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    Mack reacted to Longshot in Don't want to skirmish, but want to do rapid target shooting.   
    Am I the only one who's not seeing what the problem is?
    If you want to get an airsoft pistol for target shooting you can, just buy a two-tone. Nobody needs any defence for anything and away you go. If you just want to rapid target shoot then the colour of the thing really shouldn't matter.
  2. Like
    Mack reacted to GerVuson in Hello from Spain (Madrid)   
    Hi there!
    I´m Germán (not from germany), I belong to a Spanish airsoft team called "Comando Grayskull".
    I´m presentating myself because some teammates (from this spanish forum http://www.airsoftmadrid.com/) and I we were trying to get the "VTG grenade" (from this place http://www.blankfiringgrenade.com), and as I am the only one able to understand english I have to make the international search.
    So at the end I get to this forum which seems to be one of the biggest airsoft forum in UK, and I was wondering if you could help us at least explaining me this message:
    Is there any kind of United Kindom legislation to prove "actives" airsoft players?
    I will be very glad if you could help us, by the way, im searching in your "technical" part as I love learning new ways of optimizing my airsoft stuff with tecniques I still dont know.
    I hope I didnt break any rule with this post, and if so, my apologies and close it if I did it (I think I understand all the rules in the pinned-rules-post).
    Thanks very much for your time. I attach a video of a big fail in my team and a photo of us


  3. Like
    Mack reacted to jcheeseright in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
  4. Like
    Mack got a reaction from Ian_Gere in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Never actual thought of that. Good call.
  5. Like
    Mack reacted to TheFull9 in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    That's a great philosophy if you're not cross dominant, doesn't work for toffee for me. All I'd see is the left hand side of the outer casing of the optic. This is something they made us all check in basic and obviously it wasn't a scientific cross section of the population, but at least 20% of people across the 2 flights had the issue.
  6. Like
    Mack got a reaction from two_zero in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    both eyes open on a non magnified sight
  7. Like
    Mack reacted to adam bussey in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    yeah I know, when not actually playing I kinda forget
  8. Like
    Mack got a reaction from Lozart in Everybody meet my vicious killing machine!   
    Stop browsing AFUK and take me for a walk face

  9. Like
    Mack reacted to Ian_Gere in Yet another UKARA question....   
    When sites do it for you, they are usually posting the completed and stamped form off to a retailer for you, but there is no reason why you cannot do this yourself. Just make sure to get your form stamped after each game, because many sites are charging people, and/or requiring membership, so they may be slightly jobsworth about it if you forget to get a stamp one day and ask them to put 2 stamps on next time, if you are circumventing paying them to do it for you.
    There is no photo card, indeed no card at all from UKARA.
    And FFS it's not a licence! It's nothing like a licence. It has no legal standing. It is not required. Calling it a licence sends entirely the wrong message to anyone you speak to about it and leads to entirely the wrong mindset when thinking about it. UKARA is a trade organisation. It is they who could be prosecuted for selling RIF's, not you for buying. The UKARA registration is a way for retailers to find out easily if they can sell to you without fear of prosecution.
    Oh yeah and calling a UKARA number a licence gives you herpes.
  10. Like
    Mack reacted to Finius in Everybody meet my vicious killing machine!   
    So now, a year and a half on, I've decided we need to update this.
    The past year has been filled with dog-related ups and down. He's eaten about £2000 worth of household items, from designer glasses to headphones to coats and more and has truly lived up to his name. On the other hand however, he's my best friend and has turned out to be a truly lovely member of the family.
    Those of you who have me as a friend on facebook will no doubt be borderline-suicidal as a result of the sheer volume of dog-related posts I create on a daily basis. Those of you who do not, have missed out.
    Luckily for you unfortunate lot though, I have an updated, albeit graphic photo of The Destroyer for you. He's a bit bigger this time around.
    I warn you, the below photo contains graphic imagery of Oscar mercilessly crushing my mother to death after she refused to get off the chair for him.
    I should also note, that when we were given him, we were told he shouldn't be much more than a small-medium dog, this small-medium dog now weighs almost as much as my fiance (about 50kg).

    Small dog much?
  11. Like
    Mack reacted to cavninja in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    OK, so it's taken me a couple of days to post this, but I did say I'd been on a bit of a shopping spree while i'd been away!
    So here it is!!!
    Do you think I've got a bit of an airsoft problem??......

  12. Like
    Mack reacted to cavninja in Gun picture thread   
    Here's my updated collection...


  13. Like
    Mack got a reaction from Monty in Two Tone questions   
    Still wrong. You don't need to be anything to own a RIF!!!!!! There are no laws on owning, only selling, manufacturing and importing
  14. Like
    Mack got a reaction from Monty in Two Tone questions   
    Wrong again.
  15. Like
    Mack got a reaction from Monty in Two Tone questions   
  16. Like
    Mack reacted to SuicidalBarrelRoll in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
  17. Like
    Mack reacted to Monty in What you reading/read?   
    This thread
  18. Like
    Mack got a reaction from Finius in Everybody meet my vicious killing machine!   
    Heres my pet jawa!

  19. Like
    Mack got a reaction from Longshot in Two Tone questions   
    The other defences aren't loopholes. How do you know UKARA is the safest compared to say a film producer? It's never been tested in court and tbh probably never will. 
    Edit: and no one is being smart asses either, just sick to shit of people who haven't a clue what they are talking about stating Facts that are simply not true
  20. Like
    Mack got a reaction from Longshot in Two Tone questions   
    Still wrong. You don't need to be anything to own a RIF!!!!!! There are no laws on owning, only selling, manufacturing and importing
  21. Like
    Mack reacted to BBrotherwood in This a good build?   
    You really dont need anything more then 500w for your build Zak. It wont hurt to have a bigger power supply but you will not need it.
  22. Like
    Mack reacted to Ian_Gere in Two Tone questions   
    I'm pretty sure that part of the UKARA Charter is that those who belong to it will not sell to airsofters unless they have a number (of the beast lol), but many sites who also sell guns are not actually members of UKARA as retailers, just as sites... There are quite a few hoops to jump through in order to become a UKARA registered retailer*, for instance you must have retail premises and they do not count even well established site shops, with permanent storage facilities, as "retail premises". So we have the likes of JBBG on the UKARA board, making money hand over fist selling orange tat to unsuspecting noobs, while committed airsofters running sites and trying to make guns available to their members at low prices (for the UK) can't get a look in...
    *Which is no bad thing on the face of it, as preventing any old Tom, Dick, or Real Dick from setting up in business selling RIF's at car boot sales to kids and disappearing before the dust settles is part of the purpose of the VCRA. But UKARA has gone far beyond that and, like every trade organisation which has ever existed, is doing its best to act as close to a cartel as they can get away with, minimising competition from anyone else.
    Still, thankfully there are importers, middle men, who will sell to non-UKARA retailers such as site shops, so you may find that your local site will sell to you without a UKARA number, but what I mostly hear is that sites are allowing people to pay for a gun and use it at the site but not actually take possession of it and take it home until their UKARA player's registration comes through.
    Well said.
  23. Like
    Mack reacted to Chock in Two Tone questions   
    Can we please stop putting this kind of erroneous information out there? UKARA is not some sort of 'license' to buy or own a realistic imitation firearm; you absolutely do not need a UKARA to buy a RIF, UKARA is merely a convenient way for a retailer to establish that you have a reason for buying a RIF, so in the absence of you having a UKARA number, all you actually need is the ability to prove that you have a legitimate reason for wanting to own one, nothing more. And even this is not part of the law, it is simply so that if you subsequently flip out and rob a bank with your RIF, or indulge in some other nefarious deed with it, the shop which sold it to you can legitimately claim that they sold it to you with good reason, thus removing the possibility of them being prosecuted for aiding you in the crime, because the Act of Parliament which covers this matter is the Violent Crimes Reduction Act, i.e. it is intended to reduce the likelihood of, and the means to acquire the necessary equipment to, commit a violent crime. If you can convince a retailer that you have some other legitimate reason for wanting to purchase a RIF, one which would also provide them with a suitable line of defence should the police subsequently question the retailer on why they sold a RIF to someone, then they will sell you a RIF without you having a UKARA number. If this was not the case, then you'd have special effects departments, prop buyers, museums etc having to send some member of staff to three airsoft events just so they could go about their legitimate business. Yes, UKARA is a convenient system for airsofters and retailers, but it is in no way the law, nor is it the only means by which you can prove your legitimate reason for wanting to purchase a RIF.
    So if I walked into an airsoft shop and showed them my ID for Soho Editors - which is the movie CGI post production special effects company I work for - and told them that I needed a realistic looking M60 machine gun so I could show the effects department at Pinewood Studios how to CGI muzzle flashes, an ammo belt feeding shells, and the empty cases ejecting, from a machine gun for the Vietnam War Movie they were making, then that absolutely is a legitimate reason for wanting to buy and own a RIF and that reasoning also covers me for spray painting toy guns black, moulding rubber prop guns etc, etc, because I have a genuine and legitimate reason for doing so, and this is regardless of the fact that I do have a UKARA number. The Violent Crimes Reduction Act goes into some detail on this matter, giving specific examples of legitimacy, such as the aforementioned movie and theatre production, museum work, historical re-enactments, educational purposes, etc. Similarly, if you go to an airsoft site regularly, the staff there will know you, so if they have a shop at their site, they would likely sell you a RIF regardless of whether you had applied for a UKARA number or not, because they would be able to prove that you are an airsofter simply by virtue of you having attended their site numerous times, and would have a record of you having done so.
    UKARA is not a licence, is not a part of the UK's legislation on firearms, is not compulsory for airsofters, is not even mentioned anywhere in the VCR Act - since it came into being after the VCR Act - and is absolutely not a requirement for anyone who owns or wants to own a replica/realistic looking imitation firearm. If it was, you would be applying for it at a Police Station and not at some airsoft site or airsoft shop. It probably is worth getting a UKARA registration if you are an airsofter simply for the convenience of confirming your legitimacy to a retailer, especially if you want to buy from abroad, but that is merely a convenience and is in no way mandatory.
  24. Like
    Mack reacted to Ian_Gere in Two Tone questions   
    The first thing he fucking wrote. I just can't even be arsed to find a facepalm jpeg...
  25. Like
    Mack got a reaction from Ian_Gere in Two Tone questions   
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