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Airsoft-Ed last won the day on January 8 2015

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    WE L85A2
    TM H&K 416c Recoil Shock
    WE Glock 17 Gen4
  • Loadouts
    Contemporary British Army,
    Mash up of whatever for convenience
  • Sites
    Skirmish Airsoft, Mansfield
    Skirmish Airsoft CQB, Wentworth
    Skirmish Airsoft The Stan, Sheffield
    Tac House Spartan, Chesterfield
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Gaming, Heavy metal, guns in general. Also, anything that gets you thinking - Love QI, comedians like Tim Minchin, Bill Bailey, sitcoms like Black Books, Coupling, Spaced.
    You get the idea.

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  1. Quite amazed that DICE and EA have actually released BF4 at all. It ought to be called BugField: Unlimited.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      I started back with 1942, epic game. I had a few games of bad company but can't say I had the same experience as you lol. There isn't much to cater to old school BF style gamers now apart from mods or ARMA which is more full on and realistic than a standard BF game.

    3. SpecialForce


      Ive played it at my cousins on ultra, and yes the visuals are nice but it looks all a bit flat and way to crisp. Loads of glitches too and crashed 4 times in a matter of an hour or two. Glad i didnt pre order it! gta all the way..

    4. DX115FALCON


      It's funny because it's true!

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