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Everything posted by DanBow

  1. I'm bored today so expect plenty of threads, some may be about postage!

  2. Having just read the absolute trainwreck thread "Opinions on UKAPU", I think this one can be locked and I'll ask a different question! Can a mod lock this please?
  3. I've done a search but, apart from one thread about how someone has become a rep for UKAPU, I can't find any information about the above. So, United Kingdom Airsoft Federation and United Kingdom Airsoft Players Union, are they both/either an active force for good in our sport? Are there any actual benefits to either? A discount is good but that's not what we need. I am a member of both, UKAPU as a Bronze free member, as I agree that we need something to represent our interests at a bigger, national level. I used to shoot full bore pistol and centre fire rifle but due to a lack of a cohesive argument, a massive media frenzy and politicians that will push knee jerk reaction to ensure that they get the votes rather than looking at the actual facts, we lost it and still losing it every year with more draconian measures being forced on legitimate law abiding shooters . . . sorry, started ranting a bit! What are peoples thoughts, experiences of the above? EDIT: just found this post
  4. Have you shot it yet? Might not need upgrades.
  5. Same battery, hadn't touched the barrel. Literally put it back in the box after playing the week before, then took it out yesterday morning. Actually, the site owner didn't chrono it last week, it was one of the marshals. So yes, maybe let off as it was only just over, whereas the site owner is more strict. Completely understandable. That's a good call. Now that you've said it, I do recall reading about the hop on MP5s.
  6. Not sure on the exact numbers, he said its just over. I'm sure I saw 320 fps on the screen but couldn't be sure.
  7. Wearher was pretty much the same, same chrono so I'm stuck at airsoft weirdness until a better explanation is presented! Lol
  8. Couldn't word the title properly but here goes, I took out my Cyma MP5 last weekend, passed chrono and enjoyed my time out in the field. Went to the same site yesterday with the same MP5, shooting the same .25s and it was just over the limit. I'd cleaned the barrel and rubbers before the first game and not touched it since. I've no idea what it was reading on the first visit as a pass is a pass. As a test, I put a handful of .28s through it and it was even more spicy. So, is some variation in AEGs normal? The site owner said that as it's essentially a new rif, it could help if I put a couple of hundred shots through it to run it in sort of thing. What say the Collective? Oh, it was like shooting a laser beam on .28s. 😁
  9. Played another half day today and actually managed nearly all of it! There was only12 of us with 4 or 5 first timers but it was a really good day. They first timers were all young teenagers so it took them the 1st game to realise that it doesn't hurt when you get shot. Standard attack/defend games were played and by the time I had had enough there were some very good tactical manoeuvres emerging with fantastic comms being shouted. Pics below . . . That's my eldest daughter. Another proud father moment.
  10. Hi Dell, 1973 is a very good vintage. 😁
  11. Definitely needa full build thread of its own. 😁
  12. I was talking to a guy who said his wife is an angel. You're lucky I said, mine's still alive!
  13. Dropped of of my mags and broke the feed lip. I've ordered a couple of spares but I found a file on Thingiverse - here - so printed one. It fits and feeds ok but the pusher doesn't go up fully to hold open the slide on mag empty. I'll give it a little fettle and see how it goes.
  14. I know I've been off work, and immobile, for a few monrhs but why did no one tell how fat I've become! 😪
  15. Do you use a LiPo bag for storage or just for charging?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. _K4MF_


      Stored in a LipoSafe bag, but charged in the kitchen on a glass chopping board. 

    3. Rogerborg


      Store in a bag, charge in an Explosion Containment Pie Dish.

    4. Sewdhull


      I store all my batteries in an ammo box.

      I charge on my desk.



  16. In a word, or 2, bloody brilliant! I only booked in for a half day, due to my still broken but getting better leg, and I stuck it out for a couple of hours but i loved every second of it. I had everyrhing ready to go, batteries charged, mags gassed and when i got to site I realised that I'd left the bag of batteries at home! Knobber! Luckily the guy setting up next to me had a spare, otherwise it would have ben a pistol day! Not many shots were fired and i dont think I i got anyone but it was nice to be out. There was a photographer taking shots (pictures) for their website too. If he got any decent ones of me, you'll all see them on here! Lol
  17. I cant quite make it out but if it's a Torx, you could try the next size up and hammer it into the head. Or get a flat head screwdriver thats the ssme width as the outer part of the points. Or use a small punch and drift it around.
  18. I think some one, who shall remain nameless, has complained about postage so much that it's affected the websites inner workings! 😂😂
  19. I found that one but their own website is dead so I didn't look any further. I didn't see that one, ta.
  20. Back in the good old days (early 90s) I used to shoot practical pistol, real guns, shooting through and around set obstacles. More recently (late 10s) I dabbled with practical shotgun and 3Gun. Same thing, following a course of fire, shooting around or through set obstacles against a timer with penalties for missed targets etc. So, so much fun. I see that there is a company darn sarf that does an airsoft version but I cant find anything national. Is there a national association, league or anything? If not, why? Has it been tried and failed or just not something that's been tried?
  21. How much is postage?
  22. Im off work with a broken leg, ive got nothing else to do bit moan! 😁
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