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Everything posted by Mack

  1. Thats exactly it, I put an m90 in a G&P Mk18 and got 360fps, cut a couple of coils and still only 340fps. There is no magic formula even though springs are supposed to be rated by the number eg: m100 = 100m/s m120 = 120m/s
  2. Mack


    As above stated. A .66g doing 351fps would have a 0.20g doing 637fps, not 550
  3. No. To be put on the UKARA database (not the only defence) you need to play three games in "NO LESS" than 2 months.
  4. Quick enough in the TM Recoils, Only need to take the buffer tube off if you have already upgraded the original spring.
  5. Look at the motor, It will usually have a brand unless its been changed.
  6. Im guessing its these http://forums.airsoftmechanics.com/index.php?topic=11323.0 http://forums.airsoftmechanics.com/index.php?topic=12867.0 Here are some quotes for anyone who cant be arsed to read the lot "All in all i wouldnt buy any other brand of barrels. I have a madbull black python and quality doesnt come close. I keep the zci in my go to. On a side note i did roll the barrel on a flat percision ground inspection table... it wobbled as much if not less as the madbull barrel(about .010"). I did measure the madbull in the same fasion but this is a review on the ZCI barrel. like i said this wobble is insignificant because the barrel bore is straight. I do recomend these barrels to anybody. I give these barrels my stamp of aproval". "Grabbed one at random to take some snaps of. The bore finish is actually among the highest I've seen out of a steel barrel, easily the highest I've seen out of a budget steel barrel. Looks like a bead wash sort of. Disadvantage of this is that it makes it easier to see flaws. Nothing major, but you can see where cutting was done for the chamber, crown, retention slots, etc. Crown was also solid. Straightness (of the one) looked good too. I was actually pretty damn surprised by this one to be completely frank". "1) The above average bore finish is, usually, only on the barrels with the deeper crowns. The ones more or less squared off at the ends don't seem to have it. What they have looks more like what you'd find in a typical promy bore, that sort of odd almost crystal stretch mark pattern. The crowned barrels with the nice bore finish seem to have started with that sort of pattern, but have what looks for all the world like a fine stone wash finish. I have no idea how they applied it. 2) These barrels are, on average, better than the Core barrels in all design, manufacturing, and performance aspects I've thus far measured. 3) The straightness of these barrels is only about on par with your typical entry-level upgrade barrel. That doesn't make them bad, but they're no PDI competitor in that respect".
  7. Take it from someone who owns and uses one rather than what you have read, its an excellent, consistent and straight barrel.
  8. To be honest id agree with you mate, its complete garbage. What you cant tell from the pic is that its superglued in 2 parts as it broke in half the first time trying to put it on the rail. Suprisingly still works though
  9. Finished Mk18 Mod1 TM Recoil Sopmod Madbull DD 9.5" RIS II KAC Style can VFC KAC buis Element TD foregrip Gbase Elcan Spectre DR Element LA-5 ATIPAL Element Mx3 and dual switch Battleaxe P-mags for TM's Dragonind Vtac style AOR1 Sling DD foreward QD sling mount Internal: BTC Specter V2 for next Gen, SHS High Torque, SHS 13:1 gears, M100 spring, ZCI 6.02 TBB, Prommy purple rubber
  10. This should help http://www.airsoftmap.net/Skirmish/
  11. I have the tenspeed double M4, although ive only been using it for 2 months. It doesnt look like its going to fail any time soon.
  12. My Element LA-5 ATIPAL arrived today. Also won the Military1st twitter competition (£100) so got Helikon Soft Shell Jacket Level 5 Ver. II Coyote Mechanix Wear The Original Gloves Woodland Highlander Explorer Merino Wool Hiking Sock Brown Maxpedition Jolly Roger (Stealth) Morale Patch
  13. Just won the military1st Twitter comp. £100 to spend, now what do I need :)

  14. Just a suggestion but would probably be cheaper and easier to just buy a new barrel. Pete at ak2m4 has ZCI 6.02 tight bores for around £14
  15. Mack


    Im gonna have to agree with samurai here. Unless you can prove otherwise with a video. You would need to be putting out at least 600fps to be hitting 100m's http://mackila.com/airsoft/atp/07-a-07.htm
  16. Nevermind found it. They are French SF and the helmet is a MSA Gallet ARCH helmet http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?119476-French-special-forces-%28too-many-pics-!%29/page38
  17. They look like French special forces, as for the NVG shroud, ive never seen it but will keep digging. Do you have a link to the original pic/article?
  18. Changed the TM Block II M4 into a MK18 Mod1
    1. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      hahaha most excellent, scary thing is they'll prob get a ton of calls

    2. AK47frizzle


      "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'd lay suppressing fire for you"

  19. yep, Tommy is sound. Used to play at GZ regularly but aint seen him in ages
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