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Adolf Hamster

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Status Replies posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. Ever just find yourself wanting a whole new airsoft look and not having a clue what though

  2. Well, wee session tomorrow, place your bets now- will the f2000 feed or will i be scrounging a gun?

  3. Was in JDAirsoft yesterday and played around with a ICS L85A2..my god it's a heavy beastie.

  4. Wife had accident , so I'll be on kiddy duty- no pewpew for me for the foreseeable future 😞 
    She'll be okay eventually, they say  - she's fractured her coccyx 😞 
    On the plus side, I should be getting some stuff delivered today so I can convert my ASGMK23 into a DMR 😄 



  5. Was in JDAirsoft yesterday and played around with a ICS L85A2..my god it's a heavy beastie.

  6. Was in JDAirsoft yesterday and played around with a ICS L85A2..my god it's a heavy beastie.

  7. Had the JG M4 front end in pieces re-arranging rails and shit, plopped the battery back in after a quick charge to check everything was good to go for SUnday and nothing....


    ...no power and all cells are showing as good on the battery.


    What the fuck?

  8. Well that was fun..changing the springs on both my Nuprol & ICS.  ICS Was simple, but small springs were a bitch.  Nuprol has the quick change out of the back of the mechbox..but my god I had to take the gun apart practically.  After many mistakes, managed to put everything back to working order..just need to get  a new spring tomorrow to go in the ICS to bring the FPS down, now i've extended the barrel.   I had fun!!!

  9. you dint see nothin

  10. Hmm, starting to think perhaps the sig might be nearing retirement, great gun but its really starting to show its age.


    Wonder what i should replace it with

  11. Well it looks like i willbe selling my soul to the multiglam UKSF look over the next few months/year. Poor bank balance will be poor

  12. Well it looks like i willbe selling my soul to the multiglam UKSF look over the next few months/year. Poor bank balance will be poor

  13. Well it looks like i willbe selling my soul to the multiglam UKSF look over the next few months/year. Poor bank balance will be poor

  14. Hmm, starting to think perhaps the sig might be nearing retirement, great gun but its really starting to show its age.


    Wonder what i should replace it with

  15. welp, mg42's reciever is bent. dis gon'b fun to fix....

  16. Hmm, starting to think perhaps the sig might be nearing retirement, great gun but its really starting to show its age.


    Wonder what i should replace it with

  17. how do you guys carry around gas?

  18. Had a great day playing a civilian, was a really good event! 


    Refreshing playing without all my gear!


  19. Time for some 'Pew Pew Pew' tomorrow... :)

  20. Hmm, starting to think perhaps the sig might be nearing retirement, great gun but its really starting to show its age.


    Wonder what i should replace it with

  21. Hmm, starting to think perhaps the sig might be nearing retirement, great gun but its really starting to show its age.


    Wonder what i should replace it with

  22. Hmm, starting to think perhaps the sig might be nearing retirement, great gun but its really starting to show its age.


    Wonder what i should replace it with

  23. Hmm, starting to think perhaps the sig might be nearing retirement, great gun but its really starting to show its age.


    Wonder what i should replace it with

  24. Hmm, starting to think perhaps the sig might be nearing retirement, great gun but its really starting to show its age.


    Wonder what i should replace it with

  25.  I need a better storage system.
    As opposed to thrown all over the bedroom floor, in the wardrobe, in the bookcase, on the bookcase, next to the bookcase, in the bureau, on the bureau, behind the bed, under the bed.
    Christ on a bike there's a lot of stuff.

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