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Everything posted by Dan_W

  1. Sorry, fixed the link. Good insight to the LCT one though
  2. Fixed. Sorry about that. I have now linked it to the Force Core made one which I meant to originally.
  3. So gunfire.pl have just added this and this to their store. I haven't heard of the manufacturer before so not sure if it is worth the risk buying it. Any thoughts?
  4. Looking for the full AK now, an ex-rental would be pretty nice.
  5. Have you found one in stock in the U.K.?
  6. Had no idea he was dodgy. Has anyone received anything from him?
  7. A 6 incher perhaps http://specialairsoftsupplies.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=801
  8. Can't wait to see teh epic xXSniperXx scopecam skill shotz XD
  9. Thanks very much. I was chatting to the guy selling them but I haven't found out what he has yet.
  10. It is Maya from Zero Dark Thirty. 'If it's a miracle Colour Sergeant, it's a short chamber Boxer Henry, point 4-5 caliber miracle.' 'And a bayonet Sir! With some guts behind it!' From my favorite...
  11. Haven't seen anything on the UK one recently. What other decent ones are there?
  12. Basically, I need the parts shown. I don't know where to get them either.
  13. Oooooooh, let's re-kindle the cunt rage. My plan would be; 1)Acquire supplies. Travel into one of the villages where there will be a less dense population of zombies. Look through farmer's houses for weapons. 2) Travel to a supermarket. Risky move but it might pay off. Get some tinned food and stuff myself with free chocolate. 3A) Once I am nice and full with the free food, end it all. Probably going to live out a lonely existence anyway and it means one less zombie. America will probably nuke us anyway to stop the spread of infection. 3B) Risk acquiring some advanced weaponry. Police stations here hold all sorts of weapons, I have seen H&K G36, H&K MP5 and H&K 33. There is also TA centre nearby that holds MP5's at least. Not sure if they hold L85 or anything heavier. 4) Move to a large estate a few miles out of town. There are a few major ones where I live. In the long term, food is going to be a problem. It has a river that contains game and course fish, and a large resident deer population. There are also boats and can be used to access Islands, which can be used to evacuate to incase of emergency, and to hold supplies. Assuming there are other factions, rivals or not, both the food and defensible space, as well as seclusion, would all benefit in your survival. My master plan has been shared with great contempt. Now that other people may share in my plan in the case of a real outbreak, I might have done myself out of a survival niche. Still, feel free to sticky.
  14. I would love one for £90, but a metal body one would be nicer Some of those 'bb gun' websites has a Golden Eagle M733, which I think is just the company name of metal JG guns, Unfortunately there aren't many reviews and for £40 more I could get a G&P one.
  15. I know, but all the money!!!! I was thinking about building it from scratch, maybe using the body for an M16A2 build aswell, kind of interchangable for CQB and Woodland sort of dealio.
  16. I use 0.3g Gunfire Rocket Platinums from the site Gunfire.pl. 3000 for about £16 Only fired about 200 through, but they are more accurate than Blaster devils 0.2g so they do me
  17. I can't upload on my tablet for some reason?!?! Oh well. Never mind, fixed it.
  18. So, natural small river 6lb brownie vs Ultra light perch tackle. Who wins? GO...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dan_W


      A magnificent beast like that would have been returned Ed.

    3. Dan_W


      Oh, I see what you mean. Smart Arse T_T

    4. Airsoft-Ed
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