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Hibernator last won the day on December 21 2012

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  • Guns
    ICS M4: CQB, CASV, Diablo, Tsunami. TM M14 DMR, P90

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  1. I've always had a bit of an "accidents can happen" and "there's always idiots around" attitude even when in the safe zone. I wear goggles and full face during the game, but in the safe zone always swap to my ESS glasses (I used the wear them playing, until a richochet off my tooth made me move to full face!!). In the summer and outdoors I use the smoked lens, and if it's dull or indoor I use the clear. I wouldn't wear the full face, but feel a bit safer wearing the glasses.
  2. It might be worth a trip along to the Midlands Airsoft Fair next month near Rutland Water. It's held at a CQB site, there'll be plenty of retailers and people selling second hand kit to get you started. There are free games running throughout the day too. There'll be plenty of people from your area there http://www.midlandsairsoftfair.co.uk/ Good advice above I'd recommend finding a local site you like the look of, booking rental kit and turn up and play. See what kit everyone else wears/carries and decide what you like. Most people will be only too happy to tell you all about their kit and load out if you ask!
  3. Yes - I think the main attraction of shows like this is to see the latest/newest products, what's coming out etc.. I'm afraid that all the UK based airsoft shows seem to be the retailers selling the same stuff you can buy online, at the same prices. There's not really anything to draw you there apart from being able to handle/see something in real life before handing over the money. If they featured manufacturers with new products etc.. then they would have more appeal. Just look at Shot Show in the US. Many airsoft manufacturers use it to launch/preview their upcoming releases.
  4. Yeah - thanks for the report. I guess from the lack of replies, no one else went! There were a couple of shows last year that got terrible reviews and were not worth attending, so I guess it put people off. I was intending to go - it wasn't a million miles from me - but unfortunately some work came up and ruined that plan. I'd recommend looking at The Midlands Airsoft Fair at the Gaol in Rutland. That's run a couple of times a year and is dedicated to airsoft, rather than being tacked onto a larger show. There are a selection of retailers who go. There are also usually several private sellers - which is where you'll get the bargains.
  5. When I first started playing I loved the fact I could just wear shooting glasses, having moved across from paintball and annoying masks! Then one game a mate had his front tooth shot out and it cost a few hundred quid for a crown. Shortly after I had a bb bounce off my front tooth - luckily doing no damage. I've worn face protection ever since. It's not as comfy and doesn't look as tacticool as shooting glasses, but saves me from a big bill and more pain
  6. It's this sort of thing: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MLEmart-ACM-Airsoft-AEG-Outer-Barrel-Extension-14mm-Madbull-Compatible-/331730804243?var=&hash=item4d3cb25e13:m:mETatkTSSqWWUHeExK40fAQ http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MLEmart-ACM-Airsoft-4-5-inch-AEG-Outer-Barrel-Extension-w-Stabilizer-/331734867996?hash=item4d3cf0601c:g:9EAAAOSwo3pWcjgp http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5KU-PDW-Type-Extension-Outer-Barrel-14mm-CCW-5KU-163-BK-/271735522289?hash=item3f44b303f1:g:xIoAAOSw1vlUr6aA Just search for an AEG barrel extension the length you need.
  7. Not that gun, but it looks like my quick release silencer. If it's like mine, there is a sort of collar near the gun end that you pull back. This releases the grip on the flash hider and you keep pulling the silencer away from the gun with the collar held back.
  8. Pretty much what I do! If I spot a cheap ICS upper, upper gearbox, hop, inner/outer barrel etc. on forums I buy them up till I have enough bits to make a whole upper. I've got 3 ICS lowers and 5 or 6 uppers (I forget!) so plenty of combinations
  9. Yes - as above, the lower gears need to be aligned correctly to close it. You can turn them manually or a couple of trigger pulls on semi usually does it. Whatever you do, don't force it closed or you will damage something!
  10. Good choice for a first gun - I pretty much only use ICS M4s. Very easy to maintain and reliable bits of kit. The only recommendation I'd make is to get one with a front rail system. More often than not, newbs buy the ones with polymer handguards because they are cheaper and look good. But the first time you get to a skirmish and see people with vertical grips, PEQ boxes, lights, lasers etc hanging off rails they decide they want to upgrade the handguards. It's usually more expensive than just buying one with rails in the first place. ICS can also be a little picky on the rails that would fit. There's a bigger range here: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/category/ics-airsoft-aeg-gun/ And they'll spray it for £15. This is a good bet if you want something a little different! http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ics-plastic-cqb-folding-stock-airsoft-gun-aeg--sale--save-47 Or the newer CXP designs look cool: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ics-plastic-cxp-15-k-keymod-airsoft-gun-aeg
  11. Yeah - pretty sure First and Only do a similar thing, and you get to play there free for the life of the site or something. Might be worth checking!
  12. I'm no expert, but I suspect you will need some kind of insurance regardless. Property insurance as above and some kind of liability insurance. It's all well and good players signing waivers, but what if someone falls through a rotten floor or something? I'm sure you'd be found negligent for not checking the safety of the site. You'd also need it in case some random member of the public wanders onsite and gets shot in the face - they won't have signed a waiver. If you were charging people, it would probably be seen as a business. There's probably all sorts of legislation regarding change of use of the site from industrial to leisure. If there are houses nearby you'll have to account for noise polution, extra traffic, parking, people wandering around dressed like Rambo etc.. With the current security situation I'd imagine you'd need to inform the Police of your intentions as well so a well meaning member of the public doesn't place a worried call about an ISIS training camp in the area. I reckon Police MP5s hurt more than my CYMA ;-) I'm sure it can't be as easy as you think, or CQB sites would be springing up all over the place. It will probably take a lot of research and cost a bit!
  13. The barrel nut just unscrews. It's only difficult if it's on there really tight! You might need to use a rubber boa wrench or an armourers tool to get it off. As long as you buy a G&P barrel nut as Mack says, or a free float rail that will fit a G&P M4 then you're pretty much good to go. The only other thing you'll find is that a non-ICS barrel nut will not fit over the tabs on the ICS outer barrel. You will need to remove them - you'll see why when you try and slide the nut over them ;-) It takes about 30 seconds with a hack saw to cut them off. I've uploaded a pic below. Bear in mind that once you've done this, your old handguards won't fit as securely anymore as those tabs are used to help steady it.
  14. I've gone for an olive drab plate carrier and pouches. It's the ultimate accessory - goes with anything ;-) You can always add camo specific pouches to break it up a bit. I tend to favor MARPAT for woodland - don't see too much of it about. As well as issue stuff on eBay you can get decent quailty TruSpec gear (they call it Digital Woodland). The old US tricolour woodland is good too, quite rare at a skirmish and plenty of old issue stuff on eBay. If you want something cheaper and easy to get, how about German Flecktarn? Don't see that too often. Not sure on the availability of the others you listed, but Vegetato is good but can be hard to find unless you order from abroad. I imported a couple of UBACS type shirts from Italy - it was quite expensive!
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