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Everything posted by HuttArmouries

  1. There are also the academy springers which cant be converted. Is the reciever in one or two pieces? if its a toystar there should be a latch behind the rear sight you can push to open it.
  2. They come with a springer mechanism which is shaped like a v2 gearbox. they also provide a different mag release and grip so you just take it out and drop the gearbox in
  3. http://707arsenal.com/707armory-store/
  4. Nope. ordered the kit from korea and did it myself. About £100 cheaper
  5. Not all that recent but ive only just got all the parts to get it working. Daewoo k2 from toystar. Just need to repaint the flash hider.
  6. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    A brand new molle dump pouch with extra pockets on the front and either side. Price includes fees and postage.


  7. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    A brand new drop leg holster. price includes paypal fees and postage


  8. Anyone got an army armament or g&g l85 gearbox they could measure?

  9. Just got permission from kent police to build a mortar/howitzer for airsoft which uses 12 gauge blanks to propel the shell. Now to start designing =D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      sounds pretty cool, i'd love to do that kind of thing but i doubt the police here would be so sympathetic to such ideas.

    3. HuttArmouries


      oh? where are you based?

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      northern ireland, a land where tubes and explosives are not words uttered to policemen if you want to be taken seriously.

  10. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale or swap
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    Kwa mp7. Functions well in warm weather. Im getting rid because I dont play cqb and cant really justify having this much money tied up in a gun I dont use. The gun has some wear and a crack in the back of the reciever. It was broken when I first bought it and I have repaired the receiver with epoxy and plastic adhesive. I have skirmished it several times since and not had a problem. Included with this gun Is a pelican style hard case, A power up supressor. A low power bolt, an eotech replica (dont know if it works, dont have any batteries for it) and 6 gas tight magazines. Two of them are missing o rings from the fill valve meaning some gas will be lost when filling them. They are easy to replace. One of the magazines has a broken baseplate but it still works fine. A holster is also included but requires a new rubber band to function and close properly. Looking to sell but I will consider swaps. Im mainly looking for aks at the moment. Price includes postage and paypal fees.


  11. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    A metal 1911 meu from raven. Has a few chips on the paint but functions perfectly. Includes a set of upgrade parts for use with co2 magazines and 2 mags. 1 mag works fine the other has a broken follower and feed lips but is gas tight. Price includes fees and postage.


  12. So a while ago I  bought a g&g scar broken and found the person had upgraded everything except the piston which stripped. Recently I discovered it shoots at 45 rounds per second on an 11.1 lipo or more like 25 on a 7.4. im just wondering why the hell someone would build this.

    1. Prisce


      That’ll be why the piston stripped unless he corrected it. Some people just wanna watch the world burn.

    2. HuttArmouries


      indeed. Its not even a dsg. 

      On the plus side I got a scar for £150 

  13. Im looking for any bone-yard guns people want to sell. Gbb or Aeg

  14. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    This is a we g23 I have owned and used for a year. Its not that common so for those that dont know its a pistol the size of a g26 with a ported barrel and full auto. It uses g19/26 magazines or any longer we compatible glock mags. Shoots well in reasonably warm weather. Includes 3 green gas magazines which are gas tight. I have had some issues with them not locking the slide back on the last shot. The threading in the end of the barrel is partially stripped as it was dropped with a suppressor attached. It probably wont be able to take a suppressor without getting a new barrel. It still otherwise shoots fine. Postage will be via 48h courier.


    - GB

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