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Everything posted by hitmanNo2

  1. Doing that makes you guilty of manufacturing an realistic imitation firearm. Though airsofters have a defence so is fine to do as long as you can provide evidence it's for skirmishing.
  2. I sold one back in 2007 for £130 but I don't think it had the paperwork and collector pin or whatever came with them. Just gun, mag, wooden box and box of BBs iirc. Of course market has changed a bit since then I guess but just my experience. I tried at £200 but didn't sell until I reduced to £130. I guess the buyers are out there but it just depends on how long you're willing to sit on it until they appear.
  3. Oh. Perhaps I'm making some assumptions on general knowledge. On film sets, guns are actually pointed slightly off of actors to negate any armourer failings such as this scenario but mainly to avoid any small amount of debris from the blanks hitting actors. Then camera angles do the rest and make it seem like everything is lined up.
  4. He pointed a firearm at someone and pulled the trigger. You just don't do that. Yes, even with a supposed "cold gun", even on a film set. I don't see how anyone can defend that. Sure, he didn't prep the gun and perhaps he's not legally obligated to check it but he broke a firearm safety rule and someone died. He is absolutely partially to blame.
  5. Yeah, lots of productions use airsoft in place of blank firers for various reasons. Be it cost, safety etc. You can generally tell because it looks absolute shite. They often don't bother to simulate case ejection and muzzle flashes look like crap. Though it can be done fairly well if people know what they're doing. I seem to recall Stargate SG-1 looking pretty OK for the time. Imo, no dummy/airsoft guns will ever replace proper blank firing adapted guns on screen. They just don't have the presence. Imagine Heat shot with airsoft guns. It just wouldn't have the same impact. Anyway, regarding Alec Baldwin being a murderer, lots of rumours circulating it was an actual firearm with a live round. Quite what the fuck live rounds and non blank fire adapted firearms are doing on a film set, I don't know. I'm hearing lots of reports of staff walking out over safety concerns in general as well as firearms safety concerns from previous incidents on set. I gather some of these staff were replaced with people that were perhaps not qualified to replace who they did. Whatever happened, it's a big shit show and some people are going to be in a lot of trouble. Perhaps if Baldwin wasn't so rabidly anti gun, he might know the basics of firearms safety...I couldn't imagine pointing even a blank firer at someone I wasn't willing to injure. Though the memes coming out of this are quite entertaining. (At Baldwin's expense of course. Not the poor people he shot)
  6. Yeah. I'm calling BS. Everyone, keep rocketdogbert away from your MP5s if he's holding a can of lighter fluid. He might try and force his claim into reality 😄
  7. Sounds like someone's pulling your leg
  8. When you say correct PTT, which one specifically? Generally that is the weak link.
  9. I'm starting to suspect whatever retailer advised rocketdogbert of this issue might perhaps be responsible by either messing up a battery conversion or OK'ing the use of higher rated batteries and is now trying to do damage control/passing the buck. The fact that no other retailer has heard of any issues and now TM coming back with the response above and their quickness with dealing with the MK46 issue...Very suss.
  10. Are you at liberty to say which dealer? As it seems at least a few UK dealers haven't heard anything about this.
  11. Nothing on their site either. If there is a genuine recall, they're certainly not trying very hard to get the word out.
  12. I've played a few times with Legion at Longmoor and never found the supposed random chrono or hot guns being an issue.
  13. Standard M92s are pretty much ideal for suppressors though I don't think I've ever seen one on an M93R. Perhaps you could try a Nine Ball threaded adapter. https://www.titano-store.com/en/c/airsoft-c28617/guns-external-spare-parts-c28854/accessories-c29462/m92f-nine-ball-silencer-adapter-582879-p904933
  14. Good to know. Does Sendico work with RIFs too, do you know? I know a few services don't allow them.
  15. Nothing collectible about a CYMA Thompson. They're available for £130 new so this would be worth £80-90.
  16. Gangsta City is one of those exceptions 130+ (I think) at the last one and was excellent.
  17. Real operators wear these bad boys. I'm told the guy that slotted OBL rocks one of these.
  18. I can't help but feel the fact so many were stolen means the chances of someone getting busted for it rises considerably. Now if it was a handful or a dozen or two dozen, probably easy to fly under the radar but 2000? That's 2000 opportunities for someone to fuck up. The smart play is to get them all out of the country and back into Europe. I can't see crims wanting to sit on 2000 rifs, nor can I see a good way to offload so many. Wishful thinking perhaps.
  19. Fwiw, I had a pair of scope rings that were ordered late June and sat in China until early September when they finally left and were delivered a few days after. Could just be some sellers are crap. I've found that to be unusual though.
  20. I seem to recall Legion Airsoft have done some training events in the past but I'm not seeing any more scheduled. UFPro on YouTube have some pretty decent videos too
  21. 2012 was possibly when VTs were back door Inokatsus and I believe there were some issues. VT has come a long way since then and have been refined a lot. King Arms mags are pretty much 100% clones of WA mags which are notorious for leaking. Depending on how many mags, £350 could be alright. Perhaps get on to the GBBR Heavy Recoil Club on Discord. Lots of very knowledgeable people on there. Spare parts are available from some HK shops or VT direct. By all accounts, the recent VT GBBRs are considered the creme of the crop of GBBRs. Though like the early Inos, if you get a bad one, they can be money pits.
  22. Geoffs and 6mm Ammo is what I use. No complaints.
  23. I'd imagine the typical airsofter would have no idea what most patches meant and those that did know wouldn't care either way. At the end of the day, you're playing dress up in the woods, some with meticulously sourced gear for specific looks. If patches play a part of that for you, meh. I know the general rule is wear nothing you haven't earned but it's not like you're pretending to be someone you're not for clout/personal gain.
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