zak Da Mack

  1. I think the best thing about ARRSE is that the name describes quite well the people that use it
  2. Can't wait for this Baz. I'm so excited but nervous at the same time as this is my first milsim. Only one more sleep to go before the rebels are eradicated
  3. Well, I suppose I could always start a new life in Syria.
  4. As royal mail hate people who are at work or at school by 10, I missed my new chest rig delivery by about 5 mins as I didn't finish for break until late. I'll probably cycle up to their distribution office tomorrow and give them a letter bomb (PS: GCHQ, I do not plan to blow up the royal mail distribution office)
  5. Haha, that's the problem; don't know if I'll like it or not, but I can only try and if not, then I'll give it back
  6. Decided to go on a f*** it moment and I have just spent over £80 (+ P&P) on Flecktarn.co.uk and bought: a bulle recon harness, 4x m4 open top pouches, 1x utility pouch, & 1x radio pouch This better be worth it
  7. Yh, sorry about the first part nick, (I should have guessed by your pic that you were ex-army or something similar), I thought that's what you meant until TacMaster explained it better
  8. L85's and M4's both use standard NATO 5.56 STANAG mags as that's what armies in NATO use. Proprietary means that it only fits for that gun and won't fit in another unless you can do an amazing botch job.
  9. As Kiwi said, there's no point, all new G&G stock comes standard with a 6.03 barrel if I remember correctly
  10. Damn Ian, I thought you bought an actual SVD there until you showed it against secret agent Mia
  11. I remember one time a royal marine came to our session and he was talking about the medical kit he carries. When he showed us his CAT, he said that when applying it to yourself, it should be put above the wound and then twisted until you absolutely can no longer stand the pain, and then give it one more twist for good measure. Another thing that I've seen people carry is quick clot. But, some people use it on injuries that don't require quick clot and when they go to hospital, the wound has to be cleaned for ages to get it out, wasting precious time that they don't have. I've also heard that using quick clot can create secondary burns
  12. I carry , my pistol using a dropleg holster. It does the job, but it doesn't feel very safe and is quite cumbersome. If I ever get round to buying a chest rig, I'm hoping to get an IMI holster and then mount it on the rig, keeping my legs free.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Richie Boyle

      Richie Boyle

      they can only be after guns and probably to play with rather than sell. teenagers who cant be bothered paying to play tonight? i was in their shop at the time of the break in so i have a pretty strong alibi

    3. team flex

      team flex

      what happened? I have no idea of the layout and is the shop close by, thinking teenagers only asking for trouble if people were in while they broke in, so they legged it?

    4. Richie Boyle

      Richie Boyle

      i havent been to the site but i guess its about 10 to 15 minutes away. they close at 1730 and the game night opens at 1800. they have a new site that is still in the trial/build stage now so hopefully there wouldnt be much left in the existing site at kirkcaldy

  13. Ah, didn't know that. So it's not just a random mix of weapon names then. Still confusing though
  14. That gun sounds horribly dodgy. It's like the guys who came up with the name tried to see how many different gun names they could fit into it. Makes it sound like something horrible off of justbbguns. I wouldn't buy that, but I know nothing about that gun, it could be good, but I feel like it won't be.
  15. My friend and I were shooting and moving towards a guy hiding behind a big holly bush, while my friend was suppressing, I sneaked round the side to kill the guy trying to push up on our position. As I fired on him, I realised that I had run out of ammo although by this time I was spotted by him and we had a brief exchange of looks at each other before I belted it back to my friend, calling out, trying to get his attention. Whilst running back, I was trying to get the glock out of my holster, but thanks to sods law, it was stuck so I was sort of jumping and skipping in a hope that my glock would free up. In the end, I got shot by my friend who mistook me for the enemy and then the lunch whistle blew before my friend could finish him off. Typical.
  16. That would be sweet with some of those TAG rounds, firing them into the enemy base
  17. He said 'as of this year' so yes, unless you bought an old stock rifle.
  18. PLEASE make a video out of these. Id love to see a good review that ain't in Russian
  19. I'm hoping to tag along next year. Sounds like a ball of fun along with the camping. Although, 2000 players gives me doubts as it just sounds like complete overkill
  20. Damn, 4 weeks to go and I still need to get a chest rig sorted along with some camping gear. I need to get my arse in gear
  21. I remember my first BB gun would have to be an EBB deagle from DE. But my first proper airsoft gun would have to be my UHC Super x9 sniper rifle
  22. Is the Bulle recon harness any good? In terms of quality, how well it fits etc.
  23. DPM stands for Disruptive Patterned Material. Also, Flecktarn is readily available at surplus stores as well for only a couple of quid!
  24. Flecktarn am bestest camo. Seriously though, I haven't seen a more effective camo in the autumn. It also works best in mid-dense woodlands where there isn't much grass grown under the canopy and cover from the sun, making it dark and brown, allowing Flecktarn to blend in nice and well
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