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Everything posted by MrTea

  1. What hop rubber did you put in it? Try going back to the stock one if you have it. I've always used Maple Leaf Macaron (yellow) bucking on just about every AEG I own (with the omega nub) and had zero issues with it. As a super off-chance suggestion, are you running mags with strong springs such as EPMs? Try running a standard mid-cap and see what happens.
  2. I didn't do anything special honestly. I just re-assembled it and left it how it was. Sorry I can't help more.
  3. The left side of the rifle is solid and functions great. The right side functions but I wouldn't use the right side to change which fire mode. It's somewhat loose but it does move the way I'd expect.
  4. Thanks for the insight. I've gotten a M160 spring in prep for modifying and testing the ML MR Hop 70 degree bucking but I seem to have misplaced that hop rubber... somewhere??? Not sure how i've lost it but i'm on a drive to consolidate all of my spare parts + tools into something that I can carry onto an airsoft field (due to a recent crappy experience) and work with so it may turn up in a random box when I break everything down. This is why I haven't updated the post since last week plus yet another boneyard rifle made its way to me... which I still haven't started work on.
  5. A bit late. Attended the Armageddon night game after BZFest on Saturday 1st. Sadly I only stayed half the event as the only gun I brought decided to throw it's toys out of the pram and do just about everything wrong after 2 games: no feeding, double feeding, firing 6ft, firing normally rinse and repeat. When stripping it down the check the hop out, I lost the screw to my receiver pin. The person I went with borrowed me theirs from their main rifle which had also developed issues and wasn't useable but it was no use, the gun decided it didn't want to play anymore and despite my best efforts, would not work. What's worse, I normally bring a spare gun, tools and parts but I hadn't brought anything! The event itself was good and pizza was even provided by the site owners! Turn out was good with about 30-ish people and for the two games I did get to play, the level of play was very good. Lots of pyro and smokes were used. Photographer was even on site and his pictures are quality. A particularly memorable moment for me was sitting in a bush with an angle on our flag, hoping to catch an enemy out as they went to raise it. After a while I went to change position as I was slowly being out-flanked, the second I raised my head I got twatted right in the helmet by a single BB. There was a sniper on the enemy team who was particularly good and it wasn't the first time he got me and I had no idea where from.
  6. Nothing too exciting but I wanted to give a shout out to CMAirsoft. They have 20% off site-wide sale and I was due a restock anyway so I spent a bit of cash. A day or two later I get an email saying that they're sorry but one of the owners is away on holiday and they can't process the order until he's back. They couldn't apologise enough and were ready to refund the order. I wasn't that bothered about waiting so I told them to leave it and just dispatch it when they could. The package arrives today and I find that they've given me a bottle of 0.32g and 0.25g BBs, a rifle sock and two lollies for free The sale is still live at the time of writing so go snag yourself some consumables with a decent chunk of change off.
  7. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    CYMA M14 EBR. Ex two-tone - painted black. Gun functions perfectly fine in both semi and full auto. Has 1x high cap and 2-3 mid caps, one battery + charger and all comes in the original box. Bought this from another player with the intention of stripping it down and repainting or cerakoting. Asking £150 including postage and paypal fees or nearest offer. I just want to move this on. Make me an offer.


  8. I looked at night vision prices when going down the rabbit hole for night and/or mil-sim games and seeing the prices people were paying for monoculars... *cries in poor*
  9. Sounds like a quality weekend event. As someone who looks at NAF and sees negative feedback surrounding it relating to the quality of airsoft, thefts, dick-heads firing blanks in the camp, driving quads at night around the site at early hours, 2nd hand area being shrunk to nearly zero and prices being hiked for almost zero benefit, i'd much rather go to this event by the sounds of it.
  10. So, over the winter i've not really touched this project until a week or so ago. Previously, I had stopped working on it at the stage of finding out that Maple Leaf hop rubbers don't work too well in this gun. I've still not fixed this and so far i'm just working with the stock bucking because I know it works and, at the minute, i'm trying to boost power closer to the limit for DMRs. On an M130 spring I was getting the following: These reading were taken back in October. As a preemptive measure, I had ordered an M150 spring and dropped it into the gun a week or two ago but only just got around to testing it today to get the following: A nice bump in power bringing it closer to the limit. This translates to about 420fps on a 0.20g BB with the max joules being 1.88J. I've still got some additional headroom but i'm hoping the Maple Leaf bucking will give a slightly better seal and creep that number up a little bit more. I'm going to have a go at smoothing down the Maple Leaf bucking tomorrow and retesting it then but failing that i've got a Prommy Purple ready just in case. On a standard V2 gearbox and full cylinder I don't know if i'm able to get much more power out of this. M160 and M170 springs exist but i'm wondering at what point do the working parts fail to compress the stronger springs. Ideally, i'd like to get this right on the border of 1.88J
  11. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
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    Want to buy a CYMA SVU. Not bothered if it's the Mlok or original OTs-03 configuration. Will take ones that aren't semi locked but would much prefer a DMR-ready one. Bonus points if it has a (PSO?) optic. Show me what you got.


  12. MrTea

    3x MOSCART

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    2x 50 round cap head MOSCART (brass ones) 1x 70 round shower shell (red) All 3 are gas tight however the left most brass one has an issue with the trigger mechanism not resetting/firing. The other 2 work fine. I do not have any spare caps for the cap-heads but you can buy 50x 3D printed ones on ebay for £10-ish. £50 including postage and paypal fees.


  13. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    P90 mid cap magazines x3 - unknown brand, possibly Classic Army or King Arms? Mags don't feel cheap or flimsy. One magazine has a small crack on the underside that doesn't effect feeding/performance. £30 inc postage and paypal fees.


  14. Great news that you've identified and fixed your issue and it sounds good too! Is that stock outside of remedial work you've done? Nice work getting it running on the edge of the limit.
  15. @armageddonairsoftltd Copying my post from the "How did your airsoft day go?" thread. I was there on Sunday 12th. I've hidden my post in a spoiler to keep this post compact. The only thing I could suggest is having a photographer to push more social media engagement however I appreciate that getting someone regularly avaible isn't easy. People like seeing pictures of them in their gear and it brings more attention to the site when people ask where the pics were taken. I'll be turning up the 'night time' event you have on after BZFest but i'm not looking forward to going against NVG wielding people in what's already and tricky environment to move around in and running into a tree or three.
  16. ASG are supposed to be the best, most available and easiest to maintain. LongbowBB make "easy maintenance" Mk23 mags that work with TM Mk23s. Can't see them not working with other brands but I haven't used them. If I lose my current mags, i'll try them out.
  17. "Cut off iron sight to mount optics better without a riser needed" You did what? Am I reading this wrong or did this person saw off the front sight just because they didn't like the it... y'know rather than just removing it like a normal person. The first time I did mods to an M4, even I recognised this shit was pinned in place and removed it no problem. I would have give it a pass on "short stocked" assuming they've had it short stroked but the FPS figures they're quoting are, well, fantasy. Not to mention: No mags, no battery all for £140...
  18. Does anyone know of any sites with some sales/deals on their BBs atm? Will need a restock soon I reckon. Ty.

    1. pyromancer6


      Warhead do good ammo for decent prices if you're buying in bulk - the delivery is a little pricey however so make sure you're buying enough in bulk to make it worth it - haven't a bad thing to say about them honestly

      If you need just a random KG or two of ammo I've been getting Geoffs off an Ebay seller for decent prices in a pinch when I can't afford/be arsed dealing with the warhead order so maybe look at that if you're in a pinch?

    2. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      Valkyrie have a sale on, or did.

    3. Shadow_dub


      ExtremeAirsoft has decent priced bb's not sure how much of discounted rate it is but i always get them from extreme and it normally works out cheapish

  19. Hoping this will help locals give this site consideration for a visit, sorry for the wall of text. Armageddon Airsoft: The Woodland - £20 walk on. First time at this site depsite being on my doorstep and I have nothing negative to say about anything within the sites control. The site had a raffle for a CYMA Deagle AEP on the day at £2.50 per ticket. Staff were super friendly and chatted with all players all day (incuding the owner) even getting involved in the games later on. No issues with hit taking or similar. Everyone attending was there to have fun. Three dogs mooching around the safe area at all times is always appreciated. Longer break between game modes due to the warmer weather we've been having. We started out with a 'capture the objective' game mode where teams had to activate/de-activate lights on an objective box between the two team spawns. Our team were second to the objective but handily dispatched the other team and defended thee objective as the enemy team declined to use the better sight lines afforded from their side of the field. Great comms across all players. Second game was an attack/defend scenario further back in the site. Defenders with 3 lives, attackers with unlimited. The defenders who last the longest win. We attacked first getting bogged down (quite literally) in some places due to stubborn defenders who were eventually relieved. Again, no issues with hit taking or similar. Switching sides meant we were defending and we had elected to not reload our mags leading to a overly long delay into the attack as the attackers filled up. We outlasted the attackers despite some minor confusion over how much of the site was playable (given it's literally a block of woodland). Regardless, we held out and won. By lunchtime, it was 2-0. Sadly, players left during lunch but that can't be helped. Teams shuffled randomly to assist balance. After lunch was capture the flag. The flag was in a very exposed middle area between the two spawns. I'm pretty sure the bolt action players could reach each other spawn. The field was super wide but narrow if that makes sense. Mostly my focus was on the right flank as it had some heavy shrubs/bracken offering concealment and limited structures for cover. After fumbing a pyro throw and being killed by a likewise reply I went left from spawn and moved through the pyramid style barricades and log walls that had been constructed. After 4 or 5 clean semi-auto kills the action on my flank died down and game end was called with the enemy team getting the win. 2-1. It was during this game that half my charging handle decided to drop off. Amazing. The final game I played was 'duo kill confirmed' where everyone had one armband which was your 'life'. If you got hit, you counted to 10. If, within that 10 seconds, anyone came to claim your armband (and you were left without one) you were out. If you counted to 10 and no one claimed it, you were back in. The spicy rule to this game; if you killed someone and took their band, it's a extra life. In theory, you could have as many lives as players on the field if you killed them all and took their bands. If the enemy you killed had multiple bands, you can only take one while they count down from 10. For this game mode, myself and the player I was teamed with purposely backed ourselves into the corner of the play area so that we only had two angles to watch. We were engaged in a lengthy trade off with another duo resulting in nothing but wasting ammo and the enemy duo retreating as well as discovering strange hop issues arising from both our rifles. Fuck. After a few minutes of fuckery, we managed to get our rifles settled in time for TWO separate teams joining forces against us, pushing from both sides. This was our Alamo and my excuse to break out all of the pyro I had brought. One of the enemy split away and pushed to our left who I 'killed' several times but was never close enough for me risking running to take his band. My partner was in a slightly elevated tower watching the mid and right, delaying the other three enemies as much as physically possible. Eventually the enemy on my left got close enough I could just throw pyro at him to get the kill and delay his attack but still not close enough to take his band. Then it happened so quick, my partner was hit, I killed his killer, I was killed, partner was back in - killing my killer allowing me back in, rinse and repeat. The enemy pushed closer all the time this was going on and eventually ended with myself and my partner being out and we watched the final two teams constantly trade fire two feet away from each other while laughing before calling it a draw realising it was fruitless. Negative: In small areas it was boggy, almost lost a boot at one point Also, nettles suck which I knelt in a few times plus thorns. Nothing new to woodlands players. Positive: What a great day, will definitely be going back here. Owners, site, level of play, game modes and players were fantastic. Can't recommend enough.
  20. MrTea

    Which MP7?

    Ty for the info SerialNoodle. I have actually found a Umarex MP7A1 for sale. I believe (but could be wrong), that's these are the same as VFC? Another nagging question is: How can you tell the Gen1 and Gen2 apart just from their externals? All I've been able to find so far is that the Gen2 has a metal outer barrel. Ty.
  21. MrTea

    Gun Accessories

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    Another small clear out of pieces. Working EXPS-3 Replica - Digi Desert Paint job, looks like original paint was tan underneath if you want to strip it. Has the "L3 Eotech" trademarks panel. Red and green reticule with adjustable brightness. Takes 1x CR123A. £25 including postage and fees. Working SureFire M300 (?) Replica light - Metal construction, comes with push button cap. Takes 1x CR123A. £15 including postage and fees. Working WASDN NGAL - Solidly built little thing, all metal, tan/bronze colour. Has white light, red laser, strobe (white) and IR laser. Takes 1x CR123A. - £70 including postage and fees. DM me if you'd like to discuss. Would bundle this all together for £90 including postage and fees simply to get it off my hands.


    Hartlepool - GB

  22. MrTea

    Which MP7?

    I thought it was strange too that there's so few available anywhere. Can you approach TM directly for spares?
  23. MrTea

    Which MP7?

    Yes, i've heard that getting the Laylax/FMA sling mount is a good idea to help reinforce the back of the RIF. I've read that some people have installed rubber pads/o-rings or similar behind the working parts to help absorb shock transferred to the back plate. I have seen the CNC back plate you're talking about but it's out of stock where I did see it. As previously mentioned spares and repairs is also an area of concern. I've heard TM are hard to get parts for and when I had a look around, they appear to be mostly out of stock which I found strange considering how popular TM is. I'm guessing this is just because of how old the RIF is? WE on the other hand, appear to have plenty of spares on places like KYAirsoft. Thanks for the heads up about VFC spares if I do see one come up.
  24. MrTea

    Which MP7?

    @Sewdhull Thanks for the link to that thread, I've had a read through it. The only thing that turns me off the TM MP7 is the fact that it's not 1:1 but seeing that side by side comparison really puts it into light. Why wouldn't they make it 1:1? I've actually spotted a decent package of a TM MP7, 5 mags and angrygun tracer/suppressor. As suspected, the WE needs work OOTB but will work if looked after plus it's 1:1 scale. To be fair, I've never had an issue with any WE OEM guns I've had. The fire selector issue @Shamal has experienced sounds like it could be fixed relatively easily and appears to be an issue across brands.
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