I came across something this morning that puzzled me, and wanted to pitch it to others for discussion. (It's Monday, I'm back at work after a nice weekend and I have nothing better to do!)
These popped up from someone I have on Instagram and Am I wrong for thinking this is weird?
Referring to the "player may get up and retreat if within 20 metre range. (Do not target player if they do so)".
As someone who does a bit of sniping this just seems daft and open to abuse.
"Ooh you got close to me as I was hiding! Don't shoot me while I go move and get into cover somewhere else!"
Surely this would just interrupt the flow of games as people get an 'invincibility shield' should the enemy team push up and get the drop on them.
If someone not in the engagement who then sees an enemy player walking 30/40m away; unaware that they're relocating shoots them, only for the sniper to then come back in momentarily later it might just look like they're cheating; and lead to arguements etc.
I'm of the opinion that (surprisingly) we're playing to shoot and get shot, and so long as everyone involved is sensible and sporting then something like this is just silly.
A sniper, if in the situation where enemy players get within the MED has three options imo:
1) Hide, and hope to stay undiscovered at which point they can then escape or engage from behind.
2) Switch to a sidearm and try to either escape under fire or take out as many attackers as possible.
3) Get shot/surrender and use it as a learning experience for next time.
Anybody else have thoughts on this?
Is it a weird rule, or am I just out of touch?