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Everything posted by MadMole

  1. it wasnt a rif, it was a firearm (airgun). Important difference
  2. Aliexpress https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001447817981.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.5ebf3f10gQGP4J&algo_pvid=80a69d45-a586-4848-ac46-7e5c47a1320b&algo_exp_id=80a69d45-a586-4848-ac46-7e5c47a1320b-30&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000016149258230"} X 2 of course
  3. Well yeah, lets all drill holes in the polycarb till its 80% not there and call it protection Just get a Warq, end of all your fogging and protection worries
  4. ICS is a 19mm rail, the same as a real L85. The G&G is a 20mm ICS do a 20mm conversion rail for their L85/L86 if you want to run normal picatinney sights (although some will clamp small enough to fit the 19mm)
  5. I use optics on 2 1" risers for a total of 2" of rise 1) I'm slightly short sighted and astigmatic, but by using a 3X sight I can avoid wearing glasses during a game and see better than most folks 2) I wear a Warq, that requires a 1" riser due to its check weld (its only drawback) 3) I'm right handed but blind in my right eye, so when shooting right shouldered I need another 1" of riser to lift the sight up to my top eye This way, I can shoot from either shoulder (and do so) have found no negatives other than it looks a bit odd
  6. Anything from SkyRc the 65 and 100 series are brilliant and will charge any type of battery your likely to get That charger you had is 0.3amp, its not really enough ommph to charge anything in a reasonable time. 1 amp charge rate is standard requirement
  7. They've probably put in a maple leaf hop rubber, these have longer than average feed lips push the hop rubber onto the barrel firmly, or swap for a prommy purple
  8. MadMole


    Shame, its a VFC so the gearbox will explode in 20 seconds of use. Why o Why cant a good make do one (ICS, G&G are you listening?)
  9. 8 Baofengs and a licence. Most of our team now have them. I set up a Chirp program map and just send all the newbies a chirp export file that's customised with their name etc. The map has the legal licensed frequencies and the PMR ones all mapped in. I've moved from the 5r to the 9r as its waterproof, which is a bit more secure for wet game days Swap the aerials out for a genuine Nagoya 771 one, or Retevis' version and the range is good enough for anything an airsoft game is likely to throw at you Oh and when purchasing them, get them direct from official Baofeng and web sites, there is a ton of fakes and clones. When you test the fakes they have low power and terrible performance/ noidse etc. the genuine are superb
  10. Thats cos folks run 11.1v on the EVO, when its clearly stated to run 7.4v or 9.9 Life for UK spec Evo's, they only have small cylinder volume and are fast out of the box with a soft M95 spring and little to no shimming. Spinning the lot with an 11v is too much for it
  11. Yes, no problem at all. that's where my UKARA comes from We are next playing sunday 4th, come and say hi, if your there. I'm the fat guy with the L85/86 and a Warq helmet
  12. Ambush Airsoft a great site to get back into as well in Surrey https://www.ambushairsoft.co.uk/
  13. After trying Dye i4, Bolle X800, various home brew fans etc, I just went to a Warq. That's it. Sorted, no fog ever, rain, sun, running, sitting. Plus total protection, lightweight, and jusst one strap to do up. can wear my normal glasses underneath and they don't steam either
  14. Blaster's have been terrible for ages, lots of random voids in them as well
  15. I can say the same about my chineseum scope, except its also survived a whole days skirmish in heavy rain sans fog. Its not that hard a feat to accomplish
  16. A quick spray of some RS conformal coating would fix the electrical issue permanently and be a lot cheaper
  17. He shot himself in the video more than where he was aiming
  18. £9 on ebay, battery powered fish tank air pump and £2 of silicon tube. Works fine but can hear it in helmet. Basically Exfog on the cheap
  19. Just get a Warq. No more fogging ever. I've had Dye i4, Bolle X800. all fogged eventually even with Revision wipes. Upgraded to a Warq, never fogged, summer, rain, running, sitting, indooors or out No more hassle with straps for helmet, mask and googles, just one chinstrap, light, comfy, superb vision and comms built in
  20. They have a lot of adjust ability as you can re-arrange the padding and they have a wheel at the back to tighten the main strap. I have a bog standard 58 size head and there is a ton of room around my head inside. the padding and straps work well and it doesn't flop around. In fact you forget its on most off the time Only drawback is you will need to add a 1" riser to your sight as the check weld is moved
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