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Posts posted by RonLancs

  1. 12 hours ago, TheFull9 said:


    Check the file type (usually wanna be .jpg or .png), you can get a pretty big and high quality image (in airsoft terms) at well under 2mb.  Also check your upload allowance on here - shown below post when typing on desktop.

    Why would my upload allowance be so little? (6.38kb)

  2. Hey I want to share my sub par mp5 with you’s. Every time I go to upload the files too big and when I make it small it looks like shiz. However scrolling up everyone’s pictures are lovely. 


    11 minutes ago, RonLancs said:

    Hey I want to share my sub par mp5 with you’s. Every time I go to upload the files too big and when I make it small it looks like shiz. However scrolling up everyone’s pictures are lovely. 


     Exhibit A:


  3. 1 minute ago, alxndrhll said:


    I genuinely hope it's at least moderately useful. I've been in a very similar situation multiple times across my time in the hobby (give or take 15 years), some for similar reasons and some for entirely different ones. In this instance I think you've hit the nail on the head, not being able to go out and play definitely amplifies the 'is this all really worth it' element. I've nearly thrown in the towel at least 3 times in the last year, but I know full well being honest with myself that without airsoft things to enjoy/grumble about the last year would have been significantly harder because I'd have had very little to be looking forward to at the tail end of all that's going on.


    Waffle away, getting it out there is a damn sight healthier than having it all bouncing around your noggin entirely untamed.

    This s*** right here, this is why I play airsoft. 



  4. 10 minutes ago, alxndrhll said:

    My reply wasn’t a simple ‘if you don’t like it, find something else’. That was very intentionally the final option listed.


    You in no way need to defend how you wish to make your purchases, everyone is entitled to their preference. But you’ll need to answer the question yourself as to how set in your preferences you are, and whether the need to deviate from that is enough to put you off entirely. Because that’s ultimately where we are now, like it or lump it (the vast majority of us falling in the latter camp I imagine) things aren’t the way they were.


    If your criteria is as set in stone as you say it is, the second hand market seems to be the closest thing to a solution I can put forward. If that’s a no go for whatever reason, then I’m fresh out of ideas.

    Thanks for the valuable input - and I mean that. The airsoft community is great for providing feedback and solutions. I guess this is the one place I can come to for some positivity and reassurance about the whole ordeal. Maybe I just need to get back out to a field get a couple of kills and get over-shot by a couple of newbies and I'll be back with a shit eating grin waiting for my order to cross the channel in a less than ideal time frame at a more expensive rate. What can I say I don't like change (not according to my CV) but I don't adapt well and I'm just waffling. I feel much better, thank you. 


  5. 1 minute ago, alxndrhll said:


    Eh, is it though? Is filling out and returning a very simple form and paying some import fees really that much of an inconvenience? I’d imagine the time taken for things to arrive will smooth out in time, if things taking to arrive is really considered a downside. I guess I’ve been shipping things over from elsewhere in the world long enough to just never really be in much of a rush.


    Main consideration is whether it actually winds up much different to UK prices when all is said and done. Granted cost savings have never been the draw of importing things in for me, it’s mostly supply/availability.


    Nevertheless, being patient and keeping your eye out of classifieds/putting up wanted ads is an option. Failing that, either make do with what you have, or sell up and find something else you want to do with your time. Not intending to totally blunt, I’m just struggling to piece together the part that makes it feel like a real hardship to import things.

    Hells yea it is. Compared to how it used to be + new fee's. Yea I'd say it's comparably more difficult to import from TG. UK shops at the moment are dire it's all dry. Maybe I'm old fashioned and just want to click, pay and things come to my door in acceptable parameters. I wish there was a quirky comment that I could conjure in my defence but I straight just feel disheartened about the sport and it's easy to say "go find something else" but that's one less target on our fields. My neckbeard is ruffled. I want quick easy access to toy guns from Poland at a competitive price without waiting months for it to be delivered. Too much to ask for? - Yes, find another hobby. Great. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


    kind of agree with that, nothing like being able to hold the thing in your hands and get that "ooh shiny" vibe to pull you over that hill of spending a lot of money to start up a hobby.


    i mean i'd been airsofting a good decade before i started buying gats online, up until that point it was impulse buys at the brick and mortar and secondhand.

    I've never bought from a store it's always been online - I feel shaken by these new charges to the point where I can't validate paying that much for what is essentially shipping. I'm in a bit of a conundrum personally about carrying on (maybe this is because I'm as we all are starved of a game day) but yea I'm upset by this and dont fancy paying UK prices. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Piman said:

    Well UPS have charged me £32.11 in  brokerage fees on top of 'government charges'. Absolutely disgraceful. Was expecting the usual £12. The 'government charges' are not what I expected but it did say these are subject to change. The delivery has not yet left Poland so I wait to see what actually happens when it arrives.



    By the gods, hardly worth ordering from them anymore then! Oh jeez, what's this going to do to airsoft - especially for new players! 

  8. 4 minutes ago, miserydrift said:

    haha so am i if im honest bud id rather have this as reliable as i can get it so i can throw the money into getting a really nmice metal m4 upper and lower nice long ass either keymod or skeletal style handguard,internalwise all i know is ill be getting another perun for it,will see how the 13-1 gear set and the high tourqe motor are like before deciding what ill be doing that side of things have spotted this gear box


    13:1 for a DMR? Hmm, might want to look at higher ratio and a high torque motor. It'll still be snappy but with pulling a bigger spring but hey, thats a convo for a different thread.. In fact search on here and you'll find a belter I was involved in. I'd look but I'm supposed to be working right now!! haha 

  9. 2 minutes ago, miserydrift said:

    i iknow probs stupid throwing all that on the budget cyma but idrather that than buy new and then have that expense on top as pasrts have failed seeing how many rifs comen quite frankly dopdgy out the factory

    the two i have that are in a 10 mile radius are both outside thank god so be able to use it even if i had to travel further i wouold just to use it loooool,hahaha hell yeah hahaha



    edit: as dodgy as my typing it seems hahaha

    Yeah haha I guess I'm a metal body whore. I've held polymer rifs and they're nice and all that sturdy etc.. But i like my rifs to get weathered and scratched and dinked lol. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, miserydrift said:

    118 in total i spent 20 on buying the gun so 138 in new 621 is 160 i set a limit of 160 in total for upgrade parts or replacement parts from the outset as originaly was going to be buyting a new cyma when i got offered those so set my limit to the cost of said gun new including what i paid ofr it in that budget,next up is a scratch build dmr for me :)

    Fairs man! A DMR would be sexy but I personally just don't have enough outdoor fields near me.. :( I mean I could put a scope and a bipod on my MP5 and that'd be a DMR right? haha 

  11. Just now, miserydrift said:

    haha true.yeah im thinking that but am willing to try lol,yeah i guessed that would be case,will do once my other parts arrive tomoz then can throw it back together and test,that i am now with amount of work  going into this lol

    It's just the way it is mate. Once you've finished this build price everything up (and be honest) and see how much it came to so when it comes to the inevitable next "forever gun" you can see if its worth upping the budget on a more pricier bit of kit i.e. CYMA Platinum... Mmm that's my next purchase. 

  12. 1 minute ago, miserydrift said:

    i dont have calipers to get an accurate measurement unfortunatly,yeah i thought that may be the case why i was asking first dont wanna spend more than i have to with how much ive thrown at this gun so far lol

    Maybe try a rough estimate with a ruler. To be honest you may just have to settle with stock nozzle as I know from experience most stock nozzles (without o-ring) will let a little air out. Even some o-ring nozzles do sometimes... I’d Chuck it all together and test FPS on .2’s and if it’s consistent leave it be. However we both know you’re pining for the perfect air seal and it’s another itch to scratch 😂

  13. 38 minutes ago, miserydrift said:

    @Sitting Duck bought ptfe tape yesterday done the seal which has sorted the cmpression when nozzle isnt fitted but as soon as nozzles fitted i have very little compression,any nozzle u recomened to replace it?

    Maybe try an SHS M4 21.4mm?  Try measuring the original nozzle first as the wrong nozzle may cause feeding issues. (sorry to jump in Duck) Also the new nozzle may be tight on the CYMA cylinder head which can also cause feeding issues as it cant move as freely. 

  14. 22 minutes ago, miserydrift said:

    Hahaha once i had calibrated it house of the rising sun was first thing i did looool


    pre cocking and 3 round burst set ;) triggers set as responsive as i like and thats it left as is

    Are you finished? ;) What's next Mwahaha

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