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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Took midcaps out for a spin, holy cow they're fun to use :) almost forgot what "fun" means in airsoft :)


    Also took the ssx out and it performed nicely, somewhat quiet even without the suppressor 😕

    Did have one double feed, but that's because I cocked the gun and de-cocked it again to holster it.
    range is stupid Btw, outranged everything. By a far margin. With stupid good accuracy.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Midcaps is bestest caps. Only guns that should have clockwork in the magazine are support guns.

    3. Skara


      *stares at his arp9*


      Gud support weapon comrade

    4. Druid799


      ARP was made for the drum mag AND visa versa ! 👍

  2. Sometimes I hop onto the old italian forum to see if anyone's still posting.


    Every time I get surprised by the human stupidity.

    1. Druid799


      Not a lot of activity on them , and what there is comes from the shallow end of the gene pool ? 

    2. ak2m4


      What forum is that? 

    3. Skara


      Only a handful of users left and they are definitely not smart ones.


      Mods think they have the supreme knowledge of airsoft and they shit quite hard on new users who try to gather information on the game.


      Forum layout doesn't help either as it's really chaotic


      Btw it's SAM (soft air mania).

  3. Airsoftfacepro, you should find him on facebook
  4. speedsoft doesn't exist here, we're all a bunch of super tacticool, SF wannabes. Running around in lycra will surely piss a lot of people off p.s. agree, i'd rather be in jeans, but the meme potential is sooooooo tempting
  5. Same, I'd like a speedsoft loadout for the memes
  6. Nice! I have a Ticket To The Moon hammock that I use for my bushcraft adventures I just need a nice DD 3x3 tarp to complement it Meanwhile I just picked up a Tasmanian Tiger laser cut belt in Coyote Brown for my new sniper loadout https://www.tasmaniantiger.info/en/product/tt-hyp-belt-30mm/
  7. Just placed an order for the SSX 23, extra mag, DTD holster and paddle mount. Should be here by Monday/Tuesday now I just need a suppressor
  8. So, my birthday is coming on Monday and I'm thinking about a new purchase.

    So far the choices are:

    -Mancraft kit for the striker

    -HPA kit for my main m4 (Ares am 009)


    I was also considering a sidearm.


    Any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Asomodai


      Why go with a sidearm when you can go for a primary side arm? KSC Auto 9. 

    3. StayOnTarget


      And so it begins 😁

    4. Druid799


      “Hi my name is Skara and I’m an addict , I’d like to spread the responsibility for it through out the community!” 🤦‍♂️


  9. He's getting extremely lucky though, all the orders my friends made from San Marino always turned out to be turds 🤣 Also feels good to see something different than the usual AR
  10. > southern Europe is under a pretty harsh heatwave with super high temperatures coupled with shrek's swamp levels of humidity

    > there is a tournament on Sunday, in one of the hottest places in my region, fully exposed to the sun from every angle and terrain is quite rough since we're playing on top of a mountain that has no trees, only shrubs.

    > organization has changed the position of a couple of objectives "because they were too close to each other", effectively chancing the whole tournament.

    > 25kms under the sun and 7 objectives, to be completed within 8 hours

    > of course there are no water fountains or streams or anything to collect water from.


    What in the actual fuck is wrong with these people?

    1. StayOnTarget


      I'm predicting a Laurence of Arabia loadout on the horizon 🖖 

    2. Druid799


      That is fecking ridiculous ! There’s no way on the face of this earth your NOT going to have some serious if not life threatening de-hydration situations there ! Who ever is organising it AND still allowing it to go on should be kicked off this one and permanently banned from ever organising another event of any kind .

      Period . 

    3. Skara


      It's gonna be fun.


      Last tournament the organizing team removed a couple of objectives because they weren't the safest thing considering the weather.


      If they're smart, they'll go back to the original plot and maybe bring some extra water bottles for the participants.

      If not, we'll take out sweet revenge when it'll be our turn to organize 😈

  11. Sniping time tomorrow :D

    Also raging time as our field sucks for sniping.

    1. Steveocee


      Good luck with the weather like this. I’ve had to abort this weekend due to wind speeds.

    2. Skara


      Wind isn't an issue apart from a couple of spots that are really exposed.


      Had a nice warm day (Actually a tad too warm for my taste) and once again I reminded myself why nobody runs a sniper rifle on our field xD too much vegetation, longest engagement I had was 20 metres, luckily I had my arp with me.

  12. Very intriguing, I expect a detailed review soon!!
  13. The "deal" is that a dude once posted a thread named "the £700 SWAT loadout" and got roasted to the next level. I guess someone still has PTSD from it 😂
  14. I thought I was done buying pouches. Right: Templars Gear small cargo in genuine multicam to keep my phone, car keys and cigarettes Left: Emerson electronics pouch still in genuine Gucci cam, just because I liked the design.
  15. 2.56 AM.

    4 hours of sleep.

    4 hours drive to do and 8 hours of tournament.


    Kill me please.

  16. Alright, cheers. Unfortunately I can't use that gun on tomorrow's tournament, no biggie though as my main is still below the limit, I'll be taking that instead edit: I didn't think it would give me THAT much of a boost, I thought it would give me 3/4 m/s tops.
  17. Is it possible that a simple hop bucking swap gave me a 12 m/s boost? Went from the standard Ares clear green one to a Prometheus purple and my gun went from 90 m/s to 102..
  18. Packing my gear for tomorrow's long range tournament.

    Roughly a 25km hike through various objectives, including recon, assassinations and stealthy stuff to do.

    Now, what rig do I pack? 😕

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skara


      It is gonna be fun.

      Weather forecast says it's already heavily raining up there, and it's gonna rain all day tomorrow xD

      I wonder if I should prepare my scuba gear as well..


      I just don't know what chest rig to take with me, considering I will bring my 2300bb drum + one spare lonex flash mag (which will stay empty in my pack), a multitool, compass, short 10cm ruler, pens, pencils, some gardening shears aaand a lot of butt paper..


      So it's either my Mini Mav or my TMR

    3. Skara



      I'm soaking wet. Even after a spare change of clothes.

      Hasn't stopped raining once, the trail was difficult to begin with, the rain just turned it into a mud and slippery rocks madness.

      I had to give up at three quarters of the event because I was getting terrible leg cramps, the rest of my team carried on for the last 2 objectives.

      But it was damn fun, this kind of events allows for objective recon rather than doing stuff basically blind. We spent about an hour observing and sneaking up on one of the objectives, and when the HQ gave us a green light we "closed" it in less than 3 minutes, eliminating the whole defense in a matter of seconds and completing all the tasks.


      Results aren't out yet but I'm pretty confident we got another first place.


      Gear wise, the kit I chose turned out to be way too heavy for the terrain, especially my gun, which turned into a slab of granite with that drum.


      Next tournament will see a belt + pack kit with the arp9, hopefully the weather won't be as shit as it was today, further eliminating the bulk and weight of waterproofs.


      On top of that I probably need a new pair of boots, my current Crispi ones are getting a tad destroyed and they don't grip that much anymore, along with Gore-Tex slowly giving up on life.

    4. Skara


      We ended up in 1st place.

      We now need another 1st to have access to the national finals.

      No stress btw 😂

  19. If you want something to read I posted a review of the rig on the forums a while back
  20. Yeah, they ship extremely fast (my last order, my Helikon TMR, took less than 24 hours to be delivered at my doorstep, but I live in Italy so it doesn't really take that much :P) they also have a great stock of both genuine and repro gear. Totally recommend them
  21. Nice TMR and Emperion patch you got there Are you using a particular insert for the mp7 mags?
  22. Save for a HPA kit or buy a short dot for the upcoming tournament?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skara


      There's one. Even though paintball is illegal here lmao.


      Will ring them tomorrow.

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Didnt see the location, is it really illegal in italy? 

    4. Skara


      Yes, markers are too powerful (>1J) and the ammunition type (anything that contains liquids or gases) is strictly forbidden.


      But we're in Italy and nobody cares.

  23. Rain loadout Lightweight, simple, effective. Impressed by the DPM Gore-Tex jacket, didn't think a €40 jacket could be so good and comfortable.
  24. Went to Decathlon for a pair of OD trousers and noticed they made a really lightweight OD/RG ubacs for €15.

    I'll buy it next week as I'll be going to another store to see what they have in stock :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skara


      Yeah I use some of their kit for hiking, as it is good quality for the price.

      Mostly tees and trousers, I have a couple of small backpacks and stuff like towels. Been using them for years and I'm still impressed by the material resistance!


      I'll report back when I get my hands on them.

    3. Burny


      Bought the majority of this last season's hunting gear from Decathlon, brilliant stuff and stupid cheap.

    4. Skara


      Now that I think about it, I'll pick up a pair of waterproof trousers as well.

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