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Everything posted by hitmanNo2

  1. They could do something like that place in London with electronic targets. Book a 30 min plinking time attack session etc during the day. Make people have to book for the first time so you have verified names in case any chavs/other undesirables decide to start pissing about. Then have some form of membership so you can stroll in off the street and do a bit of target shooting if you've got some time to kill in the area.
  2. A few OSB panels, some silver paint and a bit of steel and you have some Tarkov barricades
  3. Soon Crye won't need to fulfill military contracts to keep the lights on. They'll just wait for Chris' next order.
  4. @MrWilson I was wondering if you could clarify your situation regarding the various sites you were planning? What's fallen through, what (should) be going ahead etc. You've lost the tower block and both schools? Is the 65,000sq ft indoor site the same one you've referred to as the one in Maidstone or are these two separate sites?
  5. It looks like that image is a video capture so video reveal soon? I was hoping this thread might be...shedding more light on the site after I saw the teaser but back to waiting heh. Sadly there doesn't appear to be any hidden clues in the brightened image.
  6. https://prefired.co.uk/ads/we-mp7-with-5-mags/ £350 posted for what you could pickup for £365 plus postage from a retailer
  7. I imagine "going after" will be deleting the auction and telling him not to do it again. 264831947299
  8. I find it hard to believe any legitimate shop would sell a non skirmishing person a RIF on the promise that they'll gift it straight to their 15 year old child who does supposedly skirmish.
  9. I don't suppose you could share your proxy bidding service could you?
  10. I seem to recall a Pancor Jackhammer was also promised.
  11. There's going to be a very small amount of people that will appreciate this piece unfortunately. I would say maybe test the waters at £150.
  12. imo, if you're going to be spending a lot of the day sitting in a desk chair, get yourself to an office supply showroom and test out a bunch. I probably spent 2+ hours checking out chairs, getting a feel for them etc. These things are pretty expensive so you want make sure you get the right one. They're generally really configurable too. So you can option lumbar support, arm rest adjustment, back tension etc. I did look at the various gaming chairs but a few things put me off. I think the seat bolsters would really annoy me. I like a bit more freedom of movement. They're fine in a car, not for an office chair imo. I don't want to sit in an 'anti manspreading' chair all day thanks. Seat cushion comfortableness seems questionable based on quite a few reviews I read. The durability of the PU leather concerned me, with peeling and flaking reported by users. At the end of the day, I think you get better value for money from a high end office chair over a gaming centric chair.
  13. Ah, I see. I'm not on any Discord buy/sell servers. I didn't think of that avenue.
  14. Do tell where you can get them easily. I see lots of WTB ads but rarely any for sale.
  15. Free market. He clearly knows it's a sought after item and perhaps doesn't know about the new BFGs that are similar. Perhaps he does. Either way, it's most likely not going anywhere at that price. Even if some noob does pay more than RRP it's irrelevant as you can't buy them new anymore. It's all very well pointing out the piss takers when there is a plentiful supply of alternatives but for stuff no longer made, you just have to let the market decide.
  16. It's no longer manufactured. He can name his price pretty much. However excessive.
  17. I don't believe they're compatible with the MWS as the bolt extension needs to go into the end of the bolt. Might work with other GBBRs though.
  18. This seems to be a US thing and no matter how many times people explain it to them, they just don't get it. Another one is "mind your business" instead of "mind your own business". It's just really odd when they leave out own. Also, if you've not watched Trailer Park Boys, you need to. One of the characters is constantly getting sayings mixed up and comes up with hilarious stuff. https://trailerpark.fandom.com/wiki/Rickyisms
  19. Interesting. What do you have to do to modify a bolt for 350 fps?
  20. What gas do you use? They run pretty hot don't they?
  21. +1 for The Block. Or perhaps "Raid Airsoft" ?
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