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  1. My son who was 13 at the time recieved a bright orange l96 rifle complete with scope/bipod for xmas, it was just because he wanted to shoot targets in our back garden. Which turned out to be really fun, at the time I never heard of airsofting and I'm not sure he did, but after researching about his gun and a few others we found a site close to us and i took him for his bday. Both of us loved it, we did use his rifle i think for one game but realised it wasnt as fun as using the sites aeg's also it drew a few under the breath comments and snickers from the sites regulars so we left that in the car for the rest of the day. We were both buzzing after the day had finished. Needless to say 9 months later we attend that site once a month, i bought us decent weapons and army surplus kit to use, and I take a couple of his school mates with us, theres usually quite few kids on site some regulars and some that are just there for a bday or something. I do hear cod/bf3 mw2 mentioned a lot but thats just kids having fun. My point after all this is let the kids and there dads enjoy the day the way they want too, I'm forever helping some kid reload bb's or get dirt out of his muzzle or just generally pointing them in the right direction. This snobery I see onsight from the regulars/members towards some kids/ppl because they got cheap sh1t equipment and no clue how to use it annoys me, cast your minds back to when you first started and think how it was. I love it when i hear kids all buzzing about something they did or saw ingame, by the way that bright orange sniper rifle is now fully upgraded and shooting regular at 480-495fps with a matte olive colour paint job, it looks the part and shoots the part.
  2. I see the missus made you stand on a towel so you didnt get dirt on her lovely clean carpet...
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