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Everything posted by Cipher-032

  1. I pulled apart my MWS to service the hop/ polish the barrel today out of boredom. And the mod tan in there is shot. Ive dropped in the Marui standard rubber with the SiXG for now. Not that I can really test but has any one found a better rubber than the mod tan paired with the SiXG nub or is the Tan still the supreme combo still? Just out of interest, If not ill order another as they are only a tenner plus postage on Bullseye
  2. I pulled the trigger mech apart, installed a Guns modify trigger, but sanded down the sides and polished them. Polished the two box halfs. Installed a Dytac spring set. Now I have a decent trigger. Its still a tad gritty. But resets nicely. Its mainly due to the Marui trigger box. I also find aerosol silicone lube works best with the trigger box. As its rather thin and runny.
  3. New owner, asked many questions on lots of platforms. Gubbins are on order! 16mm+ thread means my HK45 suppressor fits nicely. Might go for a Silverback Mk23 suppressor.
  4. Ill help: 1. The green gas mod may see a very slight increase of power. How ever stock MWS on Nuprol 2 is well within field limits. Bump it to 3.0 for winter use. If thats still not what you are after. There are NPAS kits which you drop into the nozzle which will help regulate FPS to your desired level 2. Not right away. But buy one as a spare, whether OEM part or a uprated spring set is handy. 3. The first hop mod you'll need is a better nub to lift more than a .25-.28, most of us here will run a SiXG Brass nub. Works great with the stock rubber or a modify tan rubber 4. Other than the SiXG Nub, thats it. Thats all you *really* need to do to get the gun to perform well. EDIT: These are all obviously my 2 cents. Other peoples will differ
  5. Yep already got one of them in stock, and im suing a Laylax barrel kit. No shim required for me!
  6. Before I do a buy, the MWS can take AEG barrel nuts? The Daniel Defence Mk18 rail I have on mine currently is rated for AEG. But this puppy is the one ive been after since ive owned the MWS. https://www.davescustomairsoft.co.uk/External-Parts/rail-systems/Big-Dragon-G-Style-SMR-M4-AEG THERES STOCK So I wanna check and confirm before I buy one.
  7. Been a while since I’ve added here. This thing still giving me jip! Rear slung mounted added. Part of the back plate replaced after a little bridge over the stock broke. Ive modified the bolt slightly, grinding material away with a deremel to increase bolt lock reliability. All mags are now have been serviced. New base plates O rings fitted thanks to Eagle 6, plus a smear of RTV. I put WAY too much in some last time.
  8. *Buys new gun*
    *Charges battery and chrono's, all lovely*
    Gun on game day:
    *inconsistent FPS, double taps, bb's every where, struggles to lift any thing*


    1. Adolf Hamster
    2. strykerles


      welcome to the wonderful world of airsoft 😂


      In all seriousness, sucks balls, had it happen a couple of times

    3. Druid799


      What gun , what BBs you using , What magazines ? Bit more detail , gives you a ‘small’ chance of getting a decent answer ? “If ya know what I mean ?” 😉

  9. In this sort of weather you want to be running the MWS on Red (Nuprol 3.0). FPS still wont be an issue. You should only fill the mags until it spurts liquid gas at you. Replacement Nub, whether its the SixG brass, or a Plastic H nub is a must. The SixG brass nub and a mod tan bucking will happily lift .4g bb's.
  10. Guess it depends on the barrel nut. My Mk18 has a plate that sits behind the nut. Then the free float rail bolts to it. And the lower section bolts to the upper. I dont need to run a adapter ring as Im using Laylax's modular outer barrel. But if your using the stock one you may need to. 1. Normal, real AR's do this. Its the buffer spring 2. Apply hop, and the BB's wont roll out. This is normal on zero hop on a lot of guns. Depends on the type of rubber used and if any hop is applied. 3. Its a gas gun. FPS consistency isnt a strong point My Glock 19 will start at 260 and finish a mag on 240ish. NPAS's are fiddling and take time to find the sweet spot. Failing that run the stock bolt. You cant fail with that. Hell I bought an entire spare off some one here.
  11. Got multiple GBB rifles and SMG's. MWS, GHK AUG, ASG MP9 to name a few. So im now well rehearsed in GBB issues. In fact had issues with my MP9 today, Nozzle fins snapping and the bolt stop notch wearing. Just major concern is spares. I cant use my TM MP7 dude to lack of spares in desperately needs. Im debating the Krytac for cold days like today, The AUG struggled badly but the MP9's light bolt made it work flawlessly, until the bolt wouldnt lock back, in the tepid afternoon. But I do prefer GBBR's.
  12. Looking through this thread, and only seeing one on a skirmish. I curious weather I should take the plunge at some point and get one of these holy grail SMG's Are they worth getting? I'd mainly Skirmish it, not a wall hanger. Im aware of the parts issue and lack of them. But I dont want to splash out that sort of money on a gun I cant really use. Honest opinions
  13. Personally, I run 3 mags in my plate carrier, 1 mag in the gun, 2 on a double stack on my shooters belt. Does me perfectly.
  14. Be aware, if you run a HSB, you get a FPS increase. I didnt notice much cycling rate difference if im honest? Gunna remove and see what It feels like this weekend
  15. Looks like the M18 Mod 1's are making a come back! Action shot with mine yesterday at Mayhem South East
  16. Try unwinding the buffer tube a turn or two. And a bit of heat shrink on the bolt stop latch.
  17. Have all the Element X300 's vanished off the planet? Can only find them on wish?!

  18. I can confirm my little monster of a MP7 is still working fine. I lost the nozzle return spring but found some in europe, and bought some generic spring from china, once trimmed works a charm. And I can run it on 2.0 now. Thats the only updates I can give from that thread of mine. As long as you look after the gun, and treat it with mechanical sympathy, it should serve you well. Its a shame that the metal parts are really not that great and do break. Im looking forward to using mine again once lock down is lifted.
  19. Ive had this from a BB strike/malfunction. Found a ton of debris in the my trigger unit for some reason. I *personally* use a spray lube for my trigger box. Nice and thin oil, and use a stronger trigger spring set as well to help the reset. Also polishing the trigger box and the sides of the trigger itself will aid in reset. I get the odd hang up but rather rare. Another squirt of silicone spray and im good to go.
  20. @SSPKali What barrel are you using?
  21. This puppy goes on one of the sides of the trigger box from memory
  22. Any particular benefits over stock?
  23. New mags arrived, time to hack em!
  24. Hoping that my WE MP5 gets released from customs... pretty please, should have my UKARA on the front 😳

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