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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Finally a fun day!

    11 people, 6 attackers and 5 defenders to spice things up, good team movements and tactics.

    Had a big laugh the whole morning although one guy complained about me not calling a hit during the last game, but I honestly didn't feel it (he probably missed as I played with only a tee and belt, no pack or anything), game was over anyway as it would have been a trade but I apologized nonetheless.


    If only all game days were like this.

    1. Druid799


      Had one of those last wk , site normally has anything between 60-80 players but there were only 35 on the day , plenty of space to move around the site and the gameplay was so much more better than normal , makes you realise how good it can be ? 👍

  2. I believe good trigger discipline and at least 2 working brain cells would make losing an eye while posing for a picture pretty much impossible.
  3. Get a short outer and a 300mm inner. Cylinder volume solved without buying a NEMO kit.
  4. Buy cheap, buy twice.


    Been telling that to a new team member, he bought a lot of cheap Chinese crap and he's now been annoying for a whole week, texting me and other teammates trying to leech good gear at low prices..

    As if he doesn't have a well paying job already 😕

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Druid799


      I’d say yes and no to ‘buying cheap, buying twice’ as in if you buy the cheapest you can find ? Then you almost deserve it to implode on its first use to teach you a lesson in being a tight ass ! 😱 BUT equally when I see someone who’s dropped a gazillion £’s on a ‘genuine Hailey strategic’ micro chest rig (and takes great pleasure in telling EVERYONE!) I think it’s a bit of dick waving there is plenty of cheap good kit out there , just don’t be a tight arse with the dosh .👍

      PS I’d also say don’t sell him the good mags at a knock down price , teach him a valuable lesson in listening to his team mates ! 😈

    3. Skara


      Of course I'm not selling him my 5 Lonex mags lol. I'll give him my 2 Ares high caps.

      Lonex is lyf. Lonex is love. They just scream reliability all over the place.


      I just had a post game chat with teammates about genuine equipment, the thing is, repros are fine as long as they're good quality for the money, otherwise (imo) it's just better to invest a few more beer tokens into something that a) lasts longer and b) holds its value when selling it.

    4. Druid799


      Totally agree bud when it comes to gear use ya noggin ! Unless the kit is in an 80% off sale or something like that if it’s priced the same as a can of coke and a packets of chips then odds are it’s a PoS not exactly rocket science ! 🤦‍♂️ Does make me laugh the way I’ll see a player wearing an absolutely shit nasty rig from fleabay that’s probably didn’t cost £20 delivered but then putting on a pair of trainers at the end of the day to drive home that you know they’ve dropped £100+ on ! 😳

  5. I carry too much crap on me when playing 😕


    I think it's time to go back to basics 😕

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara


      I know, I have 2 belts, but my complaint was directed to my pack, which is usually full of shit since it's rather large (20 litres).

      My chest rigs don't bother me at all, they're pretty lightweight and almost unnoticeable even when fully loaded ;)

    3. Druid799


      How long do your games last , and how far away are you from the safezone?

    4. Skara


      20 minutes game with no pause in between, from 8 am to around noon.

      No safezone (apart from our cars, but they're pretty far away from the actual play area)

  6. Cheaters gonna cheat, even if you hurt them.

    Blasted a dude in the face with the striker from around 15 metres (gun shoots 0.99J with .20s and I was using 30s, add a bit of joule creep), saw tooth fragments coming out of his mouth, he shrugged it off and kept playing.

    Next time I'm gonna load .40s and see if he still doesn't call it when I go through his whole throat.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Immortal


      I'm not saying you did or didn't but having shatterered a canine tooth myself it's not something you can shrug off easily. I had to pull the tooth fragment out which was hanging from a nerve and it was no easy task. I have a high pain threshold and I can say it was not something I could ignore no matter how fast I ripped it out.

    3. Steveocee


      Why would you head/face shot at that range? Aim for centre mass, if it doesn't get called and by a miracle you aren't seen then shoot again. That's extremely dangerous, also a lesson on why you SHOULD wear lower face pro.

    4. Skara


      Centre of mass WAS his face, that was all I could see as he was peaking from behind a tree..

      He also couldn't spot me as I fired through a tiny opening in a barricade. There were at least 2 more guys keeping him pinned..

  7. That moment when you have some spare Euros to waste on airsoft stuff, but your local shops don't have anything interesting :(

  8. I love when it rains and all your teammates decide it's not worth it.

    Then the rain stops and everyone is complaining that we're not playing.


    Like, how about you grow up a pair and get out of bed?




    Fucking chairsofters..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skara


      I totally agree, bad weather days always provide the most fun. No idea why though.

      Maybe it's because we get only 6 to 10 people, the ones that play together all the time, so we're ultra chilled and just want to have a good time.

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i think it's because if you're dedicated enough to the sport to stay out in shitty weather then you're more likely to be the type to play properly.

    4. RMDavis


      Totally agree with the above comments. It was raining on and off Saturday and I had one of the best days 'pewing' in a long time! Surrounded by a bunch of like minded people (decent players that took their hits) End of the day, we're all running around at the weekend playing 'army' why does bad weather have to stop that? Combat clothing etc drys out very quickly! 

  9. Ye I've seen live examples, the family I mentioned tried to enforce veganism to their house cats, but it didn't really work out as they lived in a farm full of mice. That was the first time I witnessed God's perfect killing machines doing their jobs and it was amazing They had quite weird animals tho, there was this huge pig named Gorgo which behaved like a dog 😕 super gentle with the kids, super playful 😕
  10. Lel vegans, had a terrible experience a few years ago. As a scout chief, I try to give the boys a clean, unbiased point of view on how the world is currently working so that they can develop their own thoughts They wanted to know more about vegans so we got in contact with a family who ran an animal shelter and decided to spend a few days with them. what a terrible mistake.. We found out they were the worst kind of vegan, they couldn't stand our presence just because they knew we eat meat. turned out the wife was switching sex after giving birth to 2 children, the man wanted to strip naked and live in the forest. Literally every vegan stereotype was present in those 2 individuals. when we got home we bought a whole pig and roasted it to cleanse us from that filth xD on the other hand I know a couple of vegan girls, actually pretty cute, and they don't give a shit if someone eats meat EDIT: for the record, those 2 girls actually like meat, if you know what I mean 😏
  11. Parts arrived today, here's what she looks like Will swap the suppressor out for something that actually works, wrap the inner barrel in foam to stop it from vibrating and probably fill the stock with foam as well. Can't wait to test it out this Sunday
  12. Took half an ice age, but I finally got my box from High Precision Airsoft AA AS02 hop adjustment wheel AA 23mm to 14mm thread adaptor Ares striker short mag in DE Now I just need a properly working suppressor 🤔
  13. More than 48 hours to deliver a small box.

    Like, the post office is literally 200m away from my doorstep, how can they take so fucking much?

    Can't even go and collect it myself because they haven't even attempted to deliver it yet.


    I even need to pay them €16 for "international delivery fee"


    Fucking robbery that is.

    1. Albiscuit


      Deliveries in this day and age are soo hit and miss..


      Always winds me up how Nike can take an order from me, tell me I have paid. email me three days later telling me item is out stock and I will not receive anything, or email me three days later telling me the item will be dispatched and I should expect delivery in three to five days.


      I have ordered from an independent store in Spain late at night, had an email first thing the next day saying item had been sent and revive it the following day, so two working days from ordering! With sweets in the box :)  


      Same with airsoft stores and stupid delivery charges/times. If it fits in an envelope why do I need to pay £9.99 for postage PFTT!!!


      Its a double edged sword, we buy online as its easier than getting off our arses, yet hate having to pay and wait for items to arrive :P  

    2. Skara


      I only had issues with the national postal service.

      All the private couriers always delivered right on time or earlier than the estimated date.

      This order should've been here by the 2nd of February, today's the 7th.. And I still had to give them €14 because the parcel came from outside the EU 😕

  14. Cool, ordering a new Ares mag release assembly tomorrow Cheers 😘
  15. Quick question. Can a magazine release catch be the cause of misfeeding/not feeding at all/air leaks? I have 2 Ares Amoeba M4s, same exact lower receivers, used to feed flawlessly every mag i could throw at them. Not long ago i lost my whole mag release assembly on one and purchased an aftermarket ambidextrous mag release thingy. Since then, said gun has had troubles feeding from midcaps, while the other still feeds fine.
  16. True, but it's your gun and you should be showing it (if that makes you happy), whatever model it is
  17. Factory short stroking, from what I've seen on my mate's box, but I may be wrong. Probably a high speed motor or a faster ratio gears (14:1 or 13:1) as well. It's TM after all, their guns are spot on.
  18. Don't fit in mine. I have a mix of condor, Helikon and WAS pouches
  19. HPAirsoft parcel made its way across the pond to the Italian customs.

    I wonder how many eons it'll take for them to make sure I'm not a terrorist and send me my stuff :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. proffrink


      Ahhh, I see. There're British and Polish companies also going by the same name. Perhaps they all need to get a bit more imaginative :D

    3. Skara


      I love how everyone in this forum gets their stuff from overseas in 3 days and I'm the idiot that waits for weeks, still stuck in customs and won't be here before Wednesday -.-

      This country is so third world it's not even funny..


      Also yeah proffrink, retailers have the extraordinary capacity to choose the same name 😕 "i ordered from X" "X in the UK, Italy, Norway or Burundi?" xD

    4. Skara


      Small update, parcel has successfully passed customs inspection, it appears i'm not a terrorist.

      Now it has to get from Milan to my place. It's only 250 kms but I suspect it'll take a long time.

  20. A variation of my lumber-tac loadout. No chest rig or mags because arp drum. Also camo pants instead of plain colours (green or grey) because reasons. A quick list: Clothing: A-tacs FG pants H&M green/black checkered shirt Crispi Ranger Desert GTX boots Mechanix FastFit gloves in guccicam Condor ball cap with a bodged gopro mount, camera is a Hero 3 Silver Valken Sierra goggles (which for some reason didn't fog today despite the rain) OneTigris mesh mask Belt is my standard battle belt, basically double pistol mag pouch, WAS m4 mag pouch, dump, radio, utility. Backpack is a Condor Tidepool with a radio pouch attached. Didn't carry a bladder, used it to store a first aid kit and spare eyepro. Really liked it, allows for great mobility and low profile Gun, not pictured: ARP 9, still stock, just a t1, foregrip and battery extension unit.
  21. Iirc ML did a SRS specific bucking
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