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Everything posted by AlphaBear

  1. Cheers Dave.. that’s the one I was looking for. I’ve got the last two but not just the pink stuff. I’ll ask my local hunting shop if they have any? If so I’ll let ya all know next week.
  2. That reminds me..... I need to apply some seasonal maintenance to the MWS! I've not picked it up for nearly 4 months!! May need to get some fresh lube too. What are folks using again?
  3. You can tell it's January.... I'm sure come February this discussion would have moved on a little 😂 beep beep beep oh damn I've got a light leaking into my receiver.... where's the gaffer tape
  4. It’s normal. They all do it.. Font to back. And side to side. Don’t stress.
  5. This is what you need... https://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/231/s/laylax-first-factory-wrench-tool-for-m4-hk416-next-generation-recoil-shock-series-m4-gbbr-series/
  6. You will find that there have been a lot of discussions about gas routers somewhere in this thread with varying degrees of success. Nevertheless your results are interesting and it's always good to see how new gases like Vorsk perform. A few questions from my side and no doubt you'll get a lot more from others too.. 1. What bb weight and brand were you using? 2. Have you done the green gas mod with your mags? 3. How many shots did you fire until the mags ran out of gas. I assume the Marui router performed better in this respect.
  7. You didn’t use Nuprol RZR bbs did you by any chance 😱
  8. Listen to Travis… Be like Travis. He knows he’s stuff 😂
  9. Don’t get me started on Nuprol RZR bbs either!!!
  10. What ever you do don't google choclit if anyone is at work lol 🤣😂
  11. You mean you weren’t carrying a thermos flask of Yorkshire tea around with you during the skirmish and having a sip between each ‘kill’ lol
  12. There are people who spam on here for the sake of getting badges? Surely not? Who on earth does that? Shame on you I say shame on you.
  13. Back in the day I had three of these, 225bhp was a lot of power back then. I have fond memories of my black 3.2 litre (250bhp) one with a volcano red interior... the amount of PIMP jokes I got from my work mates was non-stop.... oh and the obligatory hairdresser jokes too... lol . The Quattro system on these was an absolute beast too. The car literally stuck to the road as if it was on rails..... The shape of the MK1 TT was iconic and a design statement at the time... sadly when the MK2's came out the curves were lost for the angular and straight edges which in my opinion was a let down in design... For those who don't know, Silverstone used to have a bunch of MK1 1.8T sport TT's which you could use as part of their track day events. They were such good fun to drive around the track thats for sure!
  14. The Marui XL is the favourite choice....
  15. Does this means that the Cow Cow complete hammer kit set would be needed regardless? I was going to buy the CTN hammer from airsoftworld as a backup but may not bother now.... Might swell buy the Cow Cow set...
  16. 10,000 shots seems like a life time with a MWS I've only shot about 1000 rounds through mine in the whole of 2021 And it's all stock save Dave's brass nub and HSB...
  17. You’re welcome matey. Another happy customer At least we figured it out. The funny thing is that out of my two Marui XL speed loaders I also lost the o ring out of the newer one. Truth be told you don’t need that o ring as the bbs still feed fine and don’t fall out of the feed tube either. Oh one more thing. Don’t use Nuprol bbs in the MWS. They will shatter. I had a very very very bad episode with them.
  18. Ahhhh I recognise that MWS. The chap you got it from is pucker and a true gent. And he’s kit is well looked after. From the spec it’s got a stock Marui bolt and the picture confirms this. There is no way an o ring could have gotten into the inner barrel. Unless???? Now this idea is actually real and happened to me. I think Ive figured it out. What speed loader are you using? I use a Marui XL speed loader and it has an o ring in the bb tube that feeds into the mag. I suspect that somehow the o ring got detached (happened to me) and got pushed into the magazine along with some more bbs. You may have pushed a tad too hard to fill the mag with bbs. I am sure that’s how the o ring got into your MWS!! Taaaaa Daaaaa! And just for good measure check your speed loader. I bet it will be missing that o ring.
  19. There should be no O ring ejected into that barrel whatsoever. You do have an O ring over the hop chamber but there is no way that can enter the inner barrel. Impossible. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of an O ring in the barrel to be honest. Now do you know if the nozzle valve is a G&P npas valve? If so I think there may also be an O ring on it. The only thing I can think of no matter how bizarre is that the G&P o ring has disintegrated and somehow remnants of it have entered the barrel. Again this is pure speculation.
  20. Bloomin heck what the buggery happened there? Which spring are you talking about again? Is it the bolt spring or the smaller spring at the top of the bolt?
  21. I am trying to find some words... but failing for some reason
  22. Oooooerrrrrr Matron.... I secretly like it... Shhhhhhhh don't tell anyone.... lol Mind you I have a drum mag on mine . I blame the guys in the AAP-01 thread on here for that though.....
  23. I have a prommy barrel inside mine... a sixG brass nub and a HSB buffer.... I find the range pretty good (not as good as my upgraded KoA recoil though) of course it's dependent on temperature and the gas you're using.
  24. Congrats on the purchase and welcome to the club..... The fire selector switch finish is pants on them all... Mine was kinda the same and I'm sure other peoples are too... The castle nut is hit and miss though.. I suspect your's just got tightened with a tad more vigour... believe you me if you need to tighten it with s Marui spanner it will mark anyway.... it's just the nature of the pot metal that Marui use,..
  25. Crikey! Those FPS figures with 0.48’s are scary high. I would not like to be on the end of one of those that’s for sure lol. By the way, what gas are you using and at what temperature was your test done at?
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