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Everything posted by Dan_W

  1. It does but you need pressure like 60 atm or something at room temperature.
  2. I can't see competiton shooting with airsoft rifles. If we can't use metal bb's, why should we be able to use these? I think this is more of a concept idea to see what they can do, or for plinkers only. I'm waiting for the silly YouTube comparison videos to come up where there are usually more tham one variable.
  3. So LOLzCat teens are classing themselves as a race now?
  4. Anyway back on track, don't want to ruin the thread with arguments, that's why you have private messages ladies! +1 for the CYMA cm045 and 048 series. Brilliant starters if you are looking for an alternative to the M4 which everyone has these days. However they are a little difficult to find but you can get them nice and cheap from the Polish shops, Taiwan Gun and Gunfire. They may be a little hot aswell but once you get it sorted it will last you for years and the performance is punching well above its price range!
  5. There is always one that has to pose a counter argument The simple fact of the matter is that they use censorship. Censorship causes ignorance. Ignorance causes dickheads. Now couple that with the fact that many, many people here have had bad dealings with them. Censorship shouldn't be allowed.
  6. You should join Delta to piss of those in the MC. Do a CBA load out or go out with florescent pink tutus. That way we can identify fellow AF UK comrades. Not sure I can make it this year, it's a bit of a travel and even more cost but I should be able to attend a meet up in the near future
  7. They sound pretty impressive. If it is true that it is the third hardest substance on earth then it is pretty cool people are using it for our humble little hobby
  8. I'll just drop this here for you kids to argue about. http://www.bbbastard.com/66-pearls-cnc-super-heavyweight-sniper-round-8-rounds.html Anyone wanna test them for us?
  9. I was just stating in general My own skirmishable 'loadout' currently sits at £140 including 4 mags and camouflage. I built the gun from spares and scavenged as much as possible. Look out for my post in the near future!
  10. We spend thousands dressing up like soldiers and the minute we put some camo cream on our face we look like pretentious twats? A big 'Well Done' to those that think that.
  11. I was gonna tell everyone my opinion, the only correct one of course, but I just couldn't be bothered. Have fun kids and stay safe
  12. Your best bet is getting an M16A2, PLCE, pre 95 DPM. And a black, wooly hat. Here is a little video for ya http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GNmUNEXGQKs
  13. Second the TM recoil Scar H
  14. Is a 120% spring equivalent to an M90?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. M_P


      Joules changes massively depending on bb weight.

    3. two_zero


      at the same speed it would, but seeing how the bb is heavier, it travels slower. the speed goes down but the joule stays the same. thats how I understood it

    4. two_zero


      again, I might well be wrong.

  15. What brand spring and what strength will bring me below 328fps? I know some companies rate their springs with .25g. Thanks :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dan_W


      I heard Guarder's and one or two other either rate them with .25g or are a bit hotter than stated.

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      M90 should bring it down to around 310-320

    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      ASG ultimate/Lonex spring are the ones I use and trust. M100 keeps it around 320 assuming good air seal and M90 give me about 280 range. The spring quality itself is pretty good. You can get them in most Irish retailers.

  16. Hardest choice I've ever had to make; Izlom, Berezka or Partizan. All the same price aswell :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TacMaster


      Might end up looking like a late Vietnam war NVA soldier

    3. Dan_W


      There were still a few chicom rigs used by various Russian units during the Chechen wars and the medic bag just looks like a generic Khaki backpack.

    4. Dan_W


      And the camo looks Russian more than Vietnamese. They have used that much diffferent equipment over the years there is no period specific 'Russian Loadout'.

  17. Also got a surplus chicom chest rig straight from China for £11 .
  18. The barrel came with it and the person threw in an NVA medic bag. It was delivered to my girlfriends so I have yet to see it all to find out if the bag is genuine Vietnam War era surplus or not. It also came with a worn out woodland camo paint job so once I strip it back it might have a nice worn effect to it... or not. Sorry to go a bit off topic here, but I heard there are one or two events running at Bellurgan park over the summer. It is a bit of a travel for me (I'm in Enniskillen) so are the planned events milsim or what are they? In the middle of a Russian loadout at the minute so I would happily be on the 'non multicam' (Even though the FSB use it now ) side if it is one
  19. Anyone know where I can get a stockless or foldy sort stock Beta Spetznatz?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Russe11
    3. Dan_W
    4. Russe11


      Yup, basically and AK74U with short mag and rails, black furniture.


      Maybe this one? Mag is too long but that can be changed easily. Otherwise it's probably easy enough to change the furniture to add rails etc to an AK74U.

  20. A second hand DBoys AK 103 body and two 7.62x39mm polymer mags to go with it for £50. All it needs is a gearbox and barrel, I already have both.
  21. I know that most are fantastic out of the box. But a perfect gun has yet to come.
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