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Colin Allen

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Everything posted by Colin Allen

  1. You make really good points; consequently, I have edited my review from 26th September to name the site.
  2. Thoughts on Negative Airsoft: A very opinionated chap who sometimes exaggerates (for effect?); the Ares L1A1 is not great but it is not THAT bad. Extremely good at what he does, very helpful and does not rip people off. I messaged him one evening a couple of weeks ago about an issue I was having with an AEG and, to my surprise, he got back to me really quickly and steered me in the right direction.
  3. Define what you mean by "shit". Hopefully.
  4. You seem to be doing a good job of demonstrating that you have a problem with women. Keep digging that hole.
  5. It would rather help us if you were to define what you mean by "best".
  6. I never stated that you were a right winger; I could not care less what your politics are. I do, however, apologise for not realising that you were using "snowflakes" as a compliment. I am sure that you get a kick out of mansplaining to those uppity women; I am sure that it gives them a positive view of you and opens them up to the arguments that you are making.
  7. Using the term "snowflakes" is, in itself, an insult; strangely, it is a term that seems to be most often used by people who are offended by those who disagree with them. People have different values, standards and views; learn to live with it. If you keep breaching FB's and YT's community standards, people will report it, not because they are "upset" but because you have breached the standards. I have had a few FB bans in the past when I have been overly harsh in "discussion" with right wingers and racists. You just have to learn to play within the rules. Your comment on "feminists" is possibly rather more revealing than you realise; combined with some of your posts on here, it provides quite an interesting insight into the person behind the username.
  8. Such a pity that you had to throw in a childish attempt at an insult at the end.
  9. I have had a fair bit to do with firearms throughout my life, starting with a Lee-Enfield No4 Mk 1 and a Bren in school cadets through to the L1A1, the Sterling and the Browning Hi-Power. I have no desire whatever to own a firearm and equally little desire to live in a country where children have to do active shooter drills at school, where loons carry firearms to go shopping, and where losers parade around in camo showing off their weaponry and their obesity in support of, or in opposition to, some aspect of government. I far prefer the freedom of knowing that I and those that I care about are staggeringly unlikely ever to meet someone who is not a police officer or a member of the armed forces carrying a firearm over the "freedom" to own one. Fortunately, the vast majority of people in the UK share that view.
  10. Now fixed; a modified SHS steel v3 cutoff lever did the trick. The Ares one was, predictably, non-standard and made out of the softest of soft cheese.
  11. As I was driving the lad back to university on Saturday we decided to visit a relatively nearby site on Sunday for a day "playing away". We arrived at the site to find a decent safe zone and a really good chrono range with three stations; unfortunately, there was a lot of dry firing in the safe zone and they chrono'd on 0.20g. Having chrono'd, we noticed that some players had acquired red or blue tape on their arms and went in search of the marshals who were allocating sides. There weren't any; there were two baskets with rolls of red and blue tape in them and it was left to players to decide which side they wanted to be on, which resulted in very unbalanced teams. After a rather long safety brief, we eventually went out for the morning game, rather later than we are used to. First impressions of the site were positive with lots of natural cover, decent structures and undulating terrain. However, there was a rather long wait at our start point while whatever needed doing was done and the game was then briefed. This started well as we assaulted a couple of areas but descended into a stalemate as the terrain channeled both teams onto opposite ridges where we spent about 90 minutes engaging each other at a distance . For the first time ever, I was bored playing airsoft. Marshals seemed to be noticeable by their scarcity; the only times I saw one were every 20 minutes when he appeared on his quad bike to check which flags were up in the various zones. After lunch, during which there was even more dry firing in the safe zone, the afternoon game was briefed; this seemed destined to become even more channeled than the morning game so we decided to pack up and leave. All in all, a very unsatisfactory day. Having read Tackle's post about naming sites, I have decided to do so; it was Stormforce Airsoft near Rugeley in Staffordshire.
  12. The lad and I spent Sunday at Airsoft Plantation in Essex. It was a really good day of airsoft with some well designed games, two good teams and a great bunch of players There were very few, if any, hit taking issues and the whole day was conducted in an excellent manner by both staff and players. I have been there a few times now and have always had a great day. The QBZ-97 got quite a lot of interest, especially with the fake AK mags making it look very much like an early QBZ-95, as did the SLR which is, unfortunately, now rather poorly.
  13. I have an Ares L1A1, which has an issue that is baffling me. Sometimes, and increasingly frequently, it will cycle twice when firing on semi. However, it only does this when there is a BB in the hop chamber; I can cycle it repeatedly without a BB in the chamber and it will not cycle twice. It also has a Gate Nano AAB mosfet. Clearly, the cutoff lever is not performing its duty, so I am going to replace it. However, I cannot come up with a reasonable explanation of why the presence of a BB in the hop chamber would prevent a possibly worn cutoff lever doing its job. If anyone can solve this for me, I would be very grateful.
  14. My Zero In account has been restored and the admins here are on the case.
  15. Ah, Siggi! An odd chap, to say the least.
  16. Phew! That finally gives me an excuse to like the Nazis!
  17. Not yet; I am waiting to her from proffrink.
  18. It seems that someone else has been hacked on ZeroIn. As you note, one decent scam can net reasonable amounts and these lowlifes are probably doing this over a wide range of selling sites across a variety of hobbies etc.
  19. Thanks for that:). I doubt that ZeroIn will be as proactive.
  20. I have a variety of passwords; however, here and ZeroIn had the same ones.
  21. That might be a good idea! I have messaged and emailed proffrink.
  22. Hi,
    The GHK is a scam; someone has hacked my account.

    1. Sylithics


      Cheers for the heads up 🍻 

  23. Hi, My account "colinjallen" has been hacked; the hacker is using it to try to scam people with this: I have contacted Admin to get the account closed down.
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