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Profile Information

  • Guns
    currently hire gunner (until ukara is sorted again)
  • Loadouts
    various odds and sods i managed to save from the ex's clear out of my gear
  • Sites
    first and only (the tower)
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Live music and anything fire arm related made the cadet shooting team when I was a teen and been hooked ever since

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  1. fair point still could look kinda awesome even if it was for a fool around
  2. Well as the title says i just thought "under slung pistol is it a good/bad idea?" After all we have nade launchers, shotguns and bayonets (kinda the same idea of under mounted weaponry) had a fool about on pimpmygun and going with the idea of using a pistol sight rail and an acog mount or ris2ris connector, (didnt have one so used a s.m 2 simulate) and then fab some sort of rear support/slideguradlike a nadelauncher would have. so whats the thoughts? is it a silly idea or maybe a missed one?
  3. only thing i got airsoft related would be my new shiney beard trimmer to help keep the tactibeard semi neat
  4. no one know of anywhere i could get hold of one then or would my best bet be looking state side for a second hand one even?
  5. Am sure its been asked before but views on both also where in the u.k builds daytona guns?
  6. how many battery's do you have? if its only the one then buy a spare nothing worse than your battery going dead halfway through the day and not having a spare to use, then maybe a few small upgrades like a tight bore barrel or even a decent sling. a defo would be the midcaps unless your more of a spray and pray kinda player in which case stick to the high caps as 3 mags that hold 300 rounds each would serve you better than 3 mags that hold 120rounds each.
  7. even then whats stopping someone buying a two tone then spraying it black in regards to the thread i thought all airsoft guns had to have a bright orange flash hider in the u.s also why shoot to kill instead of shoot to disable the threat.
  8. Cheers guys and yep allready spending most of my wages on this addiction. Oh and i agree Ian that new honeybadger M4 looks tastey thinking of doing a dmr build with a similar look in the new year once my pay rise hits and my ukaras sorted.
  9. Well guys and girls been a dam long time since i posted here, due to being pushed out of airsoft by my now ex partner but glad to say im back in the game although back as a hire gunner due to the ex having sold all my gear and rif's when we split (including the clasic army m4 i won here through the supporters raffle) and now having to redo my ukara requirements. So hows everyone been anyway?
  10. woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop

  11. get a longer tightbore inner barrel and a suppressor to cover it the longer barrel helps with bigger gains in fps
  12. 8days till i move into the new house and im gunna have my own gun room/tech room canni wai ideas for decor welcome

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      You need a badass shelf that sort of folds out of the wall! To hide the guns for when you have visitors who don't like them or something.

      Then when people do like them, you can be all like, "Hey, look at this" press a button *boop* and all the guns just come out of the wall.


      You can thank me later.

    3. kungfumonkey


      that does sound epic ed thankyou


    4. SpecialForce


      black, red and chrome everywhere. montana style!

  13. i think its a classic army sportline g36 but no markings anywhere not even on the v3 gear box not even a made in chine mark which is odd
  14. game tomorrow just hope the rain holds off

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