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Everything posted by Emergencychimps

  1. If you're in debt, help is out there and it can get better. I was around £16k in credit card debt, had some ccjs and was very lucky to have some support from family and a debt management company/charity and managed to get out of that hole, even with help it wasn't easy but the journey of being out of debt made my day to day life better than when I was burying my head in the sand/being in a destructive mindset(more disposable income and better quality of life). Saw some dark days etc. Now I'm debt free, bought a house and just recently got my credit score back to perfect. But my point is there is help out there, for everyone, if you're in a dark place it can get better, there are people and charities that can help, just reach out. There's hope.
  2. Have you tried catterick with Stirling airsoft? The themed games there run from 11:00am to 11:00pm on the Saturday (no enforced breaks) and are more of a thinking man's skirmish. Then on Sunday it's 7:30 (I think) to 11:00am. It's in the north east and it's the fibua site for all of the army learn at. It's also great for airsoft.
  3. Camo raids are good, though everything they do, including their upgrades are on the high end of both quality and price. Worth looking at that level once you have a bit for experience. For a new player I'd recommend something cheaper, for around the £200 mark you can get a specna arms or g&g. I'd also recommend waiting, rent for your first 3 times. First time attendees can love it, but by the 4th game the passion is often drying up. If you love it then the extra rental fees will feel like a waste, if you don't love it enough after 3 games it's saved you a much bigger outlay. It also allows you to look at other people's kit and decide what you want. Airsofters love chatting about kit and guns, if you see something interesting go and chat to the player. When I first started I was adamant I wanted a sig 552, avoid m4s (cause everyone has one)....as a more experienced player I'm very lucky to have not gone that route. Avoid buying airsoft kit as well, perv on everyone else's and then make decisions. There must be 1000s of viper fabric holsters and other miscellaneous kit collecting dust cause it's crap but looks good to new players.
  4. For me it's whenever the person gets their rose tinted glasses out. I remember being new to airsoft and hearing all these stories about amazing events that happened "just" before I got into the sport were.......cut to a few years later and I am hearing these amazing stories about events that I went to that I thought were shit but had nuggets of gold in them. The stories tellers made it seem like every game'/event was pure gold and it wasn't shit was a couple of good moments. Chat to people now about Tier one at Stanta and lots of people will reminisce with fond memories. At the time it was basically the same event 3 times in a row at stanta with almost no variation except for a decrease in the quality of the game play and event each time. They'll chat about CAG and their events at Otterburn.....that happened like twice. Or the sandpit and how amazing it was, despite the fact they used about 10% of the site (was amazing for big event games though!). I'd always encourage people to just make the best of it now, what's happening now, what events/sites are there that exist now. Sparta closed recently (never went) and people were obviously upset to lose a great venue, well.....if it's so great - go! Don't just settle for just going to your local week in week out - get out there, vote with your feet and do the stuff that looks interesting now, before you look back on whatever site/organiser it is, cause it's just a matter of time before they close down.
  5. I had one for a while (bought second hand) and it had been coated in a glow in the dark yellow paint with my name written on it. When in a pouch it wasn't visible but made it pretty easy to find, especially in the dark
  6. I think it's almost certainly down to the costs associated and the number of players needed to make it viable with using these venues and whether the venues are actually good for Airsoft. For anyone that did operation blue fox at the fire college, it looks like it should be awesome, crashed trains, planes, oil type platforms, industrial rigs, office buildings, replica motorways with cars etc. Play was awful due to the distances between each set area, all attack routes were via open fields with no cover, attacking areas with great cover, excellent sight lines etc. A lot of existing Airsoft sites aren't actually big enough to host these sort of events (such as the sandpit, which is now closed). There's a few sites that I have the impression might be big enough but for whatever reason (probably financial) big events are being run there. Not every event provider wants to do more than provide skirmishing
  7. Did the Gunman Airsoft Night game at Tuddenham.......it was great, easily some of the most interesting events that are happening in airsoft in my opinion at the moment. It's their second attempt at running a night game (3 hours long) as one single game, it wasn't perfect but my god it's got potential and the site is very open to feedback. Previously their night games have been like skirmishes in a small, but interesting part of their site (the village if you know the site). These events take advantage of the whole site, extra buildings, dense woodland, open areas, tracks, ridgelines trench network etc. Single shot only unless you have a genuine LMG/support weapon, relevant medic rules, mix of objectives, regen hikes weren't silly. There was also really good use of additional lightning, a few big floodlights and lots of dark areas, the site is big enough to cope with what they are doing! Objectives were provided, with a map and grid references with times that the objectives were open for. Marshalls were present when needed (generally around objectives) but didn't ruin the night team sneakiness when not. Hit taking was good (night games are tricky to enforce). It seemed like a lot of objectives were near each other at similar times, or in a way that you'd have to cross the route from their respawn to their objectives (which we didn't know) to get to your objectives. Much confusion around who is on your team etc. There was a command net and command element that gave out a couple of extra objectives throughout the evening. It genuinely felt like the best bits of a mini milsim. Mix of players with and without night vision, thermal, some with torches and tracer units etc. Made it a really interesting evening. Some of the players had travelled from Derby and Watford for it. Every other night game they are doing is one of the more immersive types covered above, the others are basically skirmishes in the village. If you're looking to just shoot people in the dark, do the night skirmishes skirmishes, if you want that bit extra, do the more immersive ones. Very impressed with the management at Tuddenham, massive improvements to the site and the type of events they are running. Really upping the experience of what can be done and achieved, the sort of thing I am sure we all want from our sites. Re reading this, it sounds like an advert for the site but I am just a customer, albeit a very happy one.
  8. They're doing another one?! I guess they really like ai.....money. Seriously amazed people sign up to these still. Everytime people kick off after over the same issues and they're fobbed off and handled the same way again and again.
  9. The only way HPA hurts more than an aeg, bbs (assuming they're the same weight etc) travel faster, the BBS do more damage etc is if the joules of that rif is higher than the aeg players. If the hpa player has changed their joule setting after chrono it's because they are a cunt. If the site refuse to deal with cunts ....why do you want to play there? Why attend a site/give them your cash and time that has pandering to cunts as it's business model? Why take your child to a site that doesn't deal with players that break health and safety rules that could risk your child's eye sight? An AEG with the same joules and same weight bb will do the same thing as hpa. Hpa can be tuned to firing very fast, I have seen aegs that have been tuned to fire very fast, generally this is just down to the person behind the system but yes, hpa makes it easier for cunts to cunt. My AEG clocks in around 340 fps with a .2, which is just under the 345 limit of the skirmish site I attend. Typically I use gbbr (and the fps is very gas dependent) and I get as many kills etc as when I use an AEG, yet I have far fewer BBS, so I don't buy the whole faster rate of fire/mass of suppression will always win. Though it can have an impact. As for where on the body you can and should be shot simply put you have to expect to be shot anywhere, hands, groin, face etc and wear ppe as per your comfort levels. I've aimed at players chests 15 meters away (or so) and ended up getting them in the face, there are many factors that can impact how accurate a bb is you can't get upset about hand shots etc. It's part of the sport.
  10. Some sites do apply weapon rules, the gaol (for example) do a week day game with gbbrs, pistols and shotguns only. I've noticed lots of HPA on my last few games but I haven't noticed a change in player behaviour thankfully, so I'd recommend trying new sites. Based on your recent posts either all HPA players are twats or I'd suggest you actually need a better site that addresses players with problem behaviours. I remember people talking about systema owners and changing the power settings, quick change springs etc after chrono and while it's possible, in 11 years I don't think I've seen a single case of that.
  11. Yes, taking a back up is essential and makes justifying new purchases so much easier! I wouldnt recommend buying a back up, buy a new primary. I love using my mws, it's awesome and makes the hobby so much more enjoyable. Been playing now for around 11 years and it's truly something else. Before the mws I used tm recoils, my old primary is now my back up. I've had maybe 3 times in 11 years guns have gone down mid game, but getting time to actually attend an event means I need to make the most of them.
  12. What's the best lubricant to use? Had some issues feeding today, could have been the cold (around 4 degree c) or could have been my lack of cleaning.
  13. I'd recommend the fast fit, they seems to give me better dexterity and while they don't quite have the padding for the knuckle shots in comparison to the mpacts, it's enough to take the majority of the sting out of them. Gloves for me have to allow me to retain dexterity, I hate having to take them off to do things, put them back on etc and I find I have to do that less with the originals (fast fit are similar in feel on the hand area) mechanix than I did with the mpacts. The fast fit (and originals) I find have enough padding to do the job, any more and it tends to get in the way, though the extra padding seems sensible if you haven't had them before.
  14. I sold 6 recently for about 35 a piece, but mine were tan, had been painted and while they looked worn from the paint job were in good condition internally and had been well looked after. They were getting £50 a mag for a while but that was before epms were available and I understand converting real pmag shells with epm internals is quite easy. When it was £50 a mag epms didn't exist and getting standard 82 rounder internals into a real pmag shell was a pain, not to mention the pmags were the only way of getting 120 rounds in a mid cap. As such I think the market for them has reduced add in that all of the pmags are all used, potentially quite well used (to the point the chance of them being on their last legs is higher). I think youre probably looking at around the £40 a mag, but I'd be tempted to start at £45 a mag with the expectation you might have to drop. The ranger plates for them, no idea. Dust covers in my opinion don't add any additional value.
  15. Just seen my maths weren't great....tired and out at the moment (sorry for any confusion!) Why buy anything from a UK retailer? They all have their mark up. Everything (pretty much) is imported for this sport and you could import it all at lower costs than buying from a UK based retailer, especially if you were sensible to reduce shipping costs and bulk buy etc. Importing yourself generally means longer waiting times, almost zero customer service should something go wrong , faff dealing with fees and shipping but you get a cheaper product. As a percentage the amount they have added probably isn't a higher percentage than other items, but as the other items are cheaper the add on doesn't seem as extreme. You don't mind over paying £5 for BBS for ease factor. When I worked in retail (a long time ago!) The standard mark up was 100% so at that percentage the price would be £2600 (based on your costings). Ultimately they aren't a charity, they invest in products and give a service, you can walk in, pay, no wait, no faff somewhere to turn to if it doesn't work etc. And they need to see a certain return on their investments to keep the doors open, lights on, pay wages etc.
  16. Assuming it's 20% import that's £1560 invested by the retailers. It's a 23% mark up, considering most standard retail works around 100% mark up I wouldn't consider that's too greedy. Think of the stock that investment could turn over if pumped into generic starter aegs and the risk of them being labelled on forums like this and sitting on the shelves for ages.
  17. I had one for a while, it was awesome. It was also a gate way drug into gbbrs which meant I bought a mws and I couldn't justify owning both. Was super good fun, ran it on green gas. Atrg blog has a great guide on fixing leaky mp7 mags.
  18. Land warrior had some pics on their Instagram of it arriving.....guess it's flown out of the door!
  19. from what I understand he used to have a good rep..... and then things started slipping. I think it was dave oakfield/renniks (of maple leaf tactical for those old enough to remember!) did a big post about him about a year ago and how he hadn't done the honourable thing with quite an expensive PTW A2 (memory is fuzzy, could have sworn it's Jtac) leaving him quite out of pocket etc. I don't know if that got resolved. Unfortunately this is the sort of thing you hear every now and then, someone is good, they get a good rep and to keep orders flowing in their prices stay the same, they get flooded with orders and can't cope. They either increase their headcount etc (which is a massive gamble as employees generally aren't as good), they up their prices etc. or stuff slips. Some unfortunately just try to soldier on, work all the hours, barely make any money, good service turns to bad and suddenly they're in super deep and stories like this start coming out. I reckon most of them aren't doing it with the intention of being bad, just that real life happens and they get overwhelmed or lose the passion for it and have an honest intention of "I'll get that sorted next weekend"......next weekend become the one after etc. I don't know the specifics for Jtac or the situation there, but it's a name and a company I personally avoid based on what I have heard.
  20. Not me selling, but check out mapleleaftacticalsurplus on Instagram. He has one for £350 including a mount.
  21. Get legal advice about your custody situation. Every situation is complex. She doesn't need to know you have a solicitor but the advice they can give is invaluable. I'd also start keeping a journal of all interactions, write down any specific wording or phrases used etc. Dates, times, when conversations are had etc. I'd encourage you don't post about this subject again publicly. Things can be twisted, mis understood etc. Good luck, I fear you're going to need it.
  22. Did I read that you have a child with this person? My suspicion is that this is purely about exerting control and influence over you. It's taking up your time and thought etc. If there is a kid I'd advise that you don't mention it to her again, write it off, stop it from being a thing that she can manipulate you with. I suspect you'd get it back in the future once she realises it not a thing of importance (it'll get in her way, remind her of you etc)Even if you don't taking something that she can manipulate you with away from her has value. While it's not a cheap rif, you'll need to maintain as cordial relations with this person as best you can (assuming there is a kid). Is any of the above right or fair etc? Not at all, but during a messy break up, custody arguments and the associated solicitor fees you may find the price of the rif is small beer.
  23. Gbb, it's what I enjoy using the most and what I always try to use. I have 2 aegs for when temps dip below 5C and as back ups etc
  24. The antenna that baofengs come with works on PMR frequencies, doing so even with a license and the power set to 0.5w still technically isn't legal with a baofeng. The standard antennas provided aren't bad actually and cover a lot of frequencies, probably wider than you'd need. Great that you're getting the license, if the site already has a license then you don't need an extra one unless you go somewhere else. The license gives you the permission to go up to 5.0w and use a bigger antenna etc on the specific frequencies that the license allows. It doesn't change what you're allowed to do on the PMR frequencies. If you break these rules....well nothing is likely to happen unless you're very silly with it.
  25. From your responses, I think your best option is mounted to your lmg. You can get barrel mounts and depending on the lmg you can add rail sections that would then take a torch. It'll allow a bigger more powerful torch (useful when looking for players 20 metres plus away, you'll never get a good enough head torch set up for that) and you can run a pressure pad or similar so you can be more tactical with it. I've done a lot of night games, head mounted lights for admin, weapon mounted for fighting.
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