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Hudson last won the day on August 31 2024

Hudson had the most liked content!

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  • Sites
    F&O Stealth woods, Dirty Dog Airsoft, No man's Land, HQ Airsoft
  • Gender
  • Location
    Hartlepool, Teesside

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  1. Just a quick heads up to anyone that uses Used Airsoft:


    Scam email going round to people with active adverts.

    Don't click any of the links and report to the admin staff.

    Screenshot_20250306-184006 (2).png

    1. novioman


      I have had 4 of these scam emails today

  2. I came across something this morning that puzzled me, and wanted to pitch it to others for discussion. (It's Monday, I'm back at work after a nice weekend and I have nothing better to do!) These popped up from someone I have on Instagram and Am I wrong for thinking this is weird? Referring to the "player may get up and retreat if within 20 metre range. (Do not target player if they do so)". As someone who does a bit of sniping this just seems daft and open to abuse. "Ooh you got close to me as I was hiding! Don't shoot me while I go move and get into cover somewhere else!" Surely this would just interrupt the flow of games as people get an 'invincibility shield' should the enemy team push up and get the drop on them. If someone not in the engagement who then sees an enemy player walking 30/40m away; unaware that they're relocating shoots them, only for the sniper to then come back in momentarily later it might just look like they're cheating; and lead to arguements etc. I'm of the opinion that (surprisingly) we're playing to shoot and get shot, and so long as everyone involved is sensible and sporting then something like this is just silly. A sniper, if in the situation where enemy players get within the MED has three options imo: 1) Hide, and hope to stay undiscovered at which point they can then escape or engage from behind. 2) Switch to a sidearm and try to either escape under fire or take out as many attackers as possible. 3) Get shot/surrender and use it as a learning experience for next time. Anybody else have thoughts on this? Is it a weird rule, or am I just out of touch?
  3. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    I'm after a few of the parts as pictured. If anyone has any spare from a dead HiCap please. Ideally around 3-4, but I can possibly take more if available. Thanks


    Hartlepool - GB

  4. £350 for a £190 gun with crappy charger and cheap gear. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/36433-urt-45-smg-full-set-up
  5. Extreme, if it's the same one I've been to, are under the name WBAV events.
  6. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Bought the wrong size, so these are unneeded now. Flecktarn pattern trousers, unknown make. Waist size approximately 37-39" as shown in photos. £15 all in, including postage & PayPal.


  7. If tackle doesn't have one, I've got a black one I'm not using. It's purely a dummy one though, for holding batteries.
  8. This is why everyone should purchase their own chrono. You want to get it set up so that it's firing under the limit whilst using the heavier ammo you'll be using in game, and then if your site for whatever dark-age reasons still insists on using 0.20s to test, you should be comfortably under the limit with both. For example, my T10 fires at around 2.1J on a 0.45 which is what I game with. There's one site local to me, which I occasionally play at, who still use the outdated "test on a 0.2" method, and as a result the same gun will shoot at around 450fps. Safely under on both, and I know I'm not going to accidentally joule creep over the limit.
  9. Tactical Geordies or Negative Airsoft?
  10. Thanks, hoping to make it up when schedules and the stars align!
  11. Any use? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/387795716970?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=JSImgIk-TYW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=BYF_XwUJQzy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Or these https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/315358346196?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=w2goj50gqse&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=BYF_XwUJQzy&var=613840517921&widget_ver=artemis&media=MORE
  12. I think I did sell that one, but then ended up with another one in a bulk buy. Message me and I'll see what I have
  13. Is that Sainsbury's? I'd like to enquire about some new quotes.

    1. Hudson


      Kind regards, Lewis!

  14. Looking to venture further afield to make up for a lack of interesting sites up North, I'm considering some sites, one of which is Fireball, near Birmingham. Has anyone been before, or currently plays there? If so, what's it like? How does it play, what are the players and staff like? How's the terrain, and are there any site specific rules or restrictions to be aware of? Thanks!
  15. Welcome! 40 here, been playing since I was 13. Where are you located and what site did you visit? There may be local players on here that you can team up with and help lessen any social awkwardness beforehand!
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