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Gunboat Diplomat

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Posts posted by Gunboat Diplomat

  1. 5 hours ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    If you're interested we could do a joint order... £186 would buy 20kg, including the delivery?

    Just seen this update, good idea, I’ll drop you a PM. 

    The irony of starting a thread to track Airsoft spending leading directly into more airsoft spending does not escape me. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    What is your line of work?  My problem is my skills are primarily in a particular, dying, IT technology.  All the companies that have used it in the past are very actively trying to dump it (or have already)


    So I've taken a very big pay cut to take a role where I can lean more current tech.  It seemed the only sensible option.

    Software QA / automation.  Was in demand a couple of years ago, but I think the affect of higher interest rates drying up the liquidity in the tech world means there is less to go round, so most houses would rather spend on development than QA.  Doesn't help when out of work developers are taking test automation roles - I can't compete with their skills yet!


    Expect you have made the right choice.  I did something similar some time ago, took a very hefty pay cut to go from being a hardware engineer to software.  Certainly paid off financially but far less satisfying.  If I'm going to royally screw something up, I prefer to use tools to do it rather than a keyboard.


    AI tooling is going to make it much harder to stand out soon I think, various LLMs are producing solid (if not production ready) code already.


    26 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    The warhead BBs can be ordered here

    £91 for 10kg of 0.28 bio's, plus about £15 p&p, iirc 

    Ah splendid, much obliged.  At least if I stock up now I'll have enough to play with if I end up on the job hunt next year!


    33 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    Sorry about nicking the bargains, I've missed out on quite few more I'd have bought too!

    You've probably saved me £££s!

  3. 3 hours ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    Given I've been out of work for 7 months of this year

    Ouch.  I've been looking for a good few months now (thankfully still gainfully employed but have some doubts over longevity next year) but the market has seemingly tanked compared to a couple of years ago for my line of work.


    3 hours ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    Warhead ammo bulk purchase (10kg 0.28s)

    Where did you get these?  That's exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for.


    3 hours ago, RostokMcSpoons said:


    VFC HK416 GBBR
    DE M904G
    JG G3
    CA Scarab
    Rossi Sniper

    G&G G36
    KJW Glock 17 

    Total: ~£850

    That is a very healthy haul of goodies.  I've had a look at Action's boneyard a few times and it's either empty or anything decent has already gone.  I think I know who the culprit is now.

  4. On 20/12/2023 at 17:01, JimFromHorsham said:

    I think the price is decent in todays offerings too


    Yep a few places seem to be doing it with 3 extra mags for £575.  Puts it squarely in MWS territory, but you're getting an equivalent of 240 rounds of total field-able capacity vs 140 on the MWS with the same number of mags.


    I realise they are very different propositions, but it's still airsoft toys at the end of the day.

  5. 14 hours ago, Jacket said:

    Great post, it’s nice to see that the largest percentage is actually going on playing.

    That’s a good point, I certainly want to maintain that bias. I’m guilty of having a few hobbies where the time and money spent sourcing kit has far exceeded that spent on actually using it. 

    I’ve got some truly egregious examples from cycling that, thankfully since this an airsoft forum, I don’t need to document. 

  6. On 08/12/2023 at 21:46, gavinkempsell said:

    I've only been with my employers since Feb & now selling more pies than I ever dreamt of a few months ago, limited range but well chuffed as they're my own design/recipe.


    Galloway scotch pies

    Mince & onion bridies (deffo my fav)

    Steak & gravy pies


    Traditional Scottish Steak pies Big uns, to small uns.


    But this is a pew forum so... pew, pew, pew


    p.s. shiny pie ashets will prob scare off most wildlife (just make sure they're empty & washed or you'll attract the wildlife).

    Wildly off topic, but I spend a lot of time wondering what I’d like to do instead of my current job and I think I’ve just found a contender. Mmmm pies….

  7. 1 hour ago, Reef said:

    Thanks guys, really appreciate the input.


    Sleeping on it last night I think I’m going to just get a gun for my son and up his budget. Looking at the Specna Edge level now with better internals and Mosfet, etc. I’ll buy my own at a later date.


    At the moment we’ve been using the hire mesh face masks but will invest in our own. PPE is a tough one, everyone  I speak to has their own opinions on what works for them. Don’t think I’ve seen two set ups the same, I’m going to get my son a Valken mi-7, not sure about me yet. We do a bit of hiking/fishing, etc, so boots, gloves and clothing we’re pretty much set. I’m using gloves, jacket and knee pads from my MTB riding, saves a few quid 😀

    If you’re looking at the higher level Specnas, note that its only the Edge 2.0 models that come with a proper Gate Aster mosfet (this gives you all the nice features like active braking, pre-cocking, programmability etc).  These start around the £250ish mark. 

    The standard Edge models have an X-ASR, which is essentially nothing more than an electronic trigger contact.  It has no extra features or configurable options.  They come in some nice bodies but arguably aren’t going to perform any better than the £90 Flex that Fire-Support are selling. 


    My choice when I had this dilemma earlier this year was the Double Eagle M906C. It has their Falcon mosfet in it. Not as advanced as the Specna’s Gate Aster, but it is programmable and has all the features I need. Its been rock solid over many games and thousands of rounds fired. I bought it thinking I’d upgrade to something better, but its dawned on me that in AEG terms at least there aren’t many more gains to be made. This and the rest of Double Eagle’s Falcon equipped models all hover around the £180-£200 mark. Would definitely shortlist them next to the Specnas. 

    PPE wise, you’ll prob have to experiment a bit. The revelation for me were Revision Anti Fog wipes. I now use relatively cheap and comfortable Bolle eyepro, these would normally steam up very easily but the Revision wipes keep 90% of it at bay. 

  8. On 05/12/2023 at 23:13, ctcb197 said:

    What sort of FPS should I expect running it stock with .28g? I know FPS isn't the being all and end all out but if it's fairly low I'd look into getting a spring next and people have said the stock isn't very good anyway. Which would you recommend? I have a spenca arms m90 already.



    I get around 250-260fps from memory on 0.28s with the hop set, that is on the stock spring. 

  9. Likely the final game of the year for us.  Skirmish time has been a bit curtailed recently, but happily we made it out for a morning session at Spec Ops MK. 


    The boy was most excited to try out his recently acquired Golden Eagle HiCapa.  This is our first experience of anything gas powered, but I pre-warned him that with sub-zero temperatures and green gas he should set his expectations pretty low.  That said, his pistol chrono'd at 280ish on 0.2s reasonably consistently.  He got a couple of kills with it during the day so was pretty happy.  Slight issue with the mag venting unexpectedly from time to time so I'll have to look into that (assuming it wasn't just the cold).


    My Double Eagle 906C continues to be ever reliable, though it's only doing about 0.77 joules on 0.28s so I think a spring change is due.  


    My memory of the games is already fading, but highlights for me were getting my first 'knife-kill' whilst clearing the central compound and some optimistic but poorly executed attempts to rush objectives (until I was too knackered to run back from respawn anymore).  Getting right in with close engagements and sweeping through villages and compounds has become my favourite way to play (on the rare occasions I can get that close and I'm not too knackered to move fast enough) so I'm very much looking forward to the new indoor CQB site.  And also being sheltered from shit weather.


    Had my Apple watch on this game, so a picture probably tells a thousand words about my day in this case:





  10. Has Jaeger Precision actually authorised the return but then failed to give you an address to send it to? 


    Or is it the case that you have asked to return said item, Jaeger are unwilling to accept the return and so has refused to issue a return address on that basis?


    I can't work out if the trader is just messing you around by being evasive or if they are disputing that you have a valid reason to return the goods in the first place, therefore are not going to issue you a return address.


    In any case it sounds like poor comms on their side.


  11. You say recommended battery, so I'm assuming you mean this one from Patrolbase: https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/nuprol-11-1v-1300mah-20c-stick-lipo-battery-deans as that was what they linked in their ad for the Zion.


    Is the issue that it protrudes from the buffer tube such that you cannot fully collapse the stock when it is installed?  You can get shorter 11.1v LiPos, I've just ordered a couple of these which are only 105mm vs the 128mm of your battery (assuming it is the one in the link above).  No idea if they are any good or not, so it's not a recommendation as such.


    I have the same issue with my Double Eagle and the batteries I'm currently using with it, but I never use it with the stock collapsed so it doesn't bother me.  The only time I ever fully collapse the stock is for storage and I always remove the battery in that case anyway.  


  12. 1 hour ago, Dan Robinson said:

    When I was a teenagers I played (Rugby) for a club,  the school, the County, and was in the squad for Gloucester U21s.  On top of that I worked several evening's a week.


    Makes you wonder how you manage it when you get to our age.  I feel tired just thinking about it.

    Yep, aside from weekend matches he has training mid week, added football and rugby at school as he’s doing GCSE sports plus air cadets two nights a week. 

    As a result he eats like a Bagger 288. 

    I did bugger all as a teenager!  All my fitness has come post-30!


  13. 2 hours ago, Jaylordofwaargh said:

    You need to ask yourself, how far are you willing to go to shot people....

    When would your local sites and your kids games/training align?

    Or just enjoy the weekend and get a roast from somewhere 

    Yeah weekend of rest for me.
    Double football is only temporary whilst they are in the playoffs for the cup, ‘til they either get knocked out or win!

  14. 1 minute ago, MrTea said:

    I'm double posting essentially because this thing has gone from £95 for the RIF to £120... huh.

    Yep, I had one in my basket at £95 but dithered too long on it.  


    Didn’t particularly need it, but kicking myself still for not nabbing one at that price if only to have on hand as a backup. 

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