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CoCost last won the day on October 8 2024

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    MWS TTI TR-1,
    MWS MK18 Mod 1,
    MWS MK16 URG-I,
    MWS M4A1 Block II,
    Custom M41A Pulse Rifle (GBBR)
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  1. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    As the title states, in need of a stock TM MWS charging handle. Will happily take an aftermarket one, just let me know what you have. Thank you


    , Kent - GB

  2. Have been working on this for a few years now and still missing a few minor bits, but getting closer and closer to a screen accurate "TTI TR-1 Ultimate Ultralight AR-15" from JohnWick Chapter 2. Base gun is an MWS, the receiver and barrel set are from the old AG kit, internals are a bit of a mix, but everything else than can be RS is RS (Real-Steel). Only thing I cant bloody find is the throw-lever (ac20007) 🙄 -
  3. Sorry to chime in, but for everyone commenting here; This is NOT the EMG TTI TR-1 (Gen 2) kit that people seems to be citing, despite the obvious similarities! It is in fact the original JW TR1 kit that AG made in limited numbers a few years back: https://www.angrygun.com/products/angrygun-john-wick-rifle-cnc-conversion-kit-for-marui-m4-mws-gbb As mentioned by others, good luck finding one of these kits anywhere as I'm fairly sure even AG are no longer making or supplying them. From what I've seen, these kits very rarely ever come up for sale anymore. I was also lucky enough to grab one of these kits on release so can tell you first hand, they were NOT cheap. This is a VERY decent price for everything included!!!
  4. My Pulse-Rifle already contains a WE m1a1 GBBR and a chopped up APS Cam870! If I can add one of these RS spas cage to the mix [hoping so 😉] then it's going to be a workout just picking the dam thing up 😂 Not gunna lie, would look cool AF tho.
  5. Colour me interested! I would certainly be wanting one of these for my PR build as well 😎 It's been my experience that RS heat-shields and other Spas12 stuff, even replicas, are like gold-dust nowadays.
  6. CoCost

    Pulse Rifle

    Awesome work! Looking great so far. If you need it, or are interested, there are a ton of additional body mods that can be done to the snow wolf or G&P kits to make them look more like the screen version. Just search "Snow Wolf Pulse Rifle mods" on Thingverse 👍
  7. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Looking for a MWS buffer spring if anyone has one spare


    - GB

  8. CoCost

    THE TM MWS thread

    I think it would be absolutely fine! All of the MWS barrel adapters are very similar as they are essentially just a spacer that's designed to stop the outer barrel sliding out the front of the barrel nut. They should allow you to install most AEG spec rails. For example, using a barrel adapter [unsure which one] I put the Madbull DD Block II rail onto one of my MWS's with no problems.
  9. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Wondering if anyone has a spare MWS forward assist sitting around that they could part ways with? Thanks


    - GB

  10. Good morning, Wondering if any of you lovely people could potentially help me out by recommending a UK based tech who is capable of doing some modifications to a rail system I have. Im specifically looking for someone who could cut-down a Madbull Mk18 (12.5") rail and modify it into something akin to the length and style of the infamous DD GL/SSC Block II rail. I know there are some US based people who happen to offer similar services [Chop-Boss], albeit for RS rails, however I would ideally like to avoid the hassle of importing RS parts wherever possible. Thanks in advance 👍
  11. CoCost

    Spas-12 Parts


    • Wanted
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    Looking for a cheap Spas 12 to strip for parts. ASG, TM, DoubleEagle, or whatever you have to hand; Only need a few bits from it


    , Kent

  12. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Hey, I am after a Madbull [or other brand] MK18 12.5" RIS II rail. Not bothered about the colour or condition as intend on having it cerakoted and cut down to a GL/SSC length. NEEDS to have a M203 compatible barrel nut, but would also like it to still have the GL attachment brackets.


    , Kent

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