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Everything posted by Keldon

  1. Talking of cosplayers and making skill here's one that shows how they get such close shaped fitting items Kamuicosplay
  2. You also have sentinel Airsoft near Dunstable of the M1. You will need someone with a car like reforger and driver wood but it's a smaller sight but is a good mix of outdoor and cqb.
  3. You also have the Ares m45-x which has changeable barrel lengths so you can go long or short. M45 user review on this site
  4. If you don't mind me asking what part of Bedfordshire you in as I'm just across the border in Hertfordshire
  5. You should check out Asmodias reviews of the southern region Airsoft sites to add some info might save you a few trips
  6. For your switch I would use a latching push button, latching just meaning it holds its on/off position which is what you need. Though they will be a little more bulky. With push button it's much easy to use with gloves then trying to flick some type of switch. Also make sure it's 12v or less type of switch. Then you should be fine.
  7. I must say it has been a joy to read all of your reviews. I will be looking forward to.your more sporadic reviews because they are always so insiteful(spelt for the pun please don't bash my spelling). Again thank you all for the hard work you have put in and may your name still bring fear to site owners for evermore.
  8. Sadly I can't make the 31st, so will have to sit this one out.
  9. Hi raven welcome, the outpost is also my local site so maybe catch you there sometime.
  10. Or how about something like a school lockers https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Grey-Metal-School-Locker-/174738279258?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286
  11. What would be good is if you could make a precise model from photos, 3d print your moulds. Though I'm not sure if that possible yet and if so how expensive it would be or what equipment is required.
  12. This is how my local site does it and it's how I think it should be.
  13. I would love to create a site of trench warfare a maze of trenches and pill boxes. With the ability to close off/open sections as needed
  14. I would stay away from Etsy as they have lots of charges and also it's difficult to be seen, have to pay for adds to go up the discover lists. Etsy has changed the past couple of years.
  15. Why did you start airsoft? I started airsoft for the chance to do something fun and spend sometime away time from my wife and kids for myself. What do you like about airsoft? Well being ex army it's nice to know I can go around shooting people and be shot without all that horrible stuff that usually comes with guns and being shot. I also like the the community it's something I missed when I left. What don't you like about airsoft (not including KM or non hit taking, something more substantial please)? I don't like how the manufacturers will tease you with a product that looks really good then 5 years later it finally arrives. Well one thing I don't like seeing is when you get a non hit taker, is that the person shooting them then gets aggressive about it. Either tell a Marshall or make sure they go home covered in lil welts. Do you think airsoft has any health benefits I.e keeping you fit etc? For some I'm sure Airsoft is the most exercise that some people get. But the best part it's fun and you don't mind doing it or even pushing that lil bit harder at times to get that hit in/capture that objective.
  16. You are right these have all been my experiences, I have got my self into punch up, most people have at some point in there life. I have had some idiot have a go because of road rage. I have also sat across from a fellow soldier in Afghanistan clean his rifle only to put it all together wrong then have it shoot a round through the tent almost taking the head off an American soldier in the next tent. So like I said some of these are good people highly trained individuals. And yet you are asking Joe public not to fall foul to the same mistakes. I don't see why we need real firearms more than we do other than I want too excuse. And I'm sorry but Joe public will not be as well trained as professionals, and professionals still make mistakes.
  17. I see most people talk about if the cases of criminals or dangerous people getting hold of guns. Though I would be more worried about the general public. How many times have you got into an altercation which has ended up in a punch up. Now all those people who only had words and fists, now have guns the ability to escalate from words to a little shove to then lethal force is greatly increased. That little bit of road rage that was just words and a bit of shouting, can now very easily escalate from words straight to finding a gun being pointed at you. Then finally all the accidents that will happen, that can be fatal. Being ex military with 13years man service and 8 years cadets experience with weapons. I have seen many negligent discharges from people who are highly trained, from all ranks including up to the Commanding Officer. So for me no matter how tight getting the licence would be it will never stop any of these incidents. So it's a hard no from me we have it right and I see no reason for why you should be allowed to have such weapons.
  18. I know everyone has mentioned internals and I'm no Airsoft tech so I and other than changing battery connection, barrel and hop rubber I've done bought. But for your externals o know the English kiwi has mad a conversion kit to make the rif into an SA80 A3 version that you may want to look at.
  19. If anyone wants to meet up I'm off to sentinel on the 19th the last game before Christmas day.
  20. If not the boot there is always the top box
  21. You can count me in for this as well, was a blast at the last one. @Asomodaiif room becomes a bit tight in @Albiscuitcar I will happily pick you up on the way past.
  22. @Krismc4 hey sentinel Airsoft have just said they will open on the 18 and 19 (sat/sun) if you fancy going.
  23. I tend to go on my own as I don't get the chance to goes as much as I would like. I just run a G&G MBR 308 as my rifle and a TM p266 pistol. I usually wear some old british army gear and a simple chest rig. So don't worry about going on own you will find we are a good bunch.
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