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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Hsgi sure grip or frv tailoring?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. clumpyedge


      You can buy direct from UR OPS

    3. Skara


      Customs and extra fees though. But well, if the quality is there it may be worth..


      Colour wise?

      Pouches and holster are going to be multicam, but I'd like the belt to be of a different colour/pattern.


      My TMR is in A-Tacs iX, my Mini Mav is multicam and my jpc (which will go soon) is multicam too.


      Would ranger green be a decent looking match?



      Btw, €80 shipped.

    4. Lozart


      I've bought direct from UR Tactical and from their ebay page https://www.ebay.com/str/multicamguy2/BELTS-SUSPENDERS/_i.html?_storecat=2666446015 and it's still been cheaper and quicker than getting a belt from FRV. Never been stung for extra customs duty either and I've bought a range of stuff from pouches to plate carriers from them!

  2. Question: How much would you pay for a 2nd hand HSGI Sure Grip belt with its Cobra inner?
  3. What a sad sack of shit I am.


    I also need a better belt, this one keeps sliding down (that's what you get for being a poor, cheap fuck)

  4. Used TM hi capa 4.3 for €100, yay or nay?

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      if it's in decent nick i'd say why not, mine's been stellar despite having basically no provenance.

    2. Skara


      I can try and lower the price to 80.


      Has a couple of scratches but nothing major, next week I'll check how it shoots and if the mag has any leak.

  5. I'd say go for it if you feel like writing something, worst case scenario nobody will read it. In any case it's up to you..
  6. Heh, different applications tbf, they do make sense on a bolt action, not so much on an AEG though By the way, I am afraid it's time to write another 2 or 3 articles your content is really enjoyable, at least for me, what makes it good is the little tips here and there, impressions and your honest opinion on whatever is the topic.
  7. Looks good, I'd keep them off if I were you, just to let the handguard shine in all its glory.
  8. On a side note, I just can't stop watching Negative Airsoft's videos. Brutally honest, tells you why that thing is bad and absolutely hates ptfe and sorbothane.. Almost makes me want to disassemble a gun just for the sake of it..
  9. It was a comment on your "no one watches my videos" statement, most of the people who look around for military/firearm related reviews are airsofters, and they usually look for generic or well known stuff, something you don't really show (but you do show other things, which may be useful for people who are serving). So basically any sniper channel lol
  10. Everything I have on that belt (apart from 2 pouches) is RS btw xD Since I'm ignorant and uneducated, I just zip tied the adapter onto the belt problem solved, and when I finally find a decent real steel belt that fits my needs, I will still have an unmodded adapter to use
  11. Is it THAT hard to make milspec stuff?

    I mean, molle has some precise dimensions which can't be messed up (as in it takes some effort to), yet manufacturers keep fucking it up..

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. carlos469


      Irony? I'm american and own a Ar15 back in the states so I definitely didnt want to cheap out on a carrier. Hence cant bring it my gun here so might as well use it for airsoft. 🤷‍♂️

    3. Lozart


      5.11 aren't as great as their hype would have you think.

    4. carlos469


      Each to their preferences at that. I do enjoy my carrier though, it fits me well vs the cheap ones I've used before it.

  12. Cytac molle adapter for my dtd. But guess what, it doesn't fit my Emerson belt because its molle is off spec on the sides (has small panels instead of a uninterrupted strip of nylon).. So I guess I'm going to sell the belt and look for another one -.- Or I could mod the adapter, cheaper and easier option really..
  13. @TheFull9 your reviews are good, the problem (which really isn't a problem tbf) is the subject, it's stuff that the average airsofter will never buy, whether it's because of the price/availability/style/whatever. I could never do a video review of anything, my spoken London is pretty bad unless I've gone through a few beers and in general I am shy and feel dumb talking to a camera
  14. Interesting concept, but failed application as usual when it comes to WAZZAPGAYS xD
  15. Alright, let's spend money we don't have on stuff we don't need :D

    1. Lozart
    2. clumpyedge


      * to impress people we don't like ;)

    3. Skara


      Went to the shop, wanting to buy a lot of stuff, ended up buying only a pistol taco clone..

      Holy shit, this new owner is so sad.

      Doesn't play airsoft, doesn't know what's in stock, can't tell multicam from m81.


      Another quality shop gone to shit I guess.

  16. 1j gun vs 0.4s, will it end well?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rogerborg
    3. Skara


      Bbs are grey :P

      if I can track them and they actually perform on my gun, I may even use them in a skirmish.

      if not, I'll stick to 0.3/0.32s


      Also can't dodge bbs if you can't locate me :P

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      if you use the range you can be shooting at folk who dont think you can hit them so they wont dodge

  17. Yes. The top should sit right in line with your nipples, so that your belly is clear of anything. Depends primarily on how comfortable you feel though. I like my rigs to sit high, others like them low and sloppy around their bellies
  18. She's not UP to the task. It was terrible, made no sense. Also no, I'm not sorry.
  19. Actually lost faith in online reviews when I bought the Helikon TMR. The only review I could find was from an italian airsoft channel in which the guy said: yeah... it's a small rig... has M4 open top pouches... it's very small... for around 6 minutes without showing a single feature of the rig. basically bought it blind and got lucky, as it is an awesome rig. But there was a serious chance of me throwing €100 in the bin. Now, on a side note, I'll probably update the review I posted in here, I've had it for a while now. I do agree with you, reviews from people affiliated to shops/brands aren't reliable.
  20. That's sad to hear. Although it is just a rumor, I wouldn't be surprised if someone charged for reviews, given the huge amount of super biased reviews you find online. Just take a look at what happened with the SSP1.. Everybody jerking off at Nov's new toy, riding the hype train from the SSG24 (which, price apart, is a good gun) and then the masses ended up with a non functioning pistol in their hands. Kinda the same happened with the ssx, although this time I saw/read way more critiques than with the ssp and people were prepared to deal with issues.
  21. Help me understand it if I got it wrong. So, let's say I post a loadout article/video in which I explain why I have come up with what I've come up with (lmao), I get a list in the comments of things I've done wrong. Is it the meaning of your post? If so, I'd say it's a good thing, as it opens up for discussions and someone may see something I couldn't and vice versa. Unless of course people type shit like "duh should of pickt X brand cuz Y person haz it reeeee", in that case they can die in a fire, with Y person and X brand. And their pet turtle. This is what I mean about gun reviews, 90% of them are just unboxings with a quick and useless chrono/accuracy test. You get the big views if it's something relatively new or popular, but is it quality content?
  22. By "unedited" I mean cutting out the part in which you wait for 10 minutes to get medic'd back in or a walk to regen, but I'd like to see more scenes of what revolves around the bb slinging part, idk, gearing up, some banter, missing the opponent, looking for a good position to set up an ambush, that kind of stuff. Won't give you big views, but imo it would be a more immersive experience. Cheater videos ruined airsoft and only fueled hate towards some "celebs". Amped Airsoft's old videos on MW were good because they showcased the whole milsim experience, not the engagements only. Makes sense, but most of the times the screen is just black with a tiny ass hole in which it gets really hard to see where the bb is going and all that. Remove the black part and it's fixed. No BF/COD style hit markers, they're just lame and we already discussed them in another thread. I check LO videos quite regularly for new ideas, recently I've gone through every corner of the internet to find a decent belt loadout video/article, as I was in the process of building my new sniper kit. Couldn't find a single one worth watching/reading. Nobody who explained WHY he did that or bought this. Also most of the videos/articles have been made by either 13yo kids who just started playing or by retailers who need/want to sell their products (Novritsch & friends are included in this category).
  23. Just asking for your opinion, I'm not planning to make a blog or create an airsoft YouTube channel of any kind, honestly can't be arsed to record and edit gameplay or even buy cameras to do so. I often take my gopro with me but most of the times I leave it in the car, and the few times I actually record something it's mostly me cursing at thorns stuck in my butt.. What do you look for? I personally like genuine, unedited gameplay, with some commentary here and there to explain what happens, longish videos (15+ minutes). Obviously no clickbait titles, no insane scopecam headshot montages unless it a sniper video, but then the overlayed reticle has to be minimal, just a very light and thin cross on the full rectangular picture, not those circle shits we see nowadays.. I don't mind guns/gear reviews if they are well done, with proper explanations on key parts, breakdowns, showing what the internals of a gun look like when new and used. Proper chrono and range test with different bb weights. EpicAirsoftHD style, he used to put guns in a vice to remove any operator error. Loadout videos would be appreciated if the authors took their time to explain why that pouch is there, what real purpose it serves and some tips/tricks they found out over the years. Especially on sniper kits, showing off a beautifully crafted leaf suit is cool and all, but then a "how to" process is nowhere to be seen. Also chest rigs/belts are rarely well shown, most of them are a bunch of random pouches thrown in without a reasoning process behind. Some good ones are the Amped Airsoft kit videos for Milsim West, detailed explanations of why a particular thing is there. A good blog imo should look like this: https://stipsniper.com/ Your thoughts?
  24. Watching a couple of walkthroughs.

    Found a 15 hours long Metro Exodus gameplay video.


    Fuck me.

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