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Everything posted by Misery

  1. oooooo not long now :D

    1. Shamal


      The van broke down.

      Gonna be another two weeks!!


    2. Misery


      hahahaha lol


  2. anyone know where i can get the cable for a aep battery cgarger got the base bit the battery sits in just need the power cable

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      well the psu plug thingy like what comes free

      in these cheap China guns

      are not smart type that switch off once charged

      and things being what they are I don't trust these free chargers as far as I can throw them


      (also don't trust mains B3 & any charger with Nuprol on it)


      so if you got a decent smart nimah charger


      a B6 & enter details n shit into nimah menu


      then hunt around for an old charger or lead

      seems to be 3.5mm & 1.3mm as I said

      splice it all up - positive polarity centre


      (if people can't use a test meter then stay away from electrics)


      had to put that in there to warn idiots not to fuck with shit


      ahem - then charge it up with a proper/better charger


    3. Misery


      i have a seperate lipo/nihm charger bud dont use the cheap ones with the guns i also have one similar to this but seperate balance board etc



    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      that's the correct approach


      you needed the connector from Action Hobbies

      then a power jack

      and a bit of common sense - sorted


      watch out - the black plastic top cap of batteries can come loose

      no biggy to reglue it back


      new AEP stuff...






      old school nimah with iffy charger bastid...


      Cyma CM.128 "Classic" AEP -black- incl. NIMH Battery & Charger < 0,5 J.

  3. well for a laugh decided do do a proper chrono on the cm516 with.2's im getting 346-349fps

    with .25's  300-310 with a laughable 11 rounds per second lol

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i'm starting to get genuinely confused here, how are you being so sensible and not wanting to do even more tinkering?


      please tell me your secrets :P

    3. Misery


      dont wooooory my friend the tinkering comes later ;) only leaving as is cause its for my step son to use lol :)

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      never stopped me lol, i have a gun specifically for the task of being the one i don't mess with and it's still had a lot of work done to it :P

  4. cant get out to airsoft ok............sqaud on pc it is then


    if we have enough gamers that play we should start team/server!

    1. Asomodai


      I am a fairly avid player. Bought it on full release and have put in nearly 300 hours. You can find me on EXD and RIP servers mostly. 

  5. haha this shit has made my morning espicialy bout lola's casket haha
  6. no wasnt meaning the bushings are causing the problem of the double feeding the bushings coming loose i oticed because of the fire selector switch didnt feel right was stiffer than it should of been thats when i noticed the bushings a couple of the bushings had moved out of there holes whrn took apart they werent as tight in,but if u recomend to 2part epoxy em in then thats fine i thought i would of had to replace them that spring i will refit the right way when i refit dont get me wrong she was firing bud no unusual sounds just the odd double feed which i put down to the hop rubber upgrade so reverted bk to stock at same time as checking why the switch was tight which i assume is cause the gear has shifted ever so slight and put pressure against the casing and against the lower receiver causing it to be stiff as for the wiring yeah ive noticed that im actualy contemplating replacing the wire as few bits are looking a bit dodgy and i have the time to sort it properly than just leave it till it goes lol thank you for telling me that with the shim that is noted for when i refit everything will get epoxy ordered in tonight so i can get it done tomoz or sunday thank you again i know i must eb a pain in the ass lol
  7. can see it being longer than march at this rate
  8. well to cheer myself up have treated myself to a mystery box from extreme airsoft lol

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Misery


      if it did 88mph id do a back to the future ;)

    3. Shamal


      That's a shame cause you could have gone back and intercepted the mystery box before it was loaded on the DPD van.  😀 

    4. Misery


      haha i know right!!

  9. well that was a shit show still double feeding so have stripped back down and found that the bushs have moved aswell so gonna order new bushings cause these literaly just fall out of the gearbox side,so more waiting around woooohooo lol
  10. hahhaa all gd bro oh deffo man cant wait to get out with now have a feed issue but did change hop rubber so will revert back to stock for now
  11. yeah original was buggered so new piston new oring and boom now bk together that fecking trigger buggered me up so many times lol now to install motor and spring and check fingers crossed
  12. well piston and oring has arrived so they are now fitted time to get the trigger bk in and casing on
  13. that was more what i meant what events my bad for ther wrong wording
  14. Is there any scottish milsim events *obv after the lockdown :)* around scotland preferebly as close to dundee,perth area as possible but willing to travel to glasgow edinburgh area
  15. oh totaly i have seen the change in novs vids havent seen any of caferacing was more reviews i watched with some sniping vids
  16. no problem gave ya a sub too any chance of a review on you aap pistol?
  17. you hit the nail on the head with the last part of that sentance
  18. totaly agree same with anything really though all sports mmusic everything its just human nature unfortunatley
  19. aye ive learnt that with most youtubers even motorcyle ones to pc ones so if im wanting to watch a review i usualy look for ones where they have bought it themselfs
  20. ahhh got ya had noticed the close full auto shit recently!
  21. ok not been in airsoft long enough but whats the issue with those youtubers?
  22. nice but price of that is unreal!
  23. hoping piston arrives for my cm,621 so can get that back together,then my pistol mag should arrive today. aswell then just gotta wait on the charger coming lol hate having to order from multiple places lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Due to potential/possible, perhaps deffo issues

      of compatibility it is advised to look for a base gun


      some gearboxes, some receivers, some rail systems etc...

      do not always work together flawlessly as intended

      resulting in more investigation, modification etc...

      to get the fuck-pigs to work properly


      the gun is a tarted up metal Cyma

      same stuff inside nigh on as what you got

      P&J is a rebrand given to some higher Cyma's


      Thing is with DMR is min engagement distance & all that

      the full stock though good for battery space

      is not for everybody - especially smaller players

      (there's flaws or pro's n con's with everything)


      What you got are 2 like 300mm barrel M4's

      which are not too short/long for new/young players

      get to grips with those, hopefully play games one day

      and get a feel for it all before going down DMR route

      (as due to MED, it is different to just steaming into action)


      You might buy a 3rd gun, so you got a spare for you & kid

      You might stick to M4, you might look to AK or G36

      but see what happens after a few games

    3. Druid799


      @miserydrift you do realise no matter how perfect you’ve got it working at home the minute you cross the door step of the game site it’ll all go tits up and stop working ! 😳

    4. Misery


      @druid thats why i have 2 m4's lol :)


      @sitting duck oh i know bud thats why it will be a long term build plan as i will be sourcing parts that fit

      yeah bud that was just a rough basis of what style of dmr i do plan to build m4 base unit long ass barrel and hand gaurd and decent stock :)

      yeah im fine with the min engagement etc :)

      yeah had him holding the rifle earlier defo will get him a smalller stock if and when the internals go and i cheapo mosfet it for him ill be able to reduce the stock size then going to lipo

      m4's my base for now as always love the look of m4's espicialy the longer barreled ones with keystone handgaurds *drools* was always gun i used in games online etc i do love a sniper though and plans for a bolty to but want to build a dmr eventualy but again like i said that is a looooong time off as i will be doing my research into the parts etc

      i do have a plan for a 3rd rif but unsure what i will go with not fan of g36 like ak's but there just not for me style wise,i do like umps so thats another possibility espicialy for cqb games although just contemplating gbp for cqb indoor with a gd few mags

      haha i know after a few games im gonna be heavily invested in it,have wanted to get into this for a couple years now but always held back lol


  24. haha she always was mate not very often you find a woman thats as into bikes as you and that actualy rides aswell lol that and ive known her since i was 14 lol
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