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Status Replies posted by Skara

  1. KWA g19, worth keeping in 2020?

  2. KWA g19, worth keeping in 2020?

  3. FRV has just shipped my order.

    Which I made yesterday.

    What the fuck?

  4. Which colour for a FRV belt?

  5. Which colour for a FRV belt?

  6. Just knocked out a tooth filling with a fucking Pringles chip.

    Fuck me.

  7. Who's in work today? I am 😞

  8. > be me

    > have some spare cash

    > have no fucking idea what to get for Christmas



  9. > be me

    > have some spare cash

    > have no fucking idea what to get for Christmas



  10. Opinions on LBX?

    Quality for the price?

    Utter bollox?

  11. Absolutely retarded idea, but.


    What if I mod a pair of jeans to accept Crye style knee pads?

  12. Any suggestions for a decent all year round pistol. Finding my green gas pistols just can’t cut it this time of year so thinking maybe c02. Budget about £150 including extra mag 

  13. Ares airsoft.




    You useless piece of trash company.


    Can't even make a proper fucking handguard.

  14. Dropped of my G&G 416 clone to get fixed....tested a BOLT 416 clone and my god the recoil on it is good!  Much better than the TM I tried the other weekend...and I really looked at it closely, nothing loose and everything is tight and tolerances seem very good.  I've read that BOLT has some former TM staff working with them...  Really fancy a M16A4....but FireSupport are doing a deal atm..not as good as their blackfriday one..but I don't know what to do...Argh! :) :) 


  15. Ares airsoft.




    You useless piece of trash company.


    Can't even make a proper fucking handguard.

  16. Ares airsoft.




    You useless piece of trash company.


    Can't even make a proper fucking handguard.

  17. That feeling when the person you asked a small technical question to is deliberately ignoring you.

  18. Yo @Steveocee, you just ended up on Instagram in a KM name and shame post.

  19. Just paid my second customs/handling charge in as many weeks. That's it! I'm not buying any more guns until at least next year!

  20. I fancy a softshell jacket for the colder months - what's the latest gucci kit out there?

  21. I fancy a softshell jacket for the colder months - what's the latest gucci kit out there?

  22. 2hrs on my Mk23 last night. I have a brass screw in each mag and a non sticky trigger to show for it.

  23. Is anyone in the Sniper Ops Facebook group?


    If so, is it me or the content posted in said group is getting lamer and lamer every day?

  24. Amazing day of pew-pew at NPF today, haven't enjoyed airsoft like that for a long time!

  25. Amazing day of pew-pew at NPF today, haven't enjoyed airsoft like that for a long time!

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