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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. Aye. That's why I love WGC and AEG Cart Asia so much. Heh. Back on topic! http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?259833-Tokyo-Marui-HK45-original-slide-and-barrel-set-plastic £40 2-tone slide.
  2. ShooterCB are brilliant for TMC and Flyye stuff too. I buy a lot of pouches from them. They also have some hidden, rather rare upgrade parts for GBBs, I've found. I used Sealairsoft before Christmas and had no troubles either - again, had some stuff that was non-existent anywhere else. Had a run in with Ebairsoft recently but they did tell me the product was out of stock (took them a few days) - they refunded immediately. Maybe they've been burned by so many chargebacks. Other than that, watch for their prices: They may say shipping is free, but that only means it's included in the price. Some stuff is much cheaper through them and some of the larger products are actually more expensive than buying it in the UK. Strange site a lot of the time.
  3. Agreed. Just bought from Tiger 111hk last week. They're decent.
  4. Not really. We really should make a thread but I think many of these are currently listed in the 'Places To Buy' subforum already. Try these (in no particular order): Scope and laser eHobby Asia (terrible minimum shipping price) WGC Shop UN Company (horrible search function - use Google advanced search and filter by domain) DEN Trinity Shop (horrible search function - use Google advanced search and filter by domain) AEG Cart Asia Tokyo Model Company And about 20 others that I'd have to rack my brain for but can't right now - the above are all ones I've used in the past 6 months or so. I'm sure other suggestions will flood in.
  5. I gotta say that I'm on the side of importing too with the extortionate rates and lack of selection here in the UK. Even with customs and shipping you'll tend to save a bit and get the colour or manufacturer that you want, rather than what's just in stock here at home. If you're upgrading something and aren't in a hurry then I really see no reason not to order from abroad other than the fact that it takes a it longer to search for these things and that you have to know the sites which are available (many have terrible search features or aren't listed very highly on Google).
  6. Correct. I used Glasses Direct but there are many others out there. You will need a hard copy of your prescription (in the form it was given to you by Specsavers or Boots or whoever). The instructions are here. You'll get your prescription back as soon as they authenticate it (which only takes a few days). There are loads of them. The V12s were issued to British troops but in true MOD style I imagine far too many sets were ordered. You can find them in various conditions between £10-25. Something like this set* comes with the interchangeable lenses. As for the inserts, you want the ESS VICE RXs; they can be had for about £10 from here*. Additionally, don't worry about removing the sample lenses from the ESS inserts - they'll do that for you. In fact, it's safer if you don't as they'll maintain their shape in the post. *Please do your own searching too. I only spent 2 minutes finding those listings and they may not be the best option.
  7. You don't even need him to be frank. Go to any high street optician and get a free test (or use your current prescription) then go to pretty much any online reglazing shop and send in your inserts. Plenty of companies do inserts for loads of their goggles - I use ESS V12s. I think with the goggles, inserts and scratch resistant/anti-glare, thin lenses I paid about 80 quid. All in all it took about 20 minutes of clicking to do online. 1. Find some goggles you like the look of 2. Find inserts that fit them (the majority of the top brands make their own for their goggles and glasses and they cost about £10-20) 3. Send off the inserts to a re-glazing shop like GlassesDirect with your prescription attached 4. Wait for the post to arrive (mine took a week) I too went to Tactical optician, but I didn't like the selection of goggles and thought many to be rather overpriced. It's a professional service I'm sure, but reglazing frames isn't rocket science, and so long as you've got your pupillary distance as a part of your prescription (which all highstreet retailers will provide to you if you need it, and you can even do it yourself if required) then you'll be golden and save a bunch of cash. Couldn't be happier with mine. Haven't had a single issue with them.
  8. Hm, if I'm sending mags by post I'm disassembling them in the future.
  9. I was under the impression that this was only gas containers that were filled with gas (gas that that wasn't air as your usual pressure, that is). How on earth they can know when it's above 1 bar by looking at it is beyond me, and that makes me think they've just started ditching everything that looks like it could contain something compressed.
  10. Never ever ever send anything worth over £30 to a buyer without tracking information. I really hope you can find him. I mean, if he is a legitimate scammer then bear in mind that PayPal don't provide buyer protection for airsoft guns, so he won't be able to charge back.
  11. I'd be very interested to see this thread if you can dig it up. I'm looking to get something holographic soon.
  12. Or if you've got a GBBR the bolt locks back maybe, probably, perhaps (if you're lucky).
  13. Why do you guys even post in these sorts of threads? Just let the mods deal with it.
  14. There is a Daytona FAL kit. They're the shit.
  15. A&K M249 Mk1 Tokyo Marui Kimber Tactical Entry II I think I'm going to stop buying for a while.
  16. Just don't expect them to last too long if you're constantly moving them about. The clips tend to wear down after a while and they just drop off
  17. Flip up covers are naff. Get a polycarbonate one custom cut and fit it to the front by removing the lens retainer and dropping it in with an o-ring to offset it from the objective lens a little: You're looking at a fiver and 15 minutes of your time. Plus no one will be able to tell that you even have one.
  18. They're; horrible cheap and nasty and the parallax adjustment isn't brilliant on them either.
  19. Er but seriously consider using their official DHGate listings as they're even cheaper than eBay. http://www.dhgate.com/store/14272829 I've got this and couldn't be happier with the build quality and how clear it is. I too bought a shortdot some time ago via their eBay account. Both had similar postage times.
  20. Visionking; they're all excellent and very well built. Extremely clear lenses. Check DHGate as they sell direct on there for a lot less.
  21. Heh, belive me I understand that for some people the spending is what they enjoy most. What I was arguing though is that the Inokatsu P226 shows no proof of being any better than other pistols with aftermarket parts. I'd hate for people to think they're 'the best' just because they're exorbitantly priced.
  22. My latest favourite: http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?256584-Tokyo-Marui-Vtac-custom-M-amp-P9-desert-tan-smith-and-wesson I PM'd him and asked if he'd take 90 quid for it as I'd clearly have to replace the slide and grip (considering they're £130 new): The dislikes and desperate bumps make me feel warm and fuzzy though.
  23. http://www.airsoftrange.co.uk/xst-kydex-beretta-m9--m9a1-railed-right-hand-holster-with-belt-attachment-in-black-g-code-1941-p.asp
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