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Dan's Ark

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Everything posted by Dan's Ark

  1. I have not been on these forums for a rather long time, mainly due to my inactivity in airsoft. Good to be back though!

    1. SgtTalbert


      Welcome back, Stalker.

  2. The VFC HK417 has actually gotten more expensive since the last time I checked the price, fantastic.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. M_P


      The VFC 417 was never 250-300, it's always been over 350, started at £425ish when they first came out. You must be confused with another gun or it was on a sale (which is unlikely as the UK never has sales)

      Could wait for g&g to do a 7.62 version, you're right but them getting the H&K license to do so isn't realistically going to happen any time soon. Best option is to just buy the VFC or choose another rifle im afraid :/

      As said though, importing is likely...

    3. M_P


      to be a fair bit cheaper than buying from over here.

    4. TacMaster


      Ah well, I'd only given it a glance then and it was a while ago :)

  3. Since my Glock is a complete wkadkshefsljhdfbdlb, I really want a SIG P226 type pistol now. :(

  4. Just discovered a SeaNanners video of him playing airsoft with the title "Real Life Call of Duty". Enoughh said really...........

    1. Monty


      And LevelCap, the only airsofter that buys/gets given expensive guns then only uses them once.

  5. Christ, RIS handguards are a bit pricey.................

    1. airsoftwarrior147


      tell me about it tho i picked up a 9" noveske ris for 40 quid

  6. Haven't posted here in a while, just finished the final Gun Ho skirmish. Quite sad to go down that long road to the site for the last time. Bagged myself a decent Classic Army hire gun for £20 though!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      Good thing I now have an AEG too, since I needed one for NTAC. Too close quarters for my rifle and my pistol doesn't bloody work.

    3. AK47frizzle


      you lucky bum.....

    4. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      It's probably one of the better hire guns too, fire selector seems to work properly and the gun itself is in decent condition, now I just need to find a RIS handguard to replace this cracked one, and give the gun a good cleaning. :P

  7. Swollen O-ring on my Glock means I have to strip it and dry out the ring, I might need a new blowback unit too according to the guys today........

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Why would you need a new blowback unit? Surely a new o ring should do just fine

    3. M_P


      Get a new o ring or just an entire new piston cup or whatever its called neither is expensive and not at all difficult to replace :)

    4. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      What a pain in the arse though, made my Glock pretty much unusable...........

  8. My lord, some of my friends I play airsoft with have insane amounts of funding, obviously they have some form of magical money tree in their gardens.



      Wish I had that bloody money tree :P

    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      same here. I cri evrytiem :'(

  9. I need some good sites to get new clothing and a nice chest rig from...............might as well start planning for Christmas! :P

    1. TacMaster


      Flecktarn.co.uk is pretty decent, they have a lot of products although they specialize in German Army surplus

  10. There is SO MUCH hate for the Royal Marines on their sponsored Facebook ad, it's unbelieveable the amount of people acting like they're cool and original because they disrespect the marines...........

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaza66
    3. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      True, it's just bloody frustrating. Talking bollocks about soldiers over the internet, they wouldn't DARE say it to their faces.......

    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Just edgy cnuts acting all freakin' peaceful by hating war,militaries and so on.


      feckin teenage vikings man.

  11. Cannot wait until Christmas, I'm completely re-hauling my gear. New camouflage, chest rig, rifle, everything. Spring snipers just don't do it for me. :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TacMaster


      Ah, but you're more likely to lose if you wear german camo :P

    3. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      I see what you did there ;) Unless you're me though.

    4. TacMaster
  12. So, NTAC night game: Pitch black with only a head torch for illumination, an enemy team with expensive night vision goggles, my two friends both had teeth knocked out and I managed to give someone a lump on their head which made him look like I'd hit him with a blunt object.............

  13. You know hopefully, HOPEFULLY I get to go to a night game this weekend. -_-

  14. You know one thing I hate about airsoft is that even my own family assume because I have a picture of me at airsoft as my cover photo on Facebook, I'm clearly a gun obsessed future mass murderer. If it was paintball it would be a totally different point of view. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Tac: You either look like a murderer with black guns, or like a child playing with little nerf guns if its two toned. You can't win

    3. TacMaster
    4. remus


      try ding it when you live in northern ireland, have been accused of terrorism....

  15. BF3 is AWFUL today. I think my M249 is shooting rubber bullets...................

    1. Hibernator


      Ah yes. The "Load it with blanks" perk in action :)

    2. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      I mean, I know they totally nerfed the '249 a couple of months back, but it seems to be totally random with the amount of damage it does.

  16. Come off this holiday on Wednesday, night game later on in the week, and then a skirmish on the 31st. Good way to end the holidays.

  17. Arma 3 looks really good. At least they sorted the pistol animations out so they're at a realistic standard.........

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. jcheeseright


      uhuh, that's definitely realistic... having fired a 9mm pistol while standing still I can't imagine being able to hit ANYTHING if I was running while doing it.

    3. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      It's still more realistic than flailing your arms around while running with your sidearm though.

    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      If there are any bolt action guns hopefully there will be full animations and not just a klick klack noise.

  18. Haven't been to a skirmish for a while, luckily there's a bunch of different skirmishes happening right after I come back from my holiday. So 11 days of sun, then come home and snipe some kids!

    1. Bottledtorment


      Makes you sound like a lovely kind of person. ;)


    2. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      That made me sound a bit pedo-ish. Oh well, it was 3am. XD

    3. Bottledtorment
  19. Was reading the comments on Airsoft Meme's post, they didn't take very kindly to you insulting TM. :P

  20. I have only had my Glock for five months and the magazines are all leaking, stoooooooooooopid.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      Yep, it's definitely a problem with the inlet valves. Reset valves are working properly but the inlet valves are still leaking gas.


    3. Airsoft-Ed


      My TM Sig had really weird issues with the mags, it held the gas perfectly fine, but when you came to put them in the gun in order to fire it, you'd never get more than half a mag of gas out of it.

      Despite there being no leaks, checked by dunking them in water and everything.


      It was as if they were half full of putty or something.


      My WE Glock is spectacular though, mags are the best I've ever had for a gas blowback. Had more use out of this Glock in 2 mon...

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      Had more use out of this Glock in 2 months than I had out of my previous 4 or 5 pistols combined over the course of 3 years.


      Can't recommend it enough.

  21. Won't be going to NAE this year, but I'm certainly planning on it next year.

    1. TacMaster


      Yeah same here, hopefully :/

    2. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      I have a bunch of friends who'd be happy to go, but we decided to wait until next year so that we can plan the weekend out first.

  22. I seriously want a Umarex '417 right now.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tariq


      Must be thinking of the 416 then. Either way its gonna be sh*t XD

    3. M_P


      Oh yeah for sure, its inevitable :P

    4. two_zero


      well.. vfc = win. umarex = blesh :/

  23. Just had an epic battle of the ages with the biggest moth I have ever seen..............

    1. Lordanem


      Flammable spray + Lighter = Dead moth

    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      I use my c02 air pistol(dry firing) to destroy moths here,the fcukers are massive here in ukraine.

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      Also = fire brigade + no house.



  24. Oh wow, another Gun Ho player on this site? That's a rarity, lol.

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