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  • Guns
    Cybergun AK74U
  • Loadouts
    None yet!
  • Sites
    Hardline and The vault will be my local sites.
  • Gender
  • Location
    Greater Manchester

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  1. I’m not sure tbh as it’s for an ICS. But someone on fb has messaged me with a cyma one. Thank you tho.
  2. Finally got my first game today at delta team 3. It was awesome!! Except for the part where my AK broke! 🙄

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GAMBLE


      Should be easy to find parts and replace, consider maybe a different make, that is reliable? 🤞🤔👍

    3. Zitch


      Yea I have found a replacement ta, thing is this gun shoots like a laser! It out performed so many of the other guns yesterday. 

    4. GAMBLE


      I agree, when I used it for a game, it was shooting further than I expected! 🤪

      He did the same thing and replaced it with a different part! 🤔

      Until the next game! 🔫😎👍

  3. Does anyone know of any uk suppliers that may possibly have a front sight/gas block for a cyma ak74? Managed to shear mine off today. cheers
  4. Decided to give making a holster a go and blow off the old leather working tools. Bit rusty and rough around the edges as was thrown together to prove the design but I’m happy with it for a first attempt!

    • Wanted
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    Hi all, Looking for a 8fields tactical split front chest harness in black camp or black. Or something very similar. Cheers


  6. So having had my chrono arrive today I decided to test it before replacing a few bits. First chrono was around 230-240 FPS, and seeing as the rif is shooting a lot better than when I first got it im guessing it must have been sub 150 to begin with. Anyway, having double checked shims, replaced nozzle, piston, bucking and nub a quick re-lube, it is now consistent between 308-310 FPS. The air seal on the cylinder isn’t perfect and a bit of ptfe has been put in for now. But I think once I replace the cylinder head and possibly put a tight bore barrel in I could get it upto 330. However I’m happy where it is now and shall leave it be until I’ve used it a few times.
  7. So I ended up picking the one with the hood. So far I’m quite impressed with it for the price. Feels solid and secure on the mount. zeroing feels solid and secure and clicks nicely with each adjustment. Dot is clear and visible on all 11 settings and I can’t see it being an issue in bright light. looking forward to a good game day to get a good trial with it.
  8. Haha sound like a great idea at the time! And rule of cool counts for a lot! 😂
  9. Haha I did think it when this one arrived! Definitely be done exercise after a full game day!
  10. Very true, this is a very bulky side mount also.
  11. Yea I was looking at that one, or possibly this one; JASHKE Airsoft Red Dot Sight Scope 1x30mm Holographic Sight Rifle Scope Sights with 11mm/20mm Weaver/Picatinny Rail Mount for Hunting https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B081CS6SDC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_N58B62JVZ1R70DF1R3RF or just a standard mini red dot.
  12. Yea, it did originally come with a mini red dot which looked ok on it, was just knackered. Will probably get something similar.
  13. Red dot it is then, cheers. I have a 20mm rail mount adapter that sits over the top cover and also has a side rail mounted.
  14. Howdy, Looking for recommendations for a mid range sight, its for my AK74 so looking for something with a slight magnification but not huge. Also as I'm new i'm not looking to keep it cheap for now until I know what style suits me. Any recommendations/pics of similar set ups would be appreciated. Many Thanks Zitch
  15. Yup agree as piman said, it was predictable and most other couriers and services have continued with very little delays or interruptions. UPS it seems to have had their heads in the sand and did not prepare for it well at all.
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