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JimFromHorsham last won the day on February 25

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    Mostly Vintage & GBB Rifles
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    whatever works
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  1. Battery will need to go in the stock tube with whatever Magpul stock you decide on , unless you get creative and start modifying things . a standard MOE grip will not fit , due to the motor arrangement and fixing points , you’d be better off with an AEG specific PTS grip .
  2. just picked one up myself , very happy with it , the lack of trades is a bit of a downer ( I knew it wouldn’t have them ) but overall for the price it’s very good , I also have the DE Noveske , and Ghetto blaster and all three seem to offer an excellent value introduction into the MWS platform .
  3. https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/item/62252-tm-knights-pro-silencer/ seems a bit strong 🤷🏼‍♂️
  4. Nice job 👍🏼😎. Just Krylon over the top ?
  5. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    WE416c PDW , also comes with a complete WE CQBR upper assembly , currently fitted with milspec buffer and LE stock , but original PDW stock and buffer assembly included . one complete new bolt included which is fitted with a Ratech NPAS . 2 x Gas tight magazines . Genuine magpul Miad grip fitted , and some unknown brand flip up sights . Surefire style 3 prong flash hider . all in excellent condition save a few light marks where accessory’s have been fitted , unskirmished , bolt , trigger group and overall condition is like new. £350 posted the lot . payment via bank transfer only , please check my feedback if you have any doubts. Also listed elsewhere .


  6. It’s seen a life so the price would be fair , these things are pretty much indestructible and discontinued now but there’s still people doing LED conversions for them . Feel free to pm me if it might interest you and I’ll dig it out and take some pics 👍🏼
  7. I have a genuine old school Surefire M500 handguard set , it’s used ( firearms and airsoft ) but fully functional with IR filter if that might appeal ?
  8. Not 100% movie accurate , but close enough for me 😛 good read here - https://www.recoilweb.com/palmetto-state-armory-harrington-richardson-723-review-182215.html
  9. Probably about £40 -£50. You can get new ones for around £80 .
  10. With the clone wars stronger than ever I thought it might be an idea to have a thread based on how to spot what’s real and what’s not , to be clear this is not a clone bashing thread , but simply a way to hopefully help you get what is advertised , be it parts , optics , lasers/torches or maybe even RIF’s themselves . just because it says Aimpoint/Eotech/Magpul/Surefire doesn’t mean it is , even the packaging is being cloned to a high standard so don’t get get duped . I’ll start with a simple Magpul CTR stock in FDE , there will be better clones than others and I’ve picked a “Tak Tak” variant which retails at around £15-£20 in the UK VS a Gebuine CTR which retails around £75-£80 , the clone Says Magpul on it so in passing looks legit , the biggest tell is usually going to be the colour but as we know everyone’s photos and lighting looks a bit different and if you have nothing genuine to compare to when it arrives you are just taking the sellers word . heres a few comparisons , and highlighted differences between the two which should be easy to spot , Genuine is CTR is either Top or to the Left . main points to note - Genuine will have black tabs where the stock pad locates NOT TAN Genuine will have a molding mark on the underside , oval shaped . Genuine stock pad will have an “F” in the lower right hand side “pocket” Text spacing , the Genuine will be bolder and spaced correctly Length , generally the Clones will be a touch longer . Extra Text , the genuine will have extra text in the lower frame , plus batch / manufacturing numbers just above the locking lever . Hope this helps , as time permits I will add more comparisons .
  11. The OG Forum , RIP 🙏🏻 #famasambestestgnu
  12. https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/item/61767-magpul-ctr-stock/ £30 seems a bit rich for a clone with Missing screws 🤦🏼‍♂️
  13. Should probably clarify that it’s a clone and not genuine before sale 👍🏼
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