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  1. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in I Don't Know Your Site Layout   
    It never fails to amaze me that sites will put in hundreds of man-hours of work to build and update the site, but not one minute towards making a map of it.
  2. Like
    John_W reacted to TheFull9 in I Don't Know Your Site Layout   
    "So yeah.. red team will start by the zombie infection site zero laboratory.. yellow team up in the North East by the Wehrmacht bunker complex.  After proceeding through the graveyard that's underneath the medieval fort, the attackers' spawn will then move along to the missile launcher trench complex.  Once they've taken the CQB windmill they can then plant their bombs in the Vietnam ambush valley, but watch out for reinforcements from death ridge!  Oh and naturally when crossing the Bridge by the fuel depot you can snipe down from the bus as long as the fence line that borders the farmer's field is free of cows and sheep today.  Never forgetting the SUPER VISIBLE fishing line boundary marking that runs from grid square echo charlie and through the woods over to firebase Potato".
    Personally I can barely remember the last time I played the same site twice on the bounce.  I'm also pretty sure that almost every single game ever played on a commercial site has always had at least a portion of first timers and/or pretty new players.
    I don't know, maybe my navigation and layout memorisation abilities are rubbish, but I wish game briefs didn't always sound like this.
  3. Like
    John_W reacted to Guinebait in Discrimination.   
    I am fully aware of whom you speak of. This particular player often uses his disabilities to try to win arguements and get his own way. Has been banned from multiple sights for safety issues and uses legal action threats constantly. It's not discrimination as this individual has literally been given chance after chance before being banned. And other player would have been automatically removed and banned without hesitation. If anything they were given more leeway due to their existing conditions. My brother has similar disabilities and I won't bring him along to matches due to his lack of control if he becomes triggered. Safety is priority especially when you can lose an eye and those Airsoft weapons are often heavy enough to knock someone out with. 
  4. Like
    John_W reacted to SheriffHD in Discrimination.   
    Okay, so controversial topic.
    I'm assuming this persons disability is something like ASC (not allowed refer to it as a spectrum now, which in itself is silly as there's a clear difference between functioning and non functioning imho)
    Anywho, the biggest disservice believe it or not for those with ASC that you can do, is to treat them any different than regular folk. (Applies to what we would call functioning ones)
    So, this person had to be shown that what they did was wrong and banning them because of their actions puts people at risk is fair and reasonable. It's not discrimination to do.
    In terms of other disabilities - well, last year at driver wood there was a guy in a wheel chair (running) an LMG and other than the poor bastard getting overshot because he cant both keep hand in the air and wheel himself back to spawn. Airsofters will generally accept every one due to one simple reason. Don't matter what you look like, what you believe in, or what's wrong with you.....we will happily shoot you without hesitation.
  5. Like
    John_W reacted to Tackle in Discrimination.   
    Lol yep, but if he'd taken a telling off & stopped being a bellend, he probably wouldn't have got banned.
    That's the difference between those of us regular people who can get carried away in the excitement of the "heat of battle"😉, & the ever-growing masses of the self entitled who can't accept they could possibly be wrong, whether it's acting like a cnut at an airsoft site or discussing how many genders there are 🤣

  6. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from Skullchewer in What does everyone really think of kickingmustang   
    I can just imagine it. Him sitting alone in his bedroom  in his ghillie suit with his "Sniper", "Shooter" and "Enemy at the gates" posters on the walls, surrounded by empty KFC buckets, stroking his rifle and muttering "nasty, nasty. We will makes them sorry, won't we my precious?"
  7. Like
    John_W reacted to DanBow in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    For those of you that liked my Heat esque suit load out, heres a pic of me in game. It was far too warm for the jacket, plus being fat and running around like a dickhead who thinks he's still 17 tends to work up a sweat!

  8. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Discrimination.   
    Ditto, my autistic son showed some mild interest in airsoft sniping, but we determined that the reality of the shouting, bangs and ouchies wouldn't work out well for him.
    This is genuinely great to hear, and I fully commend them for doing it.  However, I'm unsurprised that it's gone wrong for them.
    People often threaten to "sue" without the first idea of what that means, or what their cause of action would be.  In this case, it sounds like the site has more than demonstrated their Equality Act Section 20 duty to make reasonable adjustments for disability.  Tolerating dangerous behaviour can't be "reasonable" though, as they also have a duty of care to everybody else there.
    Sad, but reality doesn't always allow for a win-win.
  9. Like
    John_W reacted to Cannonfodder in Discrimination.   
    My son has autism and ADHD and as much as I'd love to bring him to a game for some father son pew time it's not going to happen as I know he doesn't have the best impulse control, even with meds, so I'm not going to put his or other people's safety at risk for our entertainment
  10. Like
    John_W reacted to Cannonfodder in Discrimination.   
    If the player was acting aggressively or dangerously then give them the boot as the site had a duty of care towards all players, if their behaviour had the site not acted and the person's actions led to someone getting hurt then the site would've been in serious trouble.
    As the site is happy to cater for those with disabilities it sounds to me like the banned player is trying to use their disabilities as an excuse to act like a cunt.
  11. Like
    John_W reacted to Galvatron in Discrimination.   
    Anyone can sue on any grounds but the question is whether there's a case.
    The fact that the site you play at has games specially for ND players and that there is a precedent of such players playing among NT players on normal game days would be a compelling argument that the banned player was banned because of their actions, not their condition.
  12. Like
    John_W reacted to Pseudotectonic in Discrimination.   
    The line is drawn at the site's duty to make "reasonable adjustments" under Equality Act.
    To sue for discrimination the claimant will have to convince the court that there was a >51% probability that "failure of reasonable adjustment" had occurred, but because you cannot reasonably adjust the site rules to allow any aggressive behaviour to happen and compromise safety of others, it is pretty much impossible that such a claim would succeed.
    It is not discrimination to not adjust the site rules for a disabled person if they are being a safety risk to themselves or others as it is going to "fundamentally alter the nature of the service".
  13. Like
    John_W reacted to OrlithNightfire in Discrimination.   
    I mean my site is awesome. They bend over backwards to help include people. Even doing private games for parents oh high spectrum neuro, in small groups so they can play. If a group plays on a normal game day, one of the marshal's shadows to make sure they are safe if they have a episode due to it being too much. This marshal often play marshals so they can stay with them but not give away their location away with a high vis.
    Just hurt to hear person saying they would sue on discrimination act because they were band as they didn't ask to be this way. Didn't want this awesome site say shut down or get a bad rep for not including people. 
  14. Like
    John_W reacted to Dan Robinson in Discrimination.   
    If there's a tangible danger to others then someone's disability or neuro divergency / whatever is irrelevant.  I'm in a mixed race marriage, I'm somewhere on "the" spectrum, I have three nephews anchoring said spectrum to the ground, my teenager is mixed raced (and currently hating it) and I think our gay friend contingent is just about offset by my devout muslim workforce.....  So I like to think my worldview is pretty balanced.
    That being said....   We spend too much time in this world worrying about those differences, when really we should all be treated with the same consideration and respect as we wish to have.  Therefore, if you're one of those that should be seen next Tuesday, then you should be treated thusly.  
    I remember coming of age in the 90's and caring more about people being nice to one another than worrying about their situation.   Airsoft sites need to worry about people's eyeballs more than they do the ability to walk, think, self identify... I think that is probably how society should look at things too.
  15. Like
    John_W reacted to Darkmikey22 in Discrimination.   
    If the guy was acting dangerous. Then hats off the the site for actually dealing with it. 
    Just because they're disabled, doesn't give them the right to endanger others. And site owner was well within his rights. 
    I get tired of seeing/hearing this. 
    I once worked with a black lad. Who was always on his phone, was always late back from break. Was even rude to everyone like the world owed him something. And was off sick nearly every other week. Yet when he was eventually sacked. He tried to take the company to court, claiming the discrimination/race card. 
    Luckily they saw straight through it. But it's the fact they try!.... 
    Saw it only a few weeks back also, with a disabled person. Expecting a restaurant to pretty much kick out an already paying customer, just so they can get a table. Then threw a fit when was told to wait like everyone else. 
    I'm all for equality, better working conditions and all that jazz. 
    But when they get the equality and treaded the same as every other normal person, they kick off like right karens. 
    and people ever give into these people or atleast give them airtime. 
    Worlds gone mad  these days. 
  16. Like
    John_W reacted to Tackle in Discrimination.   
    Unfortunately it's all too easy these days for a wrongdoer to scream "foul", & Unfortunately I've known a few disabled people, some since childhood, that will play on this, in much the same way that some use the race card to their advantage, which again I've witnessed firsthand, in one job in particular. 
    @OrlithNightfire , if you personally witnessed his poor behaviour, theres not much more to discuss, he went against site rules & got banned, end of.
  17. Like
    John_W reacted to Tommikka in Discrimination.   
    It would entirely depend on the circumstances.
    Discrimination is covered by the Equality Act, and applies to protected characteristics which include disability.
    If they were banned for being disabled then that would be discrimination 
    If banned for their actions as an individual then that would not be discrimination 
    But if banned as an individual, for their actions which are a result of their ability then that may or may not be discrimination - and can come down to what is reasonable.
  18. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Engagement Distance for Snipers   
    Practically mandatory.  I enjoy bolt action, it's a different style of play. And (especially when you're defensive) you're often within the range of other guns anyway, even if you're shooting at 2.3J.  Sneak and poke and have fun with it, it's all good.
  19. Like
    John_W reacted to Impulse in Engagement Distance for Snipers   
    If you're unsure at your local site, I'd just speak with the marshalls and clarify. I can't imagine they'd saddle you with an MED if you're shooting at 1.14J or lower, but they may decide to because they're lazy they don't want to have people running around with 2.3J sniper rifles point-blanking people and then claiming "no, I'm at 1J".
    Typically "AEG", "DMR" and "Sniper Rifle" are more classifications than actual RIF types. I've never been told at any site or event I've been to (outside of AI500) that I can't use a bolt action rifle at 1.14J or lower and then shoot up close like everyone else. For example, when I play Vietnam filmsim events at Gunman, they have a sniper ban during the summer where DMRs and sniper rifles are banned because the ferns grow high and it's harder to find angles without creeping into your MED. However, they still allow me to use my m700, very much a bolt action rifle with a scope on it, as long as I set it to 1.14J or under, because at that point it's just the same as anyone's AEG, just a lot quieter, typically more accurate and more satisfying to hunt GIs with  
    I've never been to a site or event that has told me I still have to have an MED if I have a bolt action rifle (or a gun that looks and acts like a DMR) at 1.14J or under. At some sites a 1.14J bolt action is far more useful, like Gunman Eversley during the summer due to their sniper ban, and also my local Worthing Airsoft as while they don't have a ban, the site becomes even more woodland CQB during the summer because of how much it bushes up.
    The only difference was AI500. They didn't let me bring one of my 1.14J bolt actions to the shopping centre one for no other reason apart from they said "no sniper rifles", even though it was under the power limits and actively would've made my life more difficult (CQB with a bolt action is a challenge, but a thrill!). They also had a moan at me at the Citadel one when I brought my m21 because it looks like a sniper rifle, but I said "it's an m14 with a scope. It's just a battle rifle and the power is under 1.14J" and so they didn't stop me from using it. So that's the only example I have of a site/event classing guns based on how the action works / what they look like.
    Also, it can go the other way (somewhat). I've seen people running arp9s with drum mags as "DMRs" because they're locked to semi-auto and the power is higher, though most events and some regular sites will specify that a DMR has to be a RIF based on a real-world DMR, like an m14, SR-25, mk12 etc. DMR rules are the thing that varies the most from site to site, as they could be 1.48J, 1.64J or 1.88J depending on the site, some sites mandate a stock, some sites require specific RIFs like I said earlier.
  20. Like
    John_W reacted to Tackle in Engagement Distance for Snipers   
    Not daft on your part, the sites are making a very common assumption that any snipers will be running at or close to their maximum limit, whereas your out of the box sniper is only doing close to the aeg limit , which would seem unfair. 
    Best thing you could do is explain this to the site, give them a call & see if they'll allow you to run it with a different contact criteria, explain its running at aeg levels & until you get it upgraded, it's more about practicing the field craft than getting long range kills.
  21. Like
    John_W reacted to Dan Robinson in Are teams with red armbands in the disadvantage?   
    And bush Wookies that put them on their ankles.
  22. Like
    John_W reacted to ParHunter in dad wont let me own an airsoft gone (read post please)   
    My son wanted to play this thing ‘Airsoft’ that I never heard of before. He told me that I have to play 3 times and then gift him a RIF. At first I was against it but he convinced me to try it out.
    I’ve enjoyed it and we’ve been going every month since. My relationship with my son has improved dramatically. Before we didn’t have much in common and now we talk Airsoft, equipment all the time (much to my wife’s annoyance 😉
    So I would try to approach your dad from that angle. As Dan already said there are lots of Dad&Son combos on the field. I thought I would be far too old for this but I’ve seen lots of grey middle aged (and older) men out there.
  23. Like
    John_W reacted to Steveocee in dad wont let me own an airsoft gone (read post please)   
    You're still a "a little bittle kid" in the eyes of the law even though you likely have some fluff on your top lip now.
    Also a point to consider - if you live in your dads house, you need to live by his rules, he may have his own prejudices against it regardless to the legalities.
    Take him to a skirmish for the day, bit of bonding, you never know he may get the bug and then you'll have all the guns you want.
  24. Haha
    John_W reacted to Enid_Puceflange in dad wont let me own an airsoft gone (read post please)   
    On Easter holidays early ? 
    (regulars will get that)
    But seeing as you clearly haven’t googled it, but your father may well have
    Here you go…..
    https://www.abbeysupply.com/resources/how-old-do-you-have-to-be-to-play-airsoft#:~:text=This means that anyone under,over the age of 18.
  25. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from Tactical Pith Helmet in Thingu   
    Everyone's favourite plasticine penguin versus a shape shifting alien invader...
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