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Everything posted by Emergencychimps

  1. I miss Stirling events so much.....but with kids at 5, 2.5 and 3 weeks means it's going to be a long time til I can get back to doing weekenders
  2. He's recently posted that he is going to stop making eye pro and only fulfilling orders he already has, hopefully you're on that list! Sounds like simunition to me, probably banned in the UK and getting something to run them isn't exactly easy (or legal!)
  3. You cant tease a new site opening without giving more info away than that!!! I have seen mixed reviews on the lambda mk48 they released, but there are so few gpmgs available I guess having another option can only be a good thing!
  4. Seems like a whole bunch of negativity recently (and I'm struggling to find events of interest).....so....... What event, Weekender, thing, product, game style etc is coming up that you're excited about? Can't think of anything? What would you like to see? I'm pretty excited for the milsim esque night games at gunman tuddenham to coming back. I've got the excitement bug back for a classic skirmish day and gear wise I'm stripping bs stuff but realistic kit (eg, losing the pistol, spare pistol mags etc on a rural kit).
  5. Both reference a ppq as well, both in Scotland and both called euan....this must be the same thing. He said they came round and he told them he showed them his collection, they say they raided him with a warrant.
  6. I wonder if this was the guy that was on here recently asking for advice on a very similar sounding situation?
  7. Got the magazine issue fixed. Used abbey gas all day and it ran like a champ, it must be the plastic nozzles. Also I found tilting the mags (as per the oli talks airsoft vid) had a huge affect, more than he said it would. My guess is that they have refined the length of the gas tube, but I'm not brave enough to take it apart.
  8. are you sure thats the correct cover for that helmet? Looks like an ops core style cover and mtek flux style helmet. Essentially, I'd suggest lining up the hole in the cover with the night vision shrould and then tucks the bits you can under the helmet retention system.
  9. Covid put my stag do back by about 18 months, congrats on the wedding! With the right person, marriage is awesome. Other sites you might want to check out: Airsoft Plantation, big site, well run, lots of players, some great set piece areas on site, Airsoft Tower, next door, same people as Airsoft plantation, smaller site, smaller player numbers, (hear good things), Camo Airsoft on canvey island (not been, very close cqb site), AWA Herts (standard woodland skirmish site not far from bishop stortford), Splattoon, mixed paintball site with a very unique shipping container area. Not very big and they get some high number (for the size of the site) Gunman Airsoft Tuddenham, mix of woodland and urban, (I think one of the best and consistently good skirmish sites ever been to and they are getting better and better under current management team). Gunman Airsoft Battle lakes (wasn't a fan of the site pre gunman, havent been since it has been taken it over, might be better now).
  10. The majority of murders in the us are in the top 6 cities with the strictest gunlaws. There are too many guns in America to magically just remove them, so as has been stated firearm legislation only affects those who follow the law. As for the debate of ar15s Vs tanks and nukes, It's a silly one. The west (including the us) had tanks and nukes for Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.....but it doesn't look like they won. This also assumes that in any civil war scenario all of the us military would be united behind the government. I suspect it wouldn't be that clear cut and even if they were, deploying nukes against your own populace seems extreme.....but I guess it depends on the situation. The us has huge social and economic problems, terrible healthcare and social support. The gap between the haves and the have nots is huge. Mass shootings are awful, I think we can agree that you need to be mentally unhinged to do that and becoming that unhinged doesnt happen in a few days. Other countries intervene sooner with healthcare or social care etc which the us doesn't do well enough. When they don't they go onto do mass stabbings like in France really. While they're unhinged, they go for soft, easy, gun free targets. As such, having examples for it means there needs to be a person on site who is breaking the law AND is willing and AND is competent enough to get involved. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwood_Park_Mall_shooting This is another relatively recent example of a person stopping and intended mass shooter. This also doesn't factor in other crimes that legal firearm ownership prevents or the crimes that aren't even attempted due to the risk of the victim being armed. Should you treat the sick person or take guns away from law abiding citizens? Switzerland has just under half the number of guns per capita, if the social healthcare and welfare systems didn't impact this, then they'd have just under half the mass shooting incidents, they don't. My personal opinion is that the country is messed up, reform is needed and I'd probably address the health care and social welfare available first as guns won't magically disappear.
  11. or it's part of the ongoing cultre war that seems to be happening in the US, left wing liberals vs right wing conservatives. Airsoft is seen as and being promoted as a gateway into firearm ownership in the US, it's also seen as a valuable training tool by some along with range drills and target practice. This is most likely to be one side trying to stem and direct future gun owners into other hobbies, interests, views etc to reduce support so that they can eventually gun reform/legislation can take place. Legislation varies from state to state and some states already have legislation in place regarding having an orange tip on RIFs(not sure if they call them RIFs).
  12. Being shot with a bb can sting, it's worse on bare skin (hence full face protection) and my previous recommendation of gloves. While snipers shoot with more power, they have to be at least a certain distance away (known as a med, minimum engagement distance) so you aren't on the receiving end of the "full amount" if that makes sense. I'd be more concerned about him being shot close up close on bare skin than him wearing a plate carrier etc. Put a hoody on and get him (or someone else) to shoot you, then do it in just a t shirt.
  13. Think it was Ollie talks Airsoft but along the lines of in a standard mws they didn't work that well. I have an mws and have never been interested in the 20 round style mags so I can't say I focused too much on why, just lodged in the noggin they weren't great.
  14. My guess would be 850 ish Mws stock seem to get £400-450 ish second hand. Mags seem to go for around £45-50 each (*8) seen mixed reviews on the 20 rounders in an mws, so I'd suggest selling that separately. The extra magpul bits (to me) don't add a huge amount of value as anyone who is prepared to pay for them probably has an idea of what they want and there's a good chance, it's not those pieces (though they're good). TM stuff does seem to retain value more than other brands second hand and mws's and mags in particular, so 50/70% of RRP doesn't work for them. Also, whether you can even get TM mws stuff new is a gamble, TM stocks come in waves, then dry up. Sell in a dry patch and you'll get top money. Personally I'd list it as a bundle and take lower offers if they don't want all the mags, or they don't want the grip/stock etc. Then sell them on separately.
  15. Agree with the statement of avoid them if you can, never heard good experiences of them (though they do sell some super cheap tat, maybe it's people's expectations are too high) 10 is quite young for it(have met some that age that are fine, some that couldn't cope), I'd suggest finding a local skirmish site, some sites do special events for younger players. If he is allowed to do a normal skirmish he'll need some protecting, easy to see how some painful hits could put him off the sport. I'd also suggest renting, if he gives it a go and doesn't like it you won't be so financially invested. If after 3 games he's loving it still (1 hyped up game doesn't count, 99% love their first game) then it'll be "wasted money" but you'll have a better idea of what to get from using the rentals and players love talking about their guns and kit, everything they have bought is the "best" so try to stay objective. As for your age, you're the perfect age for it! I've seen people from 12-75 play. I'm 38 and it's about 11 years I've been playing for.
  16. are you 100% sure, absolutely positive that you haven't got mixed weights of bbs?
  17. As above, what does he like the look of? I'd also suggest thinking about the weight and size of these compared with him. If he's not that strong then smaller and lighter is sensible, if he's a strapping teenager it shouldn't matter. If he's under 18 (assuming he is), he'll need full face protection, not just eye pro, some like the big masks like dye4, others prefer glasses and a mesh facemask. Hiking boots and gloves (check out mechanic) are also recommended. The biggest thing I can recommend is go with him, at least every now and then. It's great father son bonding time, I see it at sites regularly and wish I had it with my dad (as a dad of real young ones, I will take mine when they're older). It's also pathetic seeing how uninvolved dad's are when they just drop their kids off like it's a crèche.
  18. That heat is energy that's coming from somewhere, and the only source on energy is your battery. I always go on the basis that 1 Mah is about 1 shot (give or take)eg if you're burning through a 1000 mah battery in 500 shots (I count my shots in how many mags have I reloaded), there is an issue. I'd suggest playing with the height of the motor first, get that as sweet as you can. But I always avoid opening gearboxes unless you have to and know what you're doing (I do with NGRS, don't with anything else!)
  19. As mentioned, depends on play style, amount of shooting, RIF etc. I have never got through 2x 1300 MAH batteries in 1 day, I switched at lunch to be proactive and ensure I didn't run out and have to change in the field (another thing I then didn't have to carry, or think about). When running an aeg now, I use a titan 3000mah and just don't have to think about it, they have a lot of MAH for the physical space they take up. Not a problem at the moment, but cold can really impact the performance of batteries, so in the winter (5 degrees and lower), give some thought to your batteries temp as well.
  20. There is a good video by the heresy group on setting up baofengs, it's good as it talks from an average airsofters view, mindset, base knowledge.
  21. Point shooting does work at close range, but once you get over about 10 metres (which does happen at cqb sites) you start missing on your first shot and walking them in. That turns times you have the drop on someone into a gun fight etc. If you're close enough and have a red dot, point shoot, if your further way and have a red dot, aim. Without the red dot all you can do is guestimate and walk them in. For me, red dots are all about increasing the first round hits. As for the best one available now? the holy warrior is very good for a clone and knocks all other eotech clones that I have experience with out of the park. I haven't used the sotac one. When I started airsoft I bought lots of things thinking, it doesn't matter if it doesn't have x, y or z feature as I'll never use that. I won't do an impression etc. And then later I wanted these features. The nv mode on the holy warrior is good enough. Also the screen protector that comes with it is great.
  22. Have you checked out alpkit? I haven't used their hardshells but they have a good rep and the stuff I have from them has been good and excellent value for money (not cheap, not silly money, just good value). Otherwise my question is, do you really NEED a hardshell? Most fabrics will fail when they have rigs/rucksacks on top or you get as wet but from sweat. I've done loads of events, weekenders etc at the trees and other horrible wet venues and honestly only needed a hardshell once. Often water resistant jackets, windshirts etc are enough, they may get damp but movement keeps you warm and when you aren't moving, put warm/dry kit on.
  23. Every day is a school day. Yeah, the hammer is coming out quite punchy, about 4 mm
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