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Posts posted by LMKipper

  1. On 11/09/2024 at 18:14, Impulse said:

    This, combined with the fact that Wolverine now offer an MTW 308 Unleashed that comes with the Wraith X pre-installed as well as the battery grip for a lower price than the sum of their parts, means that the MTW 308 has shot up the list to the point where I'll probably pick it up end of the month. 


    That 308 Unleashed looks incredible - bet that will make a brilliant DMR platform.


    3 hours ago, Crazy_Crystal said:

    Had a fun weekend at Stirling this weekend. First Stirling in a few years and good fun. I was running solo but was lucky to be attached to 1 troop although the takings really were the same as any other callsign. Lots of patroling and recce to build up a target package before conducting strikes into the village.


    It was really hard work as the tempo was high for a 36hr event and opfor fought incredibly hard with everywhere outside of the fob feeling like a hostile environment. If you have your admin on point and are comfortable being aggressive in a firefight then it really is worth giving it a try as they're really special events.


    Run TF if you're into sprinting into battle and opfor if you're looking for a more relaxed attitude to the game. Either way you'll be looked after.


    This is good to hear. I'd like to get back into milsims having restarted airsoft, but no longer have a regular group to go with. Thought rocking up to a Stirling/Defiant/An Other solo might be a bit crap but sounds alright.

  3. Made my way over to UCAP Green Ops yesterday. It's a bit out of my way and further than I would normally travel, but I had to drop my girlfriend at Gatwick for 7:30, so thought I'd treat myself...


    Anyway, what a really great site. There wasn't a huge amount of people, only 40 or so at the start of the day but the games were fun. Started with your typical fall back defence game, followed by a timer game then drugs/bombs in the helicopter. Nothing revolutionary but what makes the site so great is what they've done with the playing area. 


    They've built/dug loads of bunkers, buildings, trenches etc, so there's loads of variety in quite a small site. It's not all long distance stuff either, so they've created a sort of woodland CQB in some ways. The other thing, which is a pet peeve at some sites, is that they've kept on top of maintenance. Lots of the rhodendrons/bushes/weeds are kept in check with paths kept clear. That means you can move around the site easily and everyone isn't funneled into one small area because the rest is impassible. 


    Bit too far for me to be a regular site but if I find myself that way again I'll head over.

  4. On 10/09/2024 at 17:54, Rogerborg said:

    Mmm, some comments in the Facebook post about punters trying out guns at retailers, and then buying online while still in the shop, without even asking for a price match.  That's a proper dick move.


    When I worked in a bicycle shop, folks would come in to try shoes/clothing on and I'd see them scrolling online for prices while they supped our free coffee. I know everyone wants everything as cheap as they can get it (I'm the same) but I think people forget that every hour a shop is open, it's costing money.


    I had one experience with ZeroOne, nearly 20 years ago. I bought an ICS MP5SD that was DOA. I sent it back and they accused me of having opened the motor housing because the wiring was bust! They repaired it (as a gesture of goodwill...) and I haven't shopped there since.

  5. Back when I was a wee lad, I picked up the nickname Kipper because of the cartoon dog. I don't remember how it came about but I've used it on forums for ages (inc Arnies circa 2004 😐). I stuck the LM on the front because Kipper was taken; LM standing for LordMoose, which makes up part of the randomly generated eBay name I plumped for also about 20 years ago.

  6. Brilliant day at Imperium - perhaps my bestestest airsoft day ever.


    It was one of their 'Cartel' games, with three factions (police, taskforce & cartel) all vying to prevent/control/run a drugs smuggling operation. The roleplaying element with specific RoE for each faction made the day feel really different from your typical skirmish without the eight hours lying in a trench of a milsim. A real highlight for me was leading a four man patrol that snuck into the cartel CP and pinched all the gear while they were out attacking another objective.


    By far the best bit of the day though, was that I think it's the first time I've gone the whole day without hearing any cheat calling. No one was accused of not taking hits. No one was accused of being hot. No dodgy medics, no hiding from 'nades behind bushes, no dead men talking. Just a really well played and well marshalled day.

  7. A middling to average skirmish day at Imperium today. I'd not been to a skirmish there before, only the Ground Wars (filmsim/battlesim type games). Despite it being 'just' a skirmish, the games themselves were well thought out. Capture an area, move a truck to another area, extract an item etc. Not just a typical, attack/defend fallback game. Used my GHK M4 and it ran like a dream all day.


    What let the day down to begin with was Imperium didn't do a great job of setting out the teams in the morning - red team was clearly outnumbered and had nearly all the rental players. The first game we just about hung on, but then got steamrolled three games in a row until lunch. After lunch they did a head count and found it was 46 reds playing against 67 blues; no wonder we never stood a chance!


    Once the teams were sorted, the afternoon games felt a lot more balanced to play. With some good back and forth action. There was the usual 'not calling their hits' but I didn't witness it myself. I did have one annoying moment though while attacking the FOB. At Imperium grenade kills are instant death, no medic just straight back to regen. I grenaded a position, ran round and got lit up. When I got there one of the lads said he was more than 5m away then mediced the others back in...

  8. 4 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

    It's a similar situation with ghillie suits, people buy them thinking they'll become invisible and forget about fieldcraft.


    At a game the other day, there was a bloke in a ghillie just standing in the open, or in wooden structures, as if it was an invisibility cloak. Couldn't help but laugh at him really.



  9. On 13/08/2024 at 16:13, Tackle said:

    Any NC750X DCT owners on here ?, I'm actually tempted by the auto gearbox & apparent frugal fuel consumption, just don't trust reviews on sites run & edited by freebie loving journos etc😏


    Not an owner but I was once a 'freebie loving' bike journo. Genuinely never wrote/said anything I wouldn't say to a friend spending their own money but either way, I am no longer a journalist, so there's nowt in it for me.


    The issue with the DCT gearboxes is that in standard modes, they just want to rush to top as quickly as possible. It's very easy to find yourself in 6th at 30. With the gearbox in the sporty mode they're a bit better but still hit and miss - I used to put Africa Twins straight to S3 and they still felt about 10bhp down on the standard bike. They've definitely improved the changing gear seemingly at random/mid-corner problems they used to have but it's far from perfect and it only takes one really ropey shift to catch you off-guard. On the Wing, they make some sense especially if you use the crawl mode in traffic, but on the rest of the range I'd honestly just stick with the manual.

  10. Really good day at DogTag - only did the morning as I had to pick up the other half this afternoon but the morning games were fun.


    We (blue) started attacking, having to clear out the trenches, then the CQB area, then the rifle range and finally the FOB. Attackers had to push through, plant a flag in one area then raise the corresponding flag in the next area. Attackers respawn, defenders one life and fall back. Pretty standard stuff really.


    What made it really excellent, was that on each team there were people with mortars, so the opening game started with two mini artillery barrages. Same for when we switched sides after the break. I had a couple of really nice plays while defending, including one great spot where I could shoot onto the back of a doorway from about 20m away. I got about five or six players who ran in, with a few complaining of friendly fire. In the end, it was bad luck that knocked me out with a badly thrown grenade (aimed for a bunker miles away) landing near me.


    Used my WA M4 and it ran like a dream - shot lovely and straight all morning with real shot to shot consistency, which is pretty key when you've only got 30rds a mag.


    Credit also to the marshalls for testing a 'DMR' a guy was chronoing only to discover it was capable of full auto. He told them it was a DMR and semi-locked. I didn't see the full outcome but as I left they were offering to throw him off the site.

  11. Be interested to see how this pans out. I work at a vehicle OEM and we test things like you wouldn't believe but we can't simulate every possible outcome. When something a bit unexpected happens that results in a product failure, and we can replicate it, everyone in R&D is mortified.


    That said, checking it still works after it falls over seems like a basic test...

  12. Disappointing day for me at AWA Herts. Hadn't been before but thought I'd give it a whirl.


    It was their 'Big Skirm' where they run the whole site. In the morning there was a vague objective of 'collect some things from around the site' but the brief didn't say where they were, offer us any maps or suggest what the other team might be doing. The result was just some vague bumbling around an incredibly overgrown woodland, where I saw three or four players from the other team at most and the one chap I did hit didn't take it. At no point did we know how we were doing but we did know the result was supposed to influence the afternoon in someway (although it was never mentioned ever again).


    After lunch it was a giant two+ hour fall back game, again with no real objective other than either attack (reds) or defend (greens). I called it quits a few fallbacks early as I got smashed in the face with the hardest airsoft hit I've ever had. I was lying a fair way back across open ground, so it hit me with a lot of force from a decent distance (50m+). I mentioned it to the marshal and he replied "Oh yeah the other team has lots of regulars who run DMRs. I bet I can guess who it was. We call his gun the C*ntcannon." Lovely!


    Hard to know if it was outright shiftyness, or someone taking advantage of the fact they chrono on FPS, not joules but it's the first time I've had cause to think someone was actually using a hot RIF. Needless to say, won't be returning...


    On 21/07/2024 at 15:59, johnnyj said:

    I did wonder why you would paint a rs kac ras and noticed the clamp and screw was missing but for the price I had to have it. 

    Not fully cleaned up yet but it's not looking to bad , need to find some ali black for the damage ( mind is boggled at how this happened)







    I bet at some point someone didn't have a tool to take off the barrel nut, so they just whacked the RAS with a hammer until it came loose.

  14. On 17/06/2024 at 15:51, johnnyj said:

    I went to an arms fair couple of weeks ago to sell some stuff and I even made sure to take a small amount of cash so I didn't buy but I could not turn these 2 down ! 


    G&p mk18 mod0 and a g&p upper with gas buster charge handle.. 


    Both for a dizzy £85 .. 




    With the storm grip, KAC front end and cut off bayonet lug it's halfway to an L119A1. Bargain!

  15. Ah gotcha. Similar names and Imperium is a decent drive from a main road, never mind public transport!


    What I've found the London area is missing is a good FIBUA site, like Anzio. It either seems to be pure woodland, or CQB but no building to build stuff but I guess that's just a space in the South East issue.

  16. 14 hours ago, Tackle said:

    Imperium is a site I've been keen to try, but is this kinda thing normal there ?, if so I'll give it a swerve, wasting time hanging around when we should be playing is one of my pet hates I've experienced at some sites.


    I was there and it was a slower start than usual - not really sure why. Brief is always 9:30 for 15ish minutes, then game on at 10ish. 

    I think they had less vehicles running, so it took longer to bus everyone to the start with a few round trips.


    The actual play time ended up around the same as they pushed lunch back, made lunch a little shorter then ran the day a little later. The bigger issue was that the afternoon game was a bit of a stalemate. I was on Blue and it was our objective to recover a downed enemy pilot, then return him for questioning. It was Red's objective to recover him to their FoB, then collect some items from his intel on the other side of the site. Unfortunately, they either never got told the second part of the objective or forgot, so their whole team just hunkered down in the FoB near their regen for two hours making progress impossible.

  17. 8 hours ago, Impulse said:


    My opinion is likely to be a bit biased because I love gas bolt actions and have used a gas m700 for a year or so now. Initial impressions on it are great. It feels amazing to hold and shoot and for a gas gun it was consistent enough. When I was at chrono my lowest shot was 1J and my highest was 1.12J. The only issue was the hop rubber being ancient so I need to swap it out to get a good gauge on how it shoots, but my friend has one and his shoots great.


    I'll be using it next weekend at a Vietnam filmsim and will have a new hop rubber in it, so will hopefully see then.


    I can appreciate that. I was always a Tanaka lover way back when and regret not buying a PCS bolt version when they were common.

  18. 5 hours ago, Impulse said:

    I bought a PPS kar98 as the guy who runs a kit shop and sells at Worthing bought a bunch of Daddy-O's guns (a fairly well known WW2 airsofter from a few years ago) as I think he's getting out of the hobby and this was one of them.

     Ooh let me know how this goes. I've had my eye on one for a wee while.

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